Fabrication of environmentally-friendly composited sponges for efficient removal of fluoroquinolones antibiotics from water☆
In this study, two environmentally-friendly macroscopically formal (PVF) composited sponges (PL and PLS) functionalized with lignin and lignosulfonate, respectively, were fabricated by a one-step mechanical foaming method. PLS, obtained with the fed mass ratio of 0.3:1 lignosulfonate to PVF in the preparation process, possessed a large specific surface area of approximately 22.396 m2/g, a three-dimensional skeleton structure with a skeletal density of 3.236 g/cm3, and 0.338 mmol/g of acidic oxygen-containing groups. Thus, it showed a high adsorption capacity of 0.16–0.24 mmol/g in removing seven antibiotics, of the popular fluoroquinolones (FQs) family from water. The contributions of hydrogen bonding, electrostatic attraction (EA) and π-π electron donor-acceptor interaction to the adsorption of FQs onto the PL and PLS sponges were analyzed systematically by investigating the pH dependence of the adsorption capacity, and the changes in adsorption of two sub structural analogs of FQs as molecular probes, and by performing theoretical calculations. The EA between the acidic oxygen-containing groups on the sponges and the amino groups of FQs played a dominant role in adsorption in near neutral conditions, leading to a superior adsorption performance for PLS. Overall, the composited sponges have the advantages of simple production, environmental-friendliness, convenient recycle, and low cost, which renders them potentially viable in treating real wastewater containing FQs.
采用一步机械发泡法[DLL1] (a one-step mechanical foaming method)制备了木质素(lignin)和木质素磺酸盐(lignosulfonate)功能化的环境友好型聚乙烯醇缩甲醛(PVF)复合海绵[DLL2] 。以木质素[DLL3] 磺酸盐和聚乙烯醇缩甲醛(PVF)为原料,在制备过程中得到质量比为0.3:1的三维骨架结构,比表面积约为22.396m2/g,骨架密度为3.236g/cm3,酸性含氧基团为0.338mmol/g。结果表明,该海绵对水中常见的氟喹诺酮类抗生素[DLL4] (fluoroquinolones,FQs)吸附能力为0.16-0.24mmol/g。通过研究吸附容量的PH依赖关系、FQs亚结构类似物的吸附变化以及理论计算,系统地分析了氢键、静电吸引(EA)和π-π电子给体-受体相互作用对FQs在PL和PLS海绵上吸附的贡献。在近中性条件下,海绵上的酸性含氧基团与FQs的氨基之间的相互作用对海绵的吸附起主导作用,使海绵的吸附性能优越。
合成LS:将10.0g LN溶解于50.0mL的3.0wt%NaOH水溶液中。将混合物在343K下搅拌0.5h,使其发生碱化。将3.0mL体积的甲醛加入混合物中搅拌1.0h,然后2.0g的Na2SO3在368K下搅拌3.0h。产物(LS)在乙醇中沉淀并在333K下干燥24.0h。
在该方法中,将2.30g聚乙烯醇(PVA)和指定质量的LN或LS加入27.0mL去离子水中,在368K下搅拌2.0h,直至完全溶解。然后,将10.0mL 50wt%硫酸、4.0mL甲醛和2.25mL Triton X-100一起加入上述溶液,在大力搅拌下产生液体泡沫(1000r/min)。当发泡量增加到最大值时,倒入模具,在328K的烤箱中固化3.0h,然后用纯水洗涤,在323K烘干24.0h
此外,为了比较的目的,用相同的方法制备PVF,不含LN和LS。用相同的方法制备了PVF、PL3和PLS3的三种对照海绵,即PVFN、PL3N和PLS3N,但没有机械发泡,机械混合速度降低到100r/min。PVF、PL3和PLS3的表观密度分别为0.094、0.109和0.100 g/cm3。
通过在298 K下将10.0mg干燥海绵混合在40.0mLFQs水溶液中进行批量吸附。FQs的浓度为0.15mmol/L,初始溶液的pH控制在6.0。
为了便于计算,苯被用作代表基于LN的海绵的模型。DFT是在B3LYP/6–311g * *水平下计算的,并通过DFT-D3 (BJ)进行色散校正。利用Multiwfn软件对数据进行分析,利用可视化分子动力学软件绘制静电势(ESP)。根据方程估算了FQs和LN基海绵之间π-π EDA相互作用的吸附能(Ead)。
Ead =Eadsorbent +EFQs – Eadsorbent – FQs
其中EAD吸附剂、EFQs和Eadsorbent- FQs分别代表LN基海绵、FQs及其复合物的能量。
电荷屏蔽效应charge shielding effect:由于其他电子对某一电子的排斥作用而抵消了一部分核电荷,从而引起有效核电荷的降低,削弱了核电荷对该电子的吸引,这种作用称为屏蔽作用或屏蔽效应。
穿透曲线(Breakthrough Curve)是指多组分混合气体/蒸汽流经固定床穿透柱时,各个流出组分的浓度随时间变化的曲线。图的横坐标通常为时间t或时间与吸附质量的比值t/g,纵坐标为t时刻的出口浓度Ct或Ct/C0(出口浓度Ct与入口浓度C0的比值,即相对浓度)。当吸附质从穿透柱内的吸附剂流出时,当流出浓度Ct达到初始浓度C0的5%时对应的穿透曲线的相应点则称为穿透点。穿透曲线反映了流动相吸附质和固定相吸附剂的吸附平衡关系、吸附动力学和传质机理。
