剑术学习笔记-Walpurgis Fechtbuch(MSⅠ.33)-二

Walpurgis Fechtbuch (MSⅠ.33)剑术手稿(最近重新编目为 FECHT 1)是可追溯到 1320 年的德国击剑手册。目前由英国利兹的皇家军械库博物馆持有。它包含现存最古老的关于中世纪武术的论文”Liber de Arte Dimicatoria”,它可能由一位世俗牧师起草的,可能是文中提到的”Lutegerus”,三位抄写员和多达十七位插图画家参与创造了这个作品。目前手稿由五份手稿组成,除第一个外均不完整,至少有八页手稿丢失了。本文主要根据Joey Nitti翻译的英文译文和手稿原件图片对I.33所述剑盾技术进行学习,翻译水平有限,若有谬误请指出。

[2r]英语译文:It should be noted that contained here is the first ward, namely under the arm, and the siege is halpschilt. I advise with good counsel that the one under the arm does not conduct a strike, which is proved out of alkersleiben, the reasons being that he could not reach the higher part, and [reaching] the lower part would be dangerous to the head. The besieger entering can invade him whenever if he omits to grasp what is written below:


[2r]英语译文:The first ward has two oppositions,the first opposition is halpschilt, the second langort.If halpschilt is conducted, fall under sword and shield.If he is common, he will seize the head,then you stichslach,if he rebinds and steps against you, then you schiltslac.


[2r]英语译文:It should be noted that the one who is above is directing a strike to the head without schiltslac if he is a common fencer. But if you would be taught by the counsel of the priest, rebind and step.


[2v]英语译文:Note that the first ward, namely under the arm, may be besieged by itself, namely, the besieger may besiege the one in the ward with that same ward. Nevertheless, the one guiding first ward can, on the other hand, oppose the besieger with a siege that in a way corresponds to the displacement called halpschilt. It differs, however, in that the sword under the arm is extended over the shield, so that the hand guiding the shield is confining the hand guiding the sword.

大意:注意,第一个守势,即腋下,可能会被它自己攻击,即进攻者可能会使用相同的守势攻击。然而,另一方面,持第一个守势的人可以用一种与 halpschilt 式类似的式来对抗进攻者。但不同之处在于,(这个式)在臂下的剑延伸到盾牌上方,因此持盾手限制了持剑手。

[2v]英语译文:It should be noted that the scholar is here rebinding and stepping, so that he may seize a schiltslac, as below. But beware of those things done by the priest, as after the rebind the priest will be the first to act. It should be noted that the scholar has nothing to do but to do a schiltslac, or enclose the arms of the priest with his left hand, namely sword and shield.


[2v]英语译文:Here the scholar rebinds and steps,he is to [do the] schiltslac.Or enclose the arms of the priest with the left hand.


[2v]英语译文:The priest has three options, namely, mutating the sword so that it is above, or to do the durchtreten, or with the left right hand grasp the scholar’s arms, i.e. sword and shield.


[2v]英语译文:These three are of the clergy:durchtritt, mutating the sword, or with the right hand he may grasp the sword and shield.

Note what was said above is found here in these examples.









