

文献翻译带练11 bioequivalence

       the drug product’s efficacy depends on the amount of the active moiety which becomes available at the site of action and how rapidly this process takes place. The term bioavailability was then officially introduced by the FDA to describe both the extent and rate of drug arrival in the systemic circulation, while bioequivalence refers to comparative bioavailability studies.Since then, BE assessment relies on the assumption that the therapeutic effect is a function of concentration of the active moiety in the systemic circulation.The regulatory authorities worldwide consider two drug products to be bioequivalent if they contain the same active substance, are at the same molar dose, and their rate and extent of absorption are similar to ensure comparable in vivo performance.


       The role of drug metabolites (M) in the determination of BE represents another unresolved issue in the field of BE.Usually, BE studies are carried out focusing only on the measurement of the parent drug (P). The latter relies on the fact that the concentration–time profile of P is more sensitive to detect differences in formulation performance than M.However, there are situations where metabolite data could exert a significant role in BE assessment. Such cases include the conditions where the parent drug levels in biological fluids are low to allow an accurate analytical measurement, P is an inactive pro-drug or is unstable in the biological fluids, and when M contributes significantly to the net activity with a nonlinear underlying PK system.


文献翻译带练12 Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM)

       Clinical pharmacokinetics is the study of the relationships between drug-dosing regimens and drug concentration-time profiles. This means the study of the drug’s absorption,distribution, metabolism, and elimination (ADME) profiles. Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) is the measurement of drug concentration in biological fluids to determine the drug dose achieving a pre-defined target level for a patient. This technique necessitates that a relationship between concentration and effect to be demonstrated as for some special agents.Measures of exposure include the area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC), time above a threshold concentration, maximum concentration (Cmax), and trough concentration. TDM can correct for most of PK variability, consequently reducing the variability in response.


       The selection of an appropriate therapy and dosing regimen is a significant challenge in the treatment of cancer. Although there are recommended standardized chemotherapy protocols for some types of cancer, protocol changes that usually only occur after large clinical trials demonstrate improvements and individual patients often require dose modifications (amount or interval) or delays in dose administration as toxicities arise. In other areas of medicine, therapeutic drug monitoring is commonly and successfully used to ensure appropriate drug exposure and to limit dose-related toxicities. Currently, the wide pharmacokinetic variability of cytotoxic chemotherapies is addressed clinically by the use of body surface area to determine drug doses; however, this is outdated and demonstrably ineffective for this purpose. 


