









  1. 您的设备BL必须处于解锁状态。如果您的BL未解锁,您将无法继续。

  2. 除了解锁的引导加载程序,您的设备必须是受支持的设备,并且该设备必须运行 EMUI 8.0/EMUI9.0/EMUI9.1。使用其他版本,您可能会破坏您的设备。你被警告了!

  3. 备份您希望保留的任何设备数据。首次安装类原生GSI需要恢复出厂设置!

  4. 不支持 TWRP 和其他自定义恢复!请确保您已安装设备的最佳底包(刷入GSI前的EMUI版本)。如果您使用自定义恢复安装 ROM,我们无法帮助您解决可能出现的任何问题。您可以通过以下教程下载EMUI底包。

  1. 确保您已安装 fastboot。

  2. GSI包下载地址在开麒麟官网(openkirin.net),正常情况下不易访问,建议国内用户在百度或者酷安搜索获取您想要的GSI包(相当于类原生ROM)

  • 如果您下载的 ROM 是压缩的(文件以扩展名 .xz 结尾),您需要从压缩文件中提取 ROM .img 文件。

  • 在 Windows 上:我们建议使用WinRAR或7-Zip来解压文件

  • 在 Linux 上:我们建议使用 GNU Tar,它包含在大多数 Linux 发行版中

    • 若要提取 ROM .img 文件,请使用命令tar xf <name-of-file>.xz

    • 若您收到“Cannot exec”错误,您可能需要通过您的发行版的包管理器(apt、rpm、yum 等)安装xz-utils包。

  • 得到 .img 文件后,我们建议您将 .img 文件放在您在步骤 3 中安装 fastboot 的同一文件夹中

  • 关闭您的设备。关闭电源时,按住设备的音量调低键,同时使用 USB 数据线将设备连接到电脑。如果你做得正确,你应该看到下面的屏幕(或类似的)。如果没有,请再试一次!请注意,如果您没有显示如下所示的“PHONE Unlocked”和“FRP      Unlock”,请不要继续。您必须有一个完全解锁的引导加载程序才能继续!

    1. 进入此屏幕后,将设备连接到 PC,在安装 fastboot 并复制 ROM .img 文件的同一目录中打开命令提示符/终端。

    2. 在命令窗口中,输入命令 fastboot flash system      <name-of-rom-image-file> 。它应该类似于以下屏幕截图:

    1. 按回车键,您应该会看到如下截图所示的 ROM 闪存:

    1. 完成后,输入命令 fastboot reboot 并拔下手机

    2. 在启动 ROM 之前,您需要在库存恢复中执行出厂重置。

    3. 要启动恢复,请关闭您的设备。然后同时按住Power + VolUp,直到屏幕上出现华为/荣耀标志。如果你做对了,你会看到下面的屏幕(或类似的)

    1.  按“擦除数据/恢复出厂设置”按钮。

    2. 重新启动您的设备然后开始享受原生安卓!


    OpenKirin ROM Installation Instructions

    The below guide will provide you with instructions on how to install an OpenKirin ROM on your device for the first time. Please ensure you follow the instructions correctly. Failure to do so may cause irreparable damage to your device!

    1. Your device MUST have an unlocked bootloader. If your bootloader is      not unlocked, you cannot go any further.

    2. In addition to an unlocked bootloader, your device must be a      supported device, and the device must be running EMUI 8.0/EMUI      9.0/EMUI9.1. Other versions are not supported and you will likely brick      your device. You have been warned!

    3. Back up any of your device’s data that you wish to keep. Installing      one of our ROMs for the first time requires a factory reset!

    4. TWRP and other custom recoveries are not supported! Please ensure you      have your device’s stock recovery installed. If you install the ROM with a      custom recovery, we cannot assist you with any issues which may arise

    5. Ensure you have fastboot installed. You can refer to our guide here on how to install      fastboot.

    6. If you haven’t already, go to the Downloads page and download      the ROM you wish to install.

    • If the ROM you’ve downloaded is compressed (file ends with extension       .xz), you will need to extract the ROM .img file from the compressed       file.

    • On Windows: We recommend using either WinRAR or 7-Zip to extract the       file

    • On Linux: We recommend using GNU Tar, which is included in most       Linux distributions

      • To extract the ROM .img file, use the command tar xf        <name-of-file>.xz

      • If you get a “Cannot exec” error, you may need to install        the xz-utils package via your distribution’s pacakage        manager (apt, rpm, yum, etc.

  • Once you have your uncompressed .img file, we recommend that you      place the .img file in the same folder where you installed fastboot in      Step 3

  • Power off your device. While powered down, hold down the volume down      key of your device, while connecting your device to your PC with the USB      cable. If you’ve done it properly, you should see the below screen (or      similar). If you don’t, try again! Note that if you do not show the “PHONE      Unlocked” and “FRP Unlock” like shown below, do not continue. You must      have a fully unlocked bootloader in order to continue!

  • Once on this screen, keep your device connected to your PC, open a      command prompt/terminal in the same directory where you installed fastboot      and copied the ROM .img file

  • In the command window, enter the command fastboot flash system      <name-of-rom-image-file> . It will should look similar to the below      screenshot:

  • Press enter, and you should see the ROM flash like in the below      screenshot:

  • Once it’s completed, type the command fastboot reboot and unplug your      phone

  • Before booting up the ROM, you will need to perform a factory reset      in stock recovery.

  • To boot into recovery, power off your device. Then hold down Power +      VolUp at the same time, and keep them held until the Huawei/Honor logo      appears on your screen. If you did it correctly, you’ll see the below      screen (or similar)

  •  Press the “Wipe data/factory reset” button.

  • Reboot your device and begin enjoying the ROM!

