
文献翻译19 drug-induced kidney injury(DIKI)

       The kidney is particularly susceptible to drug injury because of its high share of cardiac output and its role in excretion of waste compounds from the body. drug-induced kidney injury (DIKI) is a relatively common clinical condition, particularly in critical care settings caused by acute kidney injury (AKI). Up to 30% of all critically ill patients develop AKI with nearly 6% of those diagnosed requiring subsequent kidney replacement therapy. Despite this, only a fraction (2%) of drug candidates are rejected due to nephrotoxicity in early (phase I) clinical studies.This can be caused by species to species translation issues such as drug-metabolising enzyme (cytochrome P450; CYP) expression and individual differences in clearance performance.


       The kidneys utilize roughly 10% of the body’s oxygen supply to produce the energy required for accomplishing their primary function: the regulation of body fluid composition through secreting, filtering, and reabsorbing metabolites and nutrients. To ensure an adequate ATP supply, the kidneys are particularly enriched in mitochondria.Transporters are driven by the ion electrochemical gradients and the membrane potential generated by the asymmetric transport of ions across the plasma membrane mediated by the ATPase pumps. these transporters are highly expressed on the proximal tubular cell membranes and happen to also transport drugs whose levels in the proximal tubular cells can rapidly rise, thereby damaging the mitochondria and resulting in cell death and kidney injury. 


文献翻译20 drug-induced liver injury(DILI)

       drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is initiated by the parent xenobiotic or its associated metabolites causing unanticipated damage either to hepatocytes or the non-parenchymal cells of the liver. Acetaminophen (APAP),a kind of analgesic/antipyretic medication,is rapidly absorbed in the gut and is transferred to the liver where it is metabolized mainly by phase II conjugation reactions and only a minor fraction is oxidized by CYPs, especially CYP2E1. However, an overdose can overwhelm the capacity of the conjugation pathways resulting in a greater percentage of APAP being metabolized by CYP2E1 which forms the highly reactive electrophile, N-acetyl -parabenzoquinone imine (NAPQI,N-乙酰-对苯醌亚胺). NAPQI will readily conjugate with sulfhydryl groups. Conjugation with GSH can be a safe detoxification, however, at significantly high doses of APAP the increased levels of NAPQI will lead to a depletion of hepatic GSH.

参考答案:药物性肝损伤(DILI)是由外源性原型化合物或其相关代谢物引起的对肝细胞或肝脏非实质细胞的意外损伤。对乙酰氨基酚(Acetaminophen, APAP)是一种镇痛/解热药物,在肠道内被迅速吸收,并转移到肝脏,在肝脏主要通过II相结合反应进行代谢,只有一小部分被细胞色素酶(CYPs)氧化,尤其是CYP2E1。然而,过量的对乙酰氨基酚可能会使结合反应途径过载(注:这里过载可意译为饱和),导致APAP被CYP2E1代谢的比例更大,形成高度活性的亲电试剂,N-乙酰基-对苯醌亚胺(NAPQI)。NAPQI很容易与巯基结合。还原型谷胱甘肽结合可能是一种安全的解毒方法,然而,在APAP显著高剂量时,NAPQI水平的增加将导致肝脏还原型谷胱甘肽的消耗。

       drug-induced liver injury (DILI) due to chemotherapeutic drugs is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality.The major mechanisms underlying chemotherapyrelated hepatotoxicity are based on the production of reactive metabolites generated by phase I oxidation reactions, immunological injury, or alterations in mitochondrial function. Underlying liver disease and hepatic involvement by tumor are important modifiers of liver injury, and reversibility is not universal after drug cessation. Chemotherapy can also exacerbate underlying liver disease, particularly hepatitis B, leading to worsening hepatic function. Diagnosing DILI due to chemotherapeutic agents is particularly challenging because competing etiologies, such as hepatotoxicity from other medications, opportunistic infections, radiation therapy, and pre-existing liver disease, are frequent.

