Call for Papers: “Views & Comments” Column of Engineering

Engineering is an international open-access journal that was launched by the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) in 2015. 

It was ranked the 1st in the influential Q1 group (IF: 12.834) for engineering in the 2022 Journal Citation Reports.

Online versions: and .

The feature column “Views & Comments” of Engineering papers are more forward-looking, speculative, and with a higher and broader vision than Research Articles and Reviews. The column is intended to provide including but not limited to the following aspects: 

(1)  Views of the overall role on the engineering science and technology development;

(2)  Advice of instructive significance for the resolution of grand challenging problems; 

(3)  New ideas of great importance on promoting interdisciplinary research;

(4)  Unique thoughts on some major issues of common concern to the science and engineering community and society. 

Manuscripts in this column need a striking and attractive title, straightforwardly start the topic without a long introduction, make a specific viewpoint or a meaningful comment, and end with a thought-provoking conclusion. The writing should reduce the use of abstruse technical terms/formulas and be concise and accessible for readers to read quickly and understand.

Manuscript Requirements: not exceed 2000 words, with less than five figures or tables and less than 15 references; do not need the sections of introduction, material and methods, results and discussions, or conclusions as research papers but may include several parts with short subtitles. 

Editor-in-Chief for the Column

Professor TU Hailing, Honorary President of General Research Institute for Nonferrous Metals, China


Professor ZHOU Ji, Honorary Chairman of the Governing Board of Chinese Academy of Engineering, China

Contact us  

[email protected](ZHU Lin); [email protected] (ZHANG Nan).

Manuscript submission

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