





本指南将向您展示如何为您的设备下载库存的 EMUI 固件。知道如何做到这一点是执行其他任务的要求,例如恢复库存,安装没有 TWRP 的 Magisk。

  1. 第一步是确定您使用的是哪种设备。最简单的方法是进入您的设置,然后进入“关于手机”部分。如以下屏幕截图所示,您的内部版本号已列出。第一部分“BKL-L09”是您的型号,中间的“”是内部版本号,括号中的 (C432) 是您设备的区域版本。这个数字对于确定要下载的正确固件非常重要。请记住,这些只是示例,您的设备会有不同的编号。这个过程对于 EMUI 和自定义 ROM 都是相似的,只是设备看起来略有不同。

  1. 现在我们有了我们的设备编号,接下来需要为您的设备下载固件,以便我们可以提取我们需要的文件。为此,我们使用位于 https://pro-teammt.ru/en/online-firmware-database/的固件查找器数据库,这个网站可以查找下载您所需要的固件。该页面是俄文的,但顶部有一个谷歌翻译链接可以将其更改为英文。

  2. 要搜索您的固件,请输入您的设备型号,然后输入区域变体。因此,在使用步骤 1 中的示例时,您将在搜索中输入“BKL-L09C432”。在您收到的结果中,您应该会在结果中看到您的版本,如下所示。

  1. 您会注意到每个内部版本号通常有多个结果。这是因为一个是“FullOTA-MF”下载,而另一个是“OTA-MF”更新。您选择哪一个取决于您需要的文件。这里的一般规则是,如果您需要 system.img,则下载 FullOTA-MF 下载。如果您不需要system.img,而只需要内核或ramdisk等其他文件,则可以下载OTA-MF更新

  2. 当您准备好下载文件时,单击固件的蓝色“更新”链接,如上面的屏幕截图所示。update.zip 文件应开始下载。

  3. 压缩文件完成后,您就完成了!恭喜,您已成功下载设备的库存固件!

  4. 现在您已经有了固件,您可能需要查看我们的如何从库存 EMUI 固件中提取分区图像的指南


How To Download Stock EMUI Firmware For Your Device

This guide will show you how to download the stock EMUI firmware for your device. Knowing how to do this a requirement for doing other tasks such as getting back on stock recovery, installing Magisk without TWRP, or if you want to go back to EMUI after install our ROMs, not that you’d ever want to do that  .

  1. The first step is to determine which variant of your device you are      on. The easist way to do this is to simply go to your settings, and to the      “About Phone” section. As shown in the below screenshot, your build number      is listed. The first section “BKL-L09” is your model number, the middle      “” is the build number, and the bracketed (C432) is your device’s      regional variant. This number is very important in determining the correct      firmware to download. Remember these are examples, your device will have      different numbers. This process is similar for both EMUI and for custom      ROMs, the screens will just look slightly different.

  1. Now that we have our device variant we’ll need to download the      firmware for your device so we can extract the files we need. To do this,      we using the Firmware Finder database located at https://pro-teammt.ru/en/online-firmware-database/. The page is in Russian,      but there is a Google translate link at the top to change it to English.

  2. To search for your firmware, enter your device model number followed      by the regional variant. So, of using the example in step 1, you would      enter “BKL-L09C432” into the search. In the results you receive, you      should see your version in the results, as shown below.

  1. You will notice there is often more than one result for each build      number. This is because one is a “FullOTA-MF” download, while the other is      an “OTA-MF” update. Which one you select depends on the files you need.      The general rule here is that if you need the system.img, then download      the FullOTA-MF download. If you don’t need the system.img, and only need      other files such as the kernel or ramdisk, then you can download the OTA-MF      update

  2. When you’re ready to download the file, click the blue “update” link      for your firmware as shown in the above screenshot. The update.zip file      should begin downloading.

  3. Once the zip file is completed, you’re finished! Congratulations,      you’ve successfully downloaded your device’s stock firmware!

  4. Now that you have the firmware, you may want to check out our guide      on How To      Extract Partition Images From Stock EMUI Firmware

