

文献翻译带练21 Cancer & Molecular targeted therapy

       As a major branch of the protein kinase family, protein tyrosine kinases, transfer the γ-phosphate group on adenosine triphosphate(ATP) to the tyrosine residues of many key proteins, and subsequently completes the transmission of information between cells through the phosphorylation of phenolic hydroxy groups, which play a vital role in cell growth, regulation, and differentiation, migration, and apoptosis of tumor cells. As a crucial node of cell information transmission, the abnormal expression of protein tyrosine kinases can affect the correct activation of its downstream signaling pathway, which, in turn, causes the dysregulation of cell proliferation, thereby leading to a series of diseases.


       The introduction of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) substantially modified the treatment of patients with Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Imatinib mesylate, the first tyrosine kinase inhibitor approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), is the first line of treatment for CML. Imatinib mesylate acts through competition for the ATP-binding site in the tyrosine kinase domain of ABL, inhibiting the ability of this protein to transfer ATP phosphate groups to tyrosine residues of target proteins, which is necessary for signal transduction for cell proliferation and apoptosis. Despite the therapeutic success of target therapy, the occurrence of resistance to imatinib mesylate has led to the development of second- and third-generation TKIs. Several studies are investigating resistance to imatinib, however no specific mechanism has been identified.


文献翻译带练22 Cancer & Immune checkpoint blockade immunotherapy

       The programmed death (PD)-1/PD-ligand (PD-L) pathway and regulatory T cells(Tregs) are essential for the maintenance of immune tolerance. Their activation in the tumour microenvironment contributes to the evasion of the transformed cells from the immune surveillance and the suppression of an antitumour immune response. Therefore, PD-1/PD-L1 and Tregs are important targets for cancer immunotherapy.Immune checkpoint blockade immunotherapy is a promising strategy in cancer treatment. At present, the most intensively studied area in onco-immunology is therapy targeting programmed cell death protein1 (PD-1) and its ligand PD-L1. Therapy with these immune checkpoints has higher efficacy in treating inoperable, progressive or recurrent cancers than conventional therapies.


       The programmed death (PD)-1 is a type I transmembrane receptor of the immunoglobulin superfamily. PD-1 is responsible for the downregulation of T cell receptor (TCR) signalling.PD-1 expression appears on the surface of T cells during their thymic development and in the periphery after TCR stimulation and cytokine production. CD4-CD8- thymocytes, peripheral CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, B cells, monocytes, natural killer (NK) cells and dendritic cells (DCs) can express PD-1.PD-1 has two ligands: PD-L1 and PD-L2, of which PD-L1 is better studied and perceived as a potential target for immune response regulation.PD-L1 is expressed after antigenic stimulation on immune and non-immune cells,such as T cells, B cells, antigen-presenting cells (APCs),endothelial and epithelial cells.

参考答案:程序性死亡(PD)-1是免疫球蛋白超家族的I型跨膜受体。PD-1负责下调T细胞受体(TCR)信号转导。PD-1在T细胞胸腺发育过程中出现在T细胞表面,在TCR刺激和细胞因子产生后出现在T细胞外周。CD4-CD8-胸腺细胞、外周血CD4+和CD8+ T细胞、B细胞、单核细胞、自然杀伤细胞和树突状细胞均可表达PD-1。PD-1有两个配体PD-L1和PD-L2,其中PD-L1得到了较好的研究,被认为是调节免疫反应的潜在靶点。PD-L1在免疫细胞和非免疫细胞(如T细胞、B细胞、抗原提呈细胞、内皮细胞和上皮细胞)上经抗原刺激后表达。
