How to write 如何写论文

以下内容翻译自国外一位计算机科学 PhD akajb 的博客 guidetogradschoolsurvival(研究生生存指南: 中的系列文章 How to write(如何写论文)。

How to write: Abstracts


This post is the first in what will eventually be a series of posts on how to write a paper.


Besides the title, the first part of a paper that most people read is the abstract. An abstract can be thought of as similar to the blurb on the back of a novel. It’s a teaser designed to convince the reader to read the whole paper. Potential readers will use it to decide if they want to read the rest of the paper. It is used to understand what the paper is (supposed to be) about. It should give a quick over view of the paper, allowing readers to decide if the paper will likely meet their needs and is worth their time to read the rest.


This means that an abstract is a very important part of the paper as it’s the hook. If you can’t convince people that they should read your paper then people will never know about your ideas and no one will ever reference your paper. For this reason, it’s important to be very clear and very concise in your abstract.


Abstracts often have word limits around 150 words. This means there’s not a lot of space to be wordy. These words limits are great practice on how to describe your research concisely. You have no choice but to find a way to summarize (clearly) your paper in the fewest words as possible.

摘要的字数限制通常在 150 词左右。这意味着没有太多空间可以啰嗦。这些对词数的限制是对于如何简洁地描述你的研究的很好练习。你别无选择,只能找到一种方法,用尽可能少的词来(清楚地)总结你的论文。

When writing your abstract you should keep the following four questions in mind.


  1. What is your topic?

  2. Why is it important?

  3. What did you do?

  4. What are your results?

  1. 你的主题是什么?

  2. 这为什么重要?

  3. 你做了什么?

  4. 你的结果是什么?

These questions give a general overview of your paper while also working to convince potential readers of its importance. They also provide an easy method to start writing the abstract, by writing a one – two sentence answer to each question. By sticking to one or two sentences you will have to be concise and can only focus on the absolute highlights.


Once you have answered all the questions above you can see how much space you have left. Based on that, you can decide if there’s other pieces of information that makes your paper sound more attractive that you should include.


While I do stress that your abstract should be as concise as possible, it is possible to go too far. If you’re given 150 words, make sure you use at least 100 of them. While you want to give the bare bones, you also want your paper to sound interesting and exciting. The abstract is a taste of the rest of the paper. You don’t want your paper to come across as boring or dry.

虽然我确实强调你的摘要应该尽可能简洁,但也有可能做得太过火。如果给你 150 个单词,请确保你至少使用了 100 个单词。当你想给出梗概时,你也希望你的论文听起来有趣和令人兴奋。摘要是论文其余部分的小尝一口。你不会希望你的论文看起来枯燥乏味。

Finally, if there is any part of your research that is particularly exciting, new or novel, then make sure you mention it in the abstract. Remember, the abstract is there to convince readers that you’ve written a paper on an interesting topic, with interesting results, and that they should want to find out more.


How to write: Introductions


This post is the part of a series on how to write a paper. The first was on how to write abstracts.


Now, let’s move onto the introduction of the paper. Introductions are often hard to write. It can become difficult to decide what information should be included in the introduction versus in later sections of the paper.


There are a few things you need to make sure you include in your introduction. First, it’s important to use the introduction to introduce your topic. This sounds obvious, but it’s surprising how many people try to gloss over it as they just want to get to the meat of the paper. When introducing your topic start with an overview of your topic and not the details of your project. Second, make sure you motivate your topic. You need to convince your readers that your topic is important and worth reading. That it contributes something new to the field. And third, you want to explain what your paper is actually about. What is was your research question and what did you solve/prove.


The following is a possible way to structure your introduction:


  • Introduce the general topic

  • Motivate the research and explain why people should care

  • What is your research question?

  • How did you try to solve it?

  • What sort of results will the paper present: a user study? qualitative? quantitative?

  • 介绍一般主题

  • 激励这项研究并解释为什么人们应该关心

  • 你的研究问题是什么?

  • 你是如何尝试解决的?

  • 论文将呈现什么样的结果:用户研究?定性?定量?

Common mistakes I’ve seen in papers usually involve presenting both too little or too much information in the introduction. Some people seem to think it’s better to section their paper out into more sections. These authors make a section for motivation and another to present what they’re doing. They divide their paper into so many sections and then each section has only one to two paragraphs. Their introduction ends up being 2-3 paragraphs and gives barely any details about what the paper is going to talk about. Your introduction should provide all the information a reader needs to understand why you’re doing the research you’re doing (the motivation) and what the paper is going to present.

