【论文一】Nature Communications:基于卫星遥感的全球森林对云量的影响_李琰 副教授
【论文二】Nature Reviews Earth & Environment:我国旱区生态系统变化驱动机制及影响_李长嘉
【时间】2022年3月31日 14:30-17:00
【地点】腾讯会议 877 867 496
【嘉宾】张国友 研究员 + 宋长青 教授 + 效存德 教授
【主持】蒋卫国 教授
【论文一】Nature Communications:基于卫星遥感的全球森林对云量的影响_李琰 副教授
【简介】北京师范大学地理科学学部副教授,博士生导师;美国伊利诺伊州大学香槟分校与马里兰大学博士后,主要研究兴趣为植被与气候相互作用、气候变化与农业城市气候;以第一/通讯作者在Science. Nature ommmications Global Change Biologr 等国际顶级期刊上发表论文14篇;2020 年入选中组部青年项目。
【引用】Xu R , Li Y , Teuling A J , et al. Contrasting impacts of forest on cloud cover based on satellite observations.
【Abstract】Forests play a pivotal role in regulating climate and sustaining the hydrological cycle. The biophysical impacts of forest on clouds, however, remain unclear due to the lack of direct observations. In this first global-scale observational study, we use long-term satellite-derived cloud cover data to show that forests can have opposite effects on summer cloud cover. We find enhanced cloud cover over most temperate and boreal forests, but inhibited cloud cover over Amazon, central Africa, and Southeast US. These cloud effects mainly arise from convection processes associated with forests. The spatial variation in the sign of cloud effects is driven by sensible heating where cloud enhancement (inhibition) is more likely to occur when sensible heat in forest is larger (smaller) than nearby nonforest. Ongoing forest cover loss has led to opposite cloud cover changes, with local cloud increase over forest loss hotspots in the Amazon (+0.78%), Indonesia (+1.19%), and Southeast US (+0.09%), but cloud reduction in East Siberia (-0.20%) from 2002-2018. Our data-driven assessment informs the climate effects of local-scale forest cover change and improves mechanistic understanding of forest-cloud interactions, the latter of which remains uncertain in Earth system models.
【摘要】森林在调节气候和维持水文循环方面具有举足轻重的作用。然而,由于缺乏直接观测,森林对云层的生物物理影响仍不清楚。在这第一个全球尺度的观察性研究中,我们使用长期的卫星云量数据来表明森林对夏季云量有相反的影响。我们发现大多数温带和北方森林的云量增加,但是亚马逊、中非和美国东南部的云量减少。这些云效应主要来自与森林有关的对流过程。云效应符号的空间变化是由感热驱动的,当森林的感热大于(小于)附近的非森林时,云增强(抑制)更容易发生。持续的森林覆盖减少导致了相反的云量变化,2002年至2018年,亚马逊地区(+ 0.78%)、印度尼西亚(+ 1.19%)和美国东南部(+ 0.09%)森林流失热点地区的云量增加,而东西伯利亚的云量减少(- 0.20%)。我们的数据驱动评估为局部尺度森林覆盖变化的气候影响提供了信息,并提高了对森林-云相互作用的机械理解,后者在地球系统模型中仍然不确定。
【论文二】Nature Reviews Earth & Environment:我国旱区生态系统变化驱动机制及影响_李长嘉
【简介】北京师范大学地理科学学部讲师,硕士生导师;英国利兹大学博士;主要研究方向为土地退化与生态水文过程;以第一/通讯作者在Matire Reviews Earth & Environment、Earrh-Sctenee Reviews等国际知名学术期刊发表论文10余篇。