英语论文写作密码:如何使你的Literature Review更高级?

你是不是还在用“Smith argues that ____” 的句式来写文献综述?



接下来我们将祭出 A Phrasebook of Referencing, 一次性解决文献综述中的句式建构。 

一、 首先,在写LR中必不可少的第一环节,就是介绍某个专业术语或某个理论假说的起源:

  • Smith (1799) was the first to coin the term _____;

  • Smith (1799) provided one of the earliest discussions of ______;

  • Smith(1799) was one of the first to define ____ as _____;

  • 当某一作品十分重要,值得被提及时,可以用: Smith and Jones, in their study of ______, found that ____ ;

  • Smith and Jones (1799) first put forward the hypothesis that ________;

  • 随后,若提到该理论被进一步完善,则可以用句式:John has advanced the hypothesis that____;

二、 阐释完某一个概念的起源后,开始对多方观点进行总结梳理,此时可以搭建的句式有:


  • In this study, John et al. (1799) largely confirm A’ findings.

  • This finding is congruent with the work of A(1799), which/ who ____;

  • Each of these influential studies has claimed similarly that _____;


  • Drawing on the work of A, B highlights in his study that ____;

  • According to A, _____. B went even further and claimed that _____;


  • Smith argues that it is a misconception in A’s research that ____;

  • This finding is contradict with the work of A(1799), which/ who ____;

三、 当我们在梳理研究发展脉络的过程中发现过往研究有何不完善之处时,可以搭建以下句式,来引出研究缺口,从而合理提出个人的研究问题:

  • Although Smith argues that ___ , a better way to frame the issue is that _____ ;

  • As Smith(1977) pointed out from John’s research, ______ ;

  • While Smith’s findings indicate that ___ , it has not yet been demonstrated that ___;