我在论文中看到过的常见错误通常涉及到在引言中提供太少或太多的信息。有些人似乎认为最好将他们的论文分成更多章节。这些作者构造了一个章节来说明动机,另一个章节来介绍他们正在做的事情。他们将论文分成很多章节,然后每个章节只有一到两个段落。他们的引言最终只有 2-3 个段落,并且几乎没有提供论文将要讨论的任何相关细节。你的引言应该提供读者需要的所有信息,以了解你为什么要进行你正在做的研究(动机)以及论文将要呈现的内容。

The other mistake I’ve seen is presenting results in the the introduction. You should mention in the introduction how you evaluated your solution. But this should be mentioned in terms of “We used a user study to compare our new GUI to the original” and not “The user study we performed showed that our GUI was statistically significantly better than the original.”   If you give all the results in the introduction, why should they bother reading the rest of your paper?

我看到过的另一个错误是在引言中呈现结果。你应该在引言中提及你如何评估你的解决方案。但这应该以“我们使用用户研究将我们的新 GUI 与原始 GUI 进行比较”而不是“我们执行的用户研究表明我们的 GUI 在统计上明显优于原始 GUI”来提及。如果你在引言中给出所有结果,他们为什么还要费心阅读你论文的其余部分?

When reading introductions, you’ll often find papers that finish their introduction with a paragraph similar to the following: “Section 2 presents some related work on the topic. Section 3 presents our methodology…” There are times when this is useful. For example, if you’re writing a long journal paper, or possibly even a long conference paper (6 plus pages) this can be used to provide the readers with the layout of the paper. If the paper is shorter than that, it becomes  much less useful. I’ve seen people use this on a 2 page paper. Here, you’re wasting valuable space on something that isn’t at all important. A reader can easily flip the page over to see all the sections. Also, if you do this, please don’t finish with “Section 8 is a list of references.” The last section you should mention is your conclusion. All research papers finish with a reference section, and so that is a given. If your paper has an acknowledgement section, don’t mention it either. It is only there so you can thank any one (or company) who provided data or money to support the research.

当阅读引言时,你通常会发现论文的引言结尾类似于以下段落:“第 2 节介绍了有关该主题的一些相关工作。第 3 节介绍了我们的方法……”有时这很有用。例如,如果你正在撰写一篇长篇期刊论文,甚至可能是一篇长篇会议论文(6 页以上),这可以用来为读者提供论文的布局。如果论文比这短,它的用处就会大大降低。我见过人们在 2 页纸上使用它。这种情况下,你将宝贵的空间浪费在根本不重要的事情上。读者可以轻松翻页以查看所有章节。此外,如果你这样做了,请不要以“第 8 节是参考文献列表”结尾。最后一章节你应该提到的是你的结论。所有研究论文都以参考文献结尾,这是已知的。如果你的论文有致谢章节,也不要提及。只有在那里,你可以感谢任何提供数据或资金来支持研究的人(或公司)。

Do you have any pet peeves when it comes to reading introductions? What’s the worst thing you’ve ever seen an author do?


How to write: Related Work


This post is the part of a series on how to write a paper. The first was on abstracts and the second on introductions.


The section that often follows the introduction is the related work section. The related work section may also be called a literature review. The point of the section is to highlight work done by others that somehow ties in with your own work. It may be work that you’re basing your work off of, or work that shows others attempts to solve the same problem.


There are a couple of schools of thought when it comes to writing the related work section. The first school of thought is to mention absolutely everyone and every paper that may be even remotely related to the topic at hand. Personally, I don’t like this method as it usually ends up being a long section with at most one sentence on each paper since there’s no room to give any actual amount of detail. It is also one of the reasons you may find a 4 page paper that is actually 3 pages of writing and 1 page of references.

在编写相关工作章节时,有几种思想流派。第一种思想流派是绝对提到每个人、每篇论文,甚至可能与手头的主题遥不可及。就个人而言,我不喜欢这种方法,因为它通常会变成一个很长的章节,每篇论文最多只有一个句子,因为没有空间提供任何实际的细节。这也是你可能会发现 4 页论文实际上是 3 页写作和 1 页参考文献的原因之一。

The second is to pick and choose the most important papers and to only talk about them. This method allows the author to give about a paragraph or so of space for each paper and actually give details about what the paper is about. A paragraph of space is actually adequate to explain the contributions of the work and how it relates to your own work.


That’s the other important part of the related work. If you’re going to mention a paper, it needs to have some concrete relation to the work you’re doing. You should be able to (easily) defend each paper as to why you chose it and why it’s important. Some papers will be easy to defend – these are the papers that present work you’re building upon or papers that are about other solutions to the problem you’re working on. Others are more difficult. If it’s difficult to defend, then ask yourself why you’re including the paper and if it’s really necessary.


A few suggestions to make writing your related work section easier:


  • Every time you read a paper, write  a short summary of the paper and highlight an important sections. This way you can read your own recap of the paper to decide if it’s applicable instead of relying on the abstract.

  • Use the reference section of the papers you read to search for other papers to read. If paper a is closely related to your topic, then likely the papers they reference are papers that are also closely related to your topic and you should read them.