再生:在这个过程中,用过的海绵被直接从水中提取,压力去除溶剂,然后用淋洗剂(即100ml 的0.001 mol/l NaOH 水溶液)进行再生,然后用纯水冲洗至中性,这样它们就可以在下一个吸附循环中重复使用。
两性离子种(zwitterionic species):在溶液既能和氢离子,又能和氢氧根离子反应的离子或物质。同一分子上同时带正负两种电荷的偶极离子。
吸附能(electrostatic potentials (ESP):在吸附过程中产生的能量,由于吸附过程中分子的运动速度由快变慢最终停止在吸附介质表面上,所以由于速度的降低有一部分能量将被释放出来,这部分能量被称为吸附能。
静电势(electrostatic potentials (ESP)):将单位正电荷从无穷远处移到分子周围空间某点处所做的功。
4. Conclusion
In comparison with reported powder-based adsorbents such as activated carbon, MOFs and carbon nanotubes, the two porous three- dimensional PVF composited sponges prepared in this study demonstrated various advantages of environmental-friendliness, low cost, high adsorption performance in removal of FQs, facile separation from water for convenient regeneration and reuse, and practical feasibility in large- scale water and wastewater treatment systems. The conclusions of this study mainly included the following points,
1) The high performance of the composited sponges was ascribed to the notably improved structural and textural properties after incorporating the LN-based materials, the main product of papermaking wastewater effluents. The composited sponges (PLS3) possessed an increased specific surface area (22.396 m2/g) and skeleton density (3.236 g/cm3) as well as higher contents of acidic oxygen-containing groups (0.338 mmol/g), relative to the non-functionalized ones.
2) The optimal adsorption capacities of PL3 and PLS3 for NOR reached up to 0.11 and 0.20 mmol/g at the initial NOR concentration of 0.15 mmol/L under the pH of 6.0. Adsorption obeyed the Langmuir isotherm model and the pseudo-second order kinetic model, indicating a monolayer chemisorption. Besides, adsorption thermodynamic parameters indicated that the process is spontaneous and endothermic.
3) By investigating the pH dependence of adsorption capacity, and in view of the changes that occurred in the adsorption of the two sub structural analogs of FQs as molecular probes, along with the DFT theoretical calculations, the contributions of EA to adsorption were concluded to be dominant, especially at pH around 6.0–8.0. HB, on the other hand, played an important role in acidic conditions. In addition, π-π EDA and NCAHB contributed to the adsorption with the latter being particularly effective under alkaline conditions.
In general, this study provided an instructive theoretical and practical guidance for the design and fabrication of novel sponge-based adsorbents and their applications in the efficient removal of emerging organic macro- and micropollutants from water.
[DLL2]聚乙烯醇缩甲醛(PVF,Polyvinyl alcohol-formaldehyde)海绵:由于其高孔隙率、大表面积和在湿态下的显著机械稳定性而被认为是一种环境友好和潜在的高性能吸附剂。同时,PVF 具有宏观的三维多孔结构,使其能够快速地从水中分离出来,从而为油水分离、水收集、金属离子吸附等大规模水和废水处理提供了可行性。然而,PVF 缺乏有效去除有机大、微污染物所需的功能基团,因此很少用于有机污染水的净化。
[DLL3]木质素(Lignin (LN))是一种天然高分子材料,是造纸废水的主要产物。它含有丰富的含氧官能团和芳环,可以吸附有机污染物,尤其是磺化或羧化后。然而,它直到现在才被广泛应用(li 等人,2015)。
[DLL4]氟喹诺酮类抗生素 [DLL4](fluoroquinolones,FQs):是一类常用的抗生素,用来治疗人类的泌尿系统感染(urinaryinfection)FQs一直处于抗感染药物的前沿,占全球抗生素市场份额的18%,在抗生素类别中排名第三