时间序列分析——大总结:我一个统计学老师 备课 用过的统计学书籍/文献/课程资料







时间序列分析(Time Series Analysis)


  1. 《Forecasting: Principles and Practice》2nd. Rob J Hyndman,George Athanasopoulos.

  2. 《Forecasting: Principles and Practice》3rd. Rob J Hyndman,George Athanasopoulos.

  3. 《Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting 》2nd: Peter J. Brockwell, Richard A. Davis etc.

  4. 《Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting 》3rd: Peter J. Brockwell, Richard A. Davis etc.

  5. 《Time Series Analysis -With Applications in R》2nd: Jonathan D.Cryer, Kung-Sik Chan.

  6. 《时间序列分析及应用 – R语言》2nd: Jonathan D.Cryer, Kung-Sik Chan著;潘红宇 等译。

  7. 《Time Series Analysis and its applications》3rd:Robert H.Shumway, David S.Stoffer.

  8. 《Time Series Analysis and its applications》4th:Robert H.Shumway, David S.Stoffer.

  9. 《Applied time series analysis with R》2nd: Wayne A. Woodward, Henry L. Gray, Alan C . Elliott.

  10. 《Forecasting with Exponential Smoothing the State Space Approach》Rob J. Hyndman, Anne B. Koehler,

  11. J. Keith Ord and Ralph D. Snyder.

  12. 《Time Series Analysis by State Space Methods》2nd: J. Durbin, S. J. Koopman.

  13. 《Practical Time Series Analysis——Prediction with Statistics & Machine Learning-with python》Aileen Nielsen

  14. 《Analysis of Integrated and Cointegrated Time Series with R》: Bernhard Pfaff

  15. 《Introduction to Time Series Analysis and Forecasting》2nd: Douglas C. Montgomery, Cheryl L. Jennings, Murat Kulahci.

  16. 《Time Series Analysis: Forecasting & Control》5th: George Box, Gwilym M. Jenkins, Gregory Reinsel, John Wiley & Sons.

  17. 《多元时间序列分析及金融应用-R语言》蔡瑞胸(Ruey S.Tsay)著;张茂军,李洪成,南江霞 译。

  18. 《多元时间序列模型》Patrick T.Brandt, John T.Williams著;辛济云 译。

  19. 《应用时间序列分析-R软件陪同》吴喜之。

  20. 《应用时间序列分析》第3版:王燕

  21. 《应用时间序列分析》:史代敏,谢小燕

  22. 《时间序列分析:单变量和多变量方法》第2版:魏武雄


埃克塞特大学:经济学(University of Exeter)

多伦多大学士嘉堡校区: 统计学 经济学(University of Toronto Scarborough)

布里斯托大学:金融(University of Bristol)