  • Look through the history of papers published at the journal/conference you’re submitting too. It’s likely you can find papers related to your topic.

  • When writing a paragraph on a paper, make sure you can answer the question “how does this relates to my work?” If you can’t, consider not including it.

  • 每次阅读论文时,请写下论文的简短总结并突出重要的章节。这样你就可以阅读自己对论文的概况来决定它是否适用,而不是依赖论文的摘要。

  • 使用你阅读的论文的参考文献章节来搜索其他要阅读的论文。如果论文与你的主题密切相关,那么他们引用的论文很可能也是与你的主题密切相关的论文,你应该阅读它们。

  • 浏览你提交的期刊/会议上发表的论文的历史。你可能会找到与你的主题相关的论文。

  • 为论文撰写段落时,请确保你可以回答“这与我的工作有什么关系?”这个问题。如果你不能,考虑别包含它。

How to write: Methodology and Analysis of Results


This post is the part of a series on how to write a paper. The first was on abstracts, the second on introductions and the third on related work.


I decided I wouldn’t write a post about explaining your own research because doing that should be straightforward. There’s no one who knows your research better then you. And since research can be on absolutely anything, it’s not possible to give any real help with how to write this section. The only two pieces of advice I have are: use pictures if possible and the KISS principle (keep it simple, stupid).

我决定不写一篇关于解释你自己的研究的文章,因为这个应该很简单。没有人比你更了解你的研究。而且由于研究完全可以针对任何事物,因此对如何编写本章节提供任何真正的帮助是不可能的。我仅有的两条建议是:尽可能使用图片和 KISS 原则(keep it simple, stupid 坚持简单、直白)。

So I’m moving on to tips on writing your methodology and/or Analysis of results sections. Depending on your research, and how you go about validating/testing your research, you may need one or two sections for this. If you have to run a complicated study (for example a user study) that will take more than a paragraph or two to explain, you should probably separate the explanation into its own section. Otherwise, if you can explain fully what you did in less than 2 paragraphs, then you can probably just put in at the start of the Analysis section.


Either way, before you present any of your results, you must explain clearly to your readers how you got them. Did you decide to do a user study? Did you run them against or compare them to previous solutions? Did you run a series of samples yourself and are presenting the differences? The reader should be able to determine what type of results your going to present based on how you decided to test your research. The description of what you did should be detailed enough that a reader could attempt to replicate your results.


When presenting actual results remember that pictures are key. If it’s possible to clearly and concisely show the results in a table, graph or diagram, then do so. When it comes to paper, the “a picture’s worth a 1000 words” is very true. Anyway you can make the information easier to understand and Analyze the better. While you do want to write your own description of the results, it’s good if the reader can look at the values themselves and compare them and confirm what you’re saying.


Even if you include a table of raw data or a graph of results, you still need to write a section detailing the conclusions that can be drawn. When you’re writing this you want to focus on two things, a) highlighting the obvious big results (but don’t spend a lot of text on these) and b) pointing out interesting trends or secondary results that readers may miss. Because you are the one most involved in your research, it’s likely that you’ll be able to look at your results and go “oh cool, even though this isn’t statistically significant, the trend that these results are presenting provide weight to the theory …” These are the type of details that many readers of your paper may miss, and so you want to detail them as well.

即使你包含原始数据表或结果图表,你仍然需要编写一个详细说明可以得出的结论的章节。当你编写时,你要专注于两件事,a) 突出明显的大结果(但不要在这些上花费大量文字)和 b) 指出读者可能错过的有趣趋势或间接结果。因为你是参与研究最多的人,所以你很可能能够看着你的结果并说“哦,酷,即使这在统计上不显著,这些结果所呈现的趋势支持了理论……”这些是你论文的许多读者可能会错过的细节类型,因此你也要详细说明它们。

For example, I did a user study comparing two user interfaces. We were hoping that our new one was easier to use (it was). All users used both interfaces, but some used the new one first and others used the old one. One result was that those who used the hard one first, were able to do more on the easier than those who used the easier one first. But this is somewhat expected. On the other hand, we also discovered that those who used the easier one first, were able to do more on the hard one then those who used the hard one first. This suggests that users were able to transfer the skills they learned on one interface to the other, suggesting learning is taking place.


The goal of your Analysis of results section is to point out what interesting information your results contain and why. So if your results didn’t go the way you expect, see if you can glean any details from the results as to why. Is there something wrong with your experimental design? Did you miss an important factor? Is there something else you can learn from your data that you didn’t expect? Often the most interesting details are not those that answer your primary research question, but the extras you get for free.


How to Write: Future Work/Conclusions


This post is the final part of a series on how to write a paper. The first was on abstracts, the second on introductions, the third on related work and fourth on methodology and Analysis of results.


