
胆汁酸 药物吸收

Increased intestinal bile acid reabsorption and reduced intestinal bile acid efflux may result in increased intestinal bile acid content and total bile acid pool size in DKO mice.


  • 所在语境

  • 结果来源论著2019IF 14.7Hepatology


Excessive production of some bile acids and bile acid malabsorption can lead to overabundance of bile acids, which is a hallmark of IBD, although the exact mechanisms remain unknown.


  • 结果来源论著2019IF 30.8Nature Methods


Treatment with bile acid binding medications is effective in patients with bile-acid malabsorption but can also be effective in patients without bile-acid malabsorption.


  • 所在语境

  • 引言来源论著2012IF 3.7World Journal of Gastroenterology

Bile acid binding agents may impair the absorption of some co-medications.


  • 所在语境

  • 结果来源综述2016IF 3.7World Journal of Gastroenterology

Recent data showed bile acids were involved in the solubilization and absorption of lipophilic drugs.


  • 所在语境

  • 结果来源综述2018IF 7.7British Journal of Pharmacology

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标题Secondary effects of drugs on the gut microbiome

Studies have found a correlation between the reduced levels of SCFAs in the proximal to distal colon with the corresponding increase in pH from the caecum to rectum.


Cefoperazone, vancomycin and clindamycin were identified as antibiotics associated with changes in the gut microbiota composition and caused decreased levels of secondary bile acids precipitating the growth and spore germination of C. difficile.


Drug treatment can, however, alter the gut microbiota production of bile salts, which may subsequently affect the absorption and metabolism of co‐administered medication.


The liver is continually exposed to gut microbiota‐derived metabolites, including secondary bile acids and short chain fatty acids (SCFAs), as it receives an estimated 70% of its blood supply from the intestine.

肝脏持续暴露于肠道微生物衍生的代谢物,包括次级胆汁酸和短链脂肪酸 (SCFAs),因为它从肠道接收估计70% 的血液供应。

Recent data showed bile acids were involved in the solubilization and absorption of lipophilic drugs.


Drug‐induced changes in the production of SCFAs could thus indirectly alter GI pH, which as mentioned previously may precipitate changes in the microbiome.

药物诱导的SCFAs产生的变化因此可以间接改变GI pH,如前所述,这可能会导致微生物组的变化。

For example, increased levels of SCFAs were linked with metformin, which could instigate the microbiota modifications associated with this drug.


This is the major mechanism of bile acid re-absorption feedback inhibition of bile acid synthesis.


  • 所在语境

  • 结果来源综述2016IF 3.7World Journal of Gastroenterology

Bile acid sequestrants, another class of cholesterol-lowering drugs, also inhibit cholesterol absorption, as well as bile acid reabsorption.


  • 所在语境

  • 引言来源论著2013IF 5.0Faseb Journal

Intestinal bile acid absorption was increased and accompanied by increases in plasma bile acid levels, biliary bile acid secretion and enterohepatic cycling of bile acids.


  • 所在语境

  • 摘要来源论著2015IF 20.6Journal of Hepatology

These resins bind bile acids in the intestinal lumen and consequently impair bile acid resorption, thus interrupting the enterohepatic circulation of bile acids.


  • 所在语境

  • 结果来源综述2013IF 21.6Cell Metabolism

The human ileal bile acid transporter, also known as hASBT (SLC10A2), is a key component in the enterohepatic recirculation of bile acids and serves as a target to enhance oral drug absorption.

人回肠胆汁转运蛋白,也称为hASBT (SLC10A2),是胆汁肠肝再循环的关键组分,并作为增强口服药物吸收的靶标。

  • 所在语境

  • 讨论来源论著2006IF 4.3Molecular Pharmaceutics

Fig. 7. GG elevates plasma bile acid levels likely by promoting bile acid reabsorption.

图7. GG可能通过促进胆汁吸收来提高血浆胆汁水平。

  • 所在语境

  • 图注来源论著2017IF 4.5Journal of Lipid Research

Intestinal bile acids can be absorbed by bile acid binding resin (BAR) and likely improve obesity and metabolic disorders.

