吴君如(Junru Wu)的学术成果列表



a) 期刊论文

[1]J. Wu, W. Zheng, M. Han, and N. O. Schiller, “Cross-Dialectal Novel Word Learning and Borrowing,” Front. Psychol., vol. 12, p. 734527, Sep. 2021, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.734527.

[2]郑伟,吴君如, “音系结构演化的认知心理因素——以 NV>N 的感知实验为例,” 中国语文, no. 第2期(总第401期), pp. 174-190+255, 2021.

[3]J. Wu, Y. Chen, V. J. Van Heuven, and N. O. Schiller, “Dynamic effect of tonal similarity in bilingual auditory lexical processing,” Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, vol. 34, no. 5, 2019, doi: 10.1080/23273798.2018.1550206.

[4]J. Wu, Y. Chen, V. J. Van Heuven, and N. O. Schiller, “Interlingual two-to-one mapping of tonal categories,” Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 813–833, Aug. 2017, doi: 10.1017/S1366728916000493.

[5]J. Wu, Y. Chen, V. J. J. P. van Heuven, and N. O. Schiller, “Predicting tonal realizations in one Chinese dialect from another,” Speech Communication, vol. 76, pp. 1–27, 2016, doi: doi:10.1016/j.specom.2015.10.006.

[6]J. Wu, Y. Chen, V. J. van Heuven, and N. O. Schiller, “Tonal variability in lexical access,” Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, vol. 29, no. 10, pp. 1317–1324, 2014, doi: 10.1080/23273798.2014.915977.

[7]吴君如, “重音对英语音节间双辅音在普通话中匹配的影响,” 语言学论丛, vol. 47, 2013.

[8]J. Wu, “Effects of two acoustic continua on the within-category perceptual structure of tones,” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 131, pp. 3480–3480, 2012.

b) 会议论文

[1]吴君如、张哲璇, “绵阳安州话儿尾儿化词缀的声学分析,”  第十四届全国语音学学术会议兰州, Jul. 2021.

[2]盛雨婷、吴君如, “汉语句子中双音节形动兼类词加工机制探析,” presented at the 中国心理学会语言心理学专业委员会第四届学术年会, Jul. 2021.

[3]J. Zhao & J. Wu, “Comprehension correlates of the occurrence and deletion of ‘de’ in Mandarin ‘N1 (de) N2’ structures,” presented at the International conference on Asian Language Processing, Shanghai, China, 2019.

[4]吴君如, “面向发声态感知实验的动态声源信号合成实现. 第十三届全国语音学学术会议,” presented at the 第十三届全国语音学学术会议(PCC 2018), 广州. [Online]. Available: Praat脚本下载链接 osf.io/z9uyn/

[5]J. Wu, Y. Chen, and N. Schiller, “Aging and Age-Independent Effects of Cognitive and Sociolinguistic Backgrounds: on the Strength of Tonal Systematic Correspondence by Tonal Bilinguals,” presented at the Bilingualism and Cognitive Aging, Groningen, 2015.

[6]J. Wu and Y. Chen, “Tonal Variants in the Bilingual Mental Lexicon,” Unpublished, 2014. doi: 10.13140/2.1.4170.4966.

[7]J. Wu and Y. Chen, “An account of Lianjiang tone Sandhi: Pitch target, context, and historical tone categories,” presented at the Tone and Intonation Conference 2012 (TIE5), 2012.

[8]J. Wu and Y. Chen, “The effect of historical registers in Lianjiang: tone sandhi patterns,” presented at the 国际中国语言学学会第20届年会(IACL20), 香港.

[9]J. Wu, “Formulating the identification of mandarin Tone2 and Tone3 in multi–dimensional spaces,” presented at the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2011), 香港, 2011.

[10]J. Wu, “An Exploration on the Measurement of Psycho Distance across Mandarin Phonemes,” in 第九届中国语音学学术会议论文集, 天津, 2010.

[11]J. Wu, X. Pan, J. Kong, and A. W. C. Liew, “Statistical correlation analysis between lip contour parameters and formant parameters for Mandarin monophthongs,” presented at the Proceedings of the International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing 2008, 2008.

c) 图书章节

[1]J. Wu, Y. Chen, V. J. van Heuven, and N. O. Schiller, “Applying functional partition in the investigation of lexical tonal-pattern categories in an under-resourced Chinese dialect,” in Man-Machine Speech Communication, vol. 807, Springer, 2018.

[2]项梦冰, 李佳, 曾南逸, 谭雨田, 吴君如, “监利(柘木)方言同音字汇,” in 方言论丛第1辑, 项梦冰, Ed. 中国戏曲出版社, 2010.

d) 译著及书评

[1]吴君如, “以习得模型模拟历史音变——区靖邦《音韵系统的习得及演化》述评,” 语言学论丛, vol. 47, 2013.

[2]A. Aikhenvald, “语言学田野调查:代序,” in 到田野去——语言学田野调查的方法与实践, 戴庆厦, 罗仁地, and 汪锋, Eds. 民族出版社, 2008.

e) 专著

Wu, J. (2015). Tonal bilingualism: The case of two closely related Chinese dialect. Utrecht: LOT.
