
U1——6的reading 1 的翻译答案


    The rapid spread of technology-mediated learning has set off various praise and concern .yet the vast majority of American traditional centers of higher education have mostly failed to confront the pace of change and the implications for students . there is probably no way that anyone can keep up with this transformation :the technology is simply evolving too rapidly.no matter what ,we keep trying. will these developments truly serve our goals for advanced education ? we need to know answer urgently.


the cell phone is great invention .but it seems to have become a bit of nuisance in our daily lives .there is usually a notice on the door of the meeting room ,which reads :please turn off your cell phone .however , phones ring now and then during the meeting .  ordinary people like us do not have many important things to handle .but we will not switch off our phones easily .keeping our phones on symbolizes our connection with the world.to a certain extent, the cell phone reflects our thirst for socialization

中医(traditional chinese medicine)有五千多年的历史,是中国古代劳动人民几千年来对抗疾病的经验总结。中医将人看成气,形,神的统一体,以“望,闻,问,切”为其独特的诊断过程。中医使用中药,针灸(acupuncture)以及许多其他治疗手段,使人体达到阴阳调和。阴阳和五行是中医的理论基础。五行是自然界中的五种基本物质,即金,木,水,火,土。

tcm has a long history of more than 5000 years.it is a collection of the experience of working people over many centuries of struggle against disease . tcm considers the human body as a unity of qi xing and shen.the diagnosis process of tcm distinguishes itself by:observation,auscultation and olfaction,inquiry and pulse diagnosis.tcm employs Chinese herbal medicine,acupuncture ,and many other treatments to make the human body harmonious between yin and yang.yingyang and wuxing are the theoretical foundation of tcm.wuxing refers to five basic substances which are named metal wood water fire and earth in nature.


In the rich and middle-income countries of oecd , The average wage of a woman working full-time is 85% that of a man.this is not because employers pay a woman less than they would pay a man in her place.data from 25 countries collected by a consultancy show that women earn 98% as much as men who do the same job for the same employer.the real reasons is twofold.firetly,women outnumber men in positions with low salaries and little chance of promotion.secondly,men and women are segregated in occupation and industries and those where women predominate  are paid less

人工智能是由美国计算机科学家Johnmccarthy 于1956年在达特茅斯会议(the Dartmouth conference)上创造的。今天,它是一个涵盖了人技术的包罗万象的术语(umbrella term)。最近它的知名度越来越高,部分原因是大数据,也就是企业收集数据在速度,规模和种类等方面的增长。人工智能可以比人类更有效地执行数据识别模式等任务,从而使企业能够从数据中活得更多的灵感。

Artificial intelligence was coined by jm , an American computer scientist in 1956 at the Dartmouth conference.today,it is an umbrella term that includes everything from robotic process automation to actual robotics.it has gained prominence recently,in part because of big data or the increase in speed size and variety of data that businesses are now collecting.ai can perform tasks such as identifying patterns in the data more efficiently that humans, enabling businesses to  gain more insight out of their datall

关于销售技巧的早期书籍包含了诸如道德,服务,人际关系以及努力工作等关键词。这些都促成了一个概念:销售人员应与顾客建立友谊。后来,挨家挨户的销售人员发现他们可以通过使用特定的词语和特定的说服方法来增加销售额,这促成了销售技巧的完善和传播(proliferation).这些技巧的重点不是顾客的需求,也不是建立友谊,而是通过成交技术和方法(closing techniques and methods )来完成一次性销售。

early books about sales techniques include key words like ethics service relationships and hardwork.these all led to the concept that salesmen should build a friendship with customers.later, door to door salesmen discovered that they could increase their sales by using specific words and specific persuasion, which led to the perfection and proliferation of sales techniques.these techniques not focused on the customer’s need or building a relationship,but complete a one-time sale by using closing techniques and methods