胆汁可以被胆汁结合树脂 (BAR) 吸收,并可能改善肥胖和代谢紊乱。

  • 所在语境

  • 结果来源综述2018IF 3.3Journal of Immunology Research

While absorption of bile acids in proximal small intestine does not result in alterations in faecal bile acid excretion, overall pool size (figure 4a), BW and plasma triglyceride or cholesterol levels, our data show that proximal absorption of bile acids results in TBMC enrichment of the bile acid pool (figure 4b).

虽然近端小肠吸收胆汁不会导致粪便胆汁排泄、总胆汁池大小 (图4a) 、BW和血浆甘油三酯或胆固醇水平的改变,但我们的数据显示,胆汁的近端吸收导致胆汁池的TBMC富集 (图4b)。

  • 所在语境

  • 讨论来源论著2010IF 19.8Gut

Figure 1. The enterohepatic circulation of bile acids. The various steps in bile acid synthesis, secretion, absorption and resecretion are indicated.


  • 所在语境

  • 图注来源论著2010IF 3.5Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology

This review provides in-depth insight into the mechanisms of drug absorption enhancement mediated by bile acids, but also into the molecular interactions between drugs and bile acids that can impact absorption and pharmacokinetic properties of drug molecules.


  • 所在语境

  • 讨论来源综述2018IF 4.2Frontiers in Pharmacology

Bile acid sequestrants bind bile acids in the intestine to prevent bile acid reabsorption, thus reducing the bile acid pool size.


  • 所在语境

  • 结果来源综述2019IF 3.1Diabetes & Metabolism Journal

This transporter may also be employed as a prodrug target for enhancing oral drug bioavailability of poorly permeating compounds, where drug is conjugated to bile acid and bile acid allows for the conjugate to be taken up by ASBT.


  • 所在语境

  • 引言来源论著2010IF 4.0Bioconjugate Chemistry

An alternative strategy to providing supplemental bile acids is to inhibit reabsorption of native bile acids in the terminal ileum.


  • 所在语境

  • 结果来源综述2014IF 3.0Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility

After intestinal reabsorption, bile acids enter enterohepatic circulation, with up to 15 circulations per bile acid per day.


  • 所在语境

  • 引言来源论著2012IF 7.9Journal of Nuclear Medicine

Genetic knockout of Asbt in mice interrupts enterohepatic circulation of bile acids and causes bile acid malabsorption.


  • 所在语境

  • 结果来源综述2009IF 4.5Journal of Lipid Research

Bile acids or their salts form nanomicelles with fatty acids as drug carriers, which promote drug absorption.


  • 所在语境

  • 引言来源论著2015IF 5.1International Journal of Nanomedicine

Bile acids are reabsorbed into enterocytes by the apical sodium-dependent bile acid transporter (Asbt).

胆汁通过顶端钠依赖性胆汁转运蛋白 (Asbt) 被重吸收到肠细胞中。

  • 所在语境

  • 引言来源论著2016IF 3.3Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology

Ninety-five percent of bile acids are reabsorbed in the lower small intestine by the apical sodium-dependent bile acid transporter (ASBT).

95% 的胆汁在小肠下部被顶端钠依赖性胆汁转运蛋白 (ASBT) 重吸收

  • 所在语境

  • 引言来源论著2015IF 3.9Endocrinology

The human ileal bile acid transporter, also known as hASBT (SLC10A2), is a key component in the enterohepatic recirculation of bile acids, as well as a target for enhanced oral drug absorption.

人回肠胆汁转运蛋白,也称为hASBT (SLC10A2),是胆汁肠肝再循环的关键组分,也是增强口服药物吸收的靶标。

  • 所在语境

  • 引言来源论著2006IF 3.2Pharmaceutical Research

Interruptions of bile flow, reduction of intestinal bile acid absorption, or defects of bile acid metabolism can induce severe disease.