I’m combining future work and conclusions into a single post since they are often found combined in a single section in a paper. While a conclusion is always necessary, sometimes people don’t include future work. While I don’t think it’s always necessary to have a future work section, I would argue that it’s always worthwhile to include some mention of future work.


Let’s start with Future Work.

我们先说 未来的工作。

The future work section is a place for you to explain to your readers where you think the results can lead you. What do you think are the next steps to take? What other questions do your results raise? Do you think certain paths seem to be more promising than others?


Another way to look at the future work section, is a way to sort of “claim” an area of research. This is not to say that others can’t research the same things, but if your paper gets published, it’s out there that you had the idea. This lets people know what you’re thinking of doing next and they may ask to collaborate if your future research area crosses over theirs.


If you do include a future work section, it should be pretty short. The goal should not be to go into a bunch of details, but instead just a sentence or two explaining each idea. It should just provide enough information as to a possible research path and why the path may be important. Motivation is always key in research. I stressed earlier that you need to motivate your research. This also applies to future work. If you can’t motivate a good reason to continue research down some path, then why should/would you?




Conclusions are the last section people read in your paper, and therefore it’s what they leave remembering. You need to make sure they walk away thinking about your paper just the way you want them to.


Your conclusions needs to do three main things:


  1. Recap what you did. In about one paragraph recap what your research question was and how you tackled it.

  2. Highlight the big accomplishments. Spend another paragraph explaining the highlights of your results. These are the main results you want the reader to remember after they put down the paper, so ignore any small details.

  3. Conclude. Finally, finish off with a sentence or two that wraps up your paper. I find this can often be the hardest part to write. You want the paper to feel finished after they read these. One way to do this, is to try and tie your research to the “real world.” Can you somehow relate how your research is important outside of academia? Or, if your results leave you with a big question, finish with that. Put it out there for the reader to think about to.

  4. Optional Before you conclude, if you don’t have a future work section, put in a paragraph detailing the questions you think arise from the work and where you think researchers need to be looking next.

  1. 回顾一下你做了什么。用大约一个段落回顾你的研究问题是什么以及你如何解决它。

  2. 突出重大成就。花另一个段落解释你的结果的亮点。这些是你希望读者在放下论文后记住的主要结果,因此请忽略任何小细节。

  3. 结束。最后,用一两句话来结束你的论文。我发现这通常是最难写的部分。您希望他们在阅读这些内容后感觉论文完成了。一种方法是尝试将你的研究与“现实世界”联系起来。你能以某种方式说明你的研究在学术界之外的重要性吗?或者,如果你的结果给你留下了一个大问题,那就以此结束吧。把它放在那里供读者思考。

  4. 可选:在结束之前,如果你没有未来的工作章节,请插入一个段落详细说明从工作中你认为产生的问题以及你认为研究人员接下来需要关注的地方。

Things to not do in your conclusion:


  1. Introduce new information. The conclusion is for wrapping up everything you’ve done. It’s not a place to say “oh yeah, and we also got result y.” All results should be first presented and detailed in the result section. Think of the conclusion as a place to reflect on what you’ve already said earlier in the paper.

  2. Directly re-quote anything you’ve already written. I’ve seen conclusions that are almost identical to the abstract or a collection of sentences from throughout the paper. As a reader, it makes me think the author was lazy and couldn’t be bothered to actually summarize their results for the paper. Take the time to write a proper conclusion so that the reader walks away with good thoughts about your work.

  3. Write a conclusion longer than your introduction. A conclusion should be short, and to the point. You’ll rarely see them over 3 paragraphs, and three is often long. A lot of the time they are usually only one or two. Think about a conclusion as a chance to see how concisely you can summarize your entire research project. It’s your “30 second” research spiel (

  1. 引入新信息。结论是总结你所做的一切。这不是一个说“哦,是的,我们还得到了 y 结果”的地方。所有结果应首先在结果章节中呈现和详细说明。将结论视为反思你在论文前面已经说过的内容的地方。

  2. 直接重新引用你已经写过的任何内容。我看到过与摘要或整篇论文中的句子汇编几乎相同的结论。作为一个读者,这让我觉得作者很懒惰,懒得去实际总结他们的论文结果。花点时间写一个合适的结论,这样读者就可以带着对你的工作的好想法离开。

  3. 写一个比你的引言更长的结论。一个结论应该简短,并且切中要害。你很少会看到它们超过三段,而且三段通常也很长。很多时候,他们通常只有一两个段落。将结论视为一个机会,看看你可以如何简洁地总结你的整个研究项目。这是你的研究的“30 秒”推销游说。

Next week I plan on posting my general pet peeves when a) reading papers and b) reading reviews of papers. Do you have any?

下周我计划写写我在 a) 阅读论文 和 b) 阅读审稿意见 时的烦恼。你有么?

