
1. Beveridge, W. I. B., The Art of Scientific Investigation Vintage Books, Third Edition 1957 

2. Boyd, John R., “Destruction and Creation,” 23 Mar 1976 

3. Brown, G. Spencer, Laws of Form, Julian Press, Inc. 1972 

4. Conant, James Bryant, Two Modes of Thought, Credo Perspectives, Simon and Schuster      1970 

5. DeBono, Edward, New Think, Avon Books 1971 

6. DeBono, Edward, Lateral Thinking: Creativity Step by Step, Harper Colophon Books 1973 

7. Foster, David, The Intelligent Universe, Putnam, 1975 

8. Fromm, Erich, The Crisis of Psychoanalysis, Fawcett Premier Books 1971 

9. Gamow, George, Thirty Years That Shook Physics, Anchor Books 1966 

10. Gardner, Howard, The Quest for Mind, Vintage Books 1974 

11. Georgescu-Roegen, Nicholas, The Entropy Law and the Economic Process, Harvard U.        Press 1971 

12. Gödel, Kurt, “On Formally Undecidable Propositions of the Principia Mathematica and            Related Systems,” pages 3-38, The Undecidable, Raven Press 1965 

13. Heilbroner, Robert L., An Inquiry into the Human Prospect, Norton and Co. 1974 

14. Heisenberg, Werner, Physics and Philosophy, Harper Torchbooks 1962 

15. Heisenberg, Werner, Across the Frontiers, World Perspectives, Harper and Row 1974 

16. Hoyle, Fred, Encounter with the Future, Credo Perspectives, Simon and Schuster 1968 

17. Hoyle, Fred, The New Face of Science, Perspectives in Humanism, World Publishing            Co. 1971 

18. Kramer, Edna E., The Nature and Growth of Modern Mathematics, Fawcett Permier                Books 1974 

19. Kuhn, Thomas S., The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, University of Chicago Press            1970 

20. Layzer, David, The Arrow of Time, Scientific American, December 1975 

21. Levinson, Harry, The Exceptional Executive, Mentor Books 1971 

22. Maltz, Maxwell, Psycho-Cybernetics, Wilshire Book Co. 1971 

23. Nagel, Ernest and Newman, James R., Gödel’s Proof, New York U. Press 1958 

24. Osborne, Alex F., Applied Imagination, Scribners and Sons 1963 

25. Pearce, Joseph Chilton, The Crack in the Cosmic Egg, Pocket Book 1975 

26. Pearce, Joseph Chilton, Exploring the Crack in the Cosmic Egg, Pocket Book 1975 

27. Piaget, Jean, Structuralism, Harper Torchbooks 1971 

28. Polanyi, Michael, Knowing and Being, University of Chicago Press 1969 

29. Singh, Jagjit, Great Ideas of Modern Mathematics: Their Nature and Use, Dover 1959 

30. Skinner, B.F., Beyond Freedom and Dignity, Bantom/Vintage Books 1972 

31. Thompson, William Irwin, At the Edge of History, Harper Colophon Books 1972 

32. Thompson, William Irwin, Evil and World Order, World Perspective, Harper and Row              1976 

33. Tse-Tung, Mao, Four Essays on China and World Communism, Lancer Books 1972 

34. Waismann, Friedrich, Introduction to Mathematical Thinking, Harper Torchbooks 1959 

35. Watts, Alan, The Book, Vintage Books 1972 

36. Yukawa, Hideki, Creativity and Intuition, Kodansha International LTD 1973