  • 所在语境

  • 讨论来源论著2010IF 4.5Journal of Lipid Research

Absorbed bile acids enter into the portal bloodstream and are rapidly taken up by hepatocytes and resecreted into bile.


  • 所在语境

  • 结果来源综述2020IF 7.7Gut Microbes

Bile acid diarrhea results from excessive amounts of bile acids entering the colon due to hepatic overexcretion of bile acids or bile acid malabsorption in the terminal ileum.


  • 所在语境

  • 摘要来源病例报道2018IF 3.7World Journal of Gastroenterology

Each individual bile salt has an input, either de novo synthesis for primary bile acids and alcohols or intestinal absorption for newly formed secondary bile acids.


  • 所在语境

  • 引言来源综述2010IF 4.5Journal of Lipid Research

Alternatively, loperamide, a drug used to reduce diarrhea, results in slower transit time and increases bile acid reabsorption, reducing primary bile acid concentrations in the feces.

或者,洛哌丁胺 (一种用于减少腹泻的药物) 导致更慢的转运时间并增加胆汁吸收,降低粪便中的初级胆汁浓度。

  • 所在语境

  • 讨论来源论著2019IF 4.1Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology

It is possible that the high fiber content of rose hip impairs the enterohepatic circulation of bile acids by preventing their re-absorption, thereby promoting increased synthesis of bile acids from cholesterol, that is, a mechanism of action similar to that of the cholesterol-lowering drug cholestyramin.


  • 所在语境

  • 讨论来源RCT2012IF 3.3European Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Plasma bile acid levels are influenced by a number of variables, including hepatic bile acid synthesis and ileal bile acid reabsorption efficiency.


  • 所在语境

  • 讨论来源论著2011IF 17.4Gastroenterology

Ileal diseases and resections result in bile acid malabsorption due to loss of intestinal bile acid transport capacity.


  • 所在语境

  • 引言来源论著2010IF 19.8Gut

FXR influences bile acid flux via various feedforward and feedback loops, modulating bile acid synthesis, modification, absorption and uptake.


  • 所在语境

  • 结果来源综述2012IF 55.5Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology

A failure to reabsorb bile acid was also suggested to be a cause of diarrhea owing to excess bile acids entering the colon.


  • 所在语境

  • 引言来源论著2017IF 3.0Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility

Thus, there is uptake of bile acids into breast tissue.


  • 所在语境

  • 讨论来源论著2019IF 10.1Clinical Cancer Research

Bile acid malabsorption (BAM) results in excess fecal bile acids that can cause chronic diarrhea and other colon pathology.

胆汁吸收不良 (BAM) 导致过量的粪便胆汁,其可引起慢性腹泻和其他结肠病理。

  • 所在语境

  • 引言来源论著2013IF 3.2Pharmaceutical Research

Their capability of taking up bile acids or to express genes involved in bile acid transport and metabolism in a physiological and stable level validates the model for research in other important areas of hepatology, including drug-induced liver injury (DILI).

它们吸收胆汁或以生理和稳定水平表达参与胆汁转运和代谢的基因的能力验证了该模型在肝病其他重要领域的研究,包括药物诱导的肝损伤 (DILI)。

  • 所在语境

  • 结果来源综述2019IF 5.1Hepatology International

Reabsorbed bile acids enter hepatic portal circulation.


  • 所在语境

  • 结果来源综述2018IF 3.3Journal of Immunology Research

The decreased expression of FXR leads also to a reduction in SHP inhibition of bile acid absorption, bile acid reabsorption is increased, and excretion is reduced.


  • 所在语境

  • 图注来源论著2014IF 5.0Faseb Journal

In the distal ileum, bile acid absorption from the lumen occurs via ASBT and bile acid efflux out of the cell via OSTα / OSTβ.

在远端回肠中,胆汁通过ASBT从管腔吸收胆汁通过OSTα/OSTβ 从细胞流出。

  • 所在语境

  • 结果来源综述2018IF 4.2Frontiers in Pharmacology

Dietary fat affects bile acid metabolism, because the absorption of fat requires an increase in bile flow.

