



  • 什么是clear writing?

There is no formula or template; clear writing involves a commitment to expressing your ideas with clarity, directness, and precision. The beauty of clear writing is that it creates nearly effortless reading. Clear writing may be elegant, but it is never pretentious.  The goal is not to show the reader how smart you are but, rather, to take the reader with you on a journey that is clear, logical, and direct. Clear writing is about writing simply, but it is not simplistic.

按照我个人的理解,clear writing应该是说,作者要剥离所有不相干的词句,将核心思想明白、准确、优雅地传递给读者,带领读者徜徉思想的世界并让他们领略到思想本身的美感。A good writer is also an excellent tour guide。

  • 如何做到clear writing?

Regins在撰写这篇文章前,咨询了67个AMR的reviewers的意见,他们的评审经历加起来多达483年!在这些意见中,Regins总结出了有关clear writing最常见的三个问题以及相应的解决办法。

问题一:模糊的写作(Foggy Writing)

One of the most common pet peeves cited by the reviewers is the use of needlessly complex language that obscures meaning and keeps the reader in what Gunning (1968) would call a fog.

无用的复杂(needless complexity)是通向clear writing道路上的第一个阻碍。把读者写的云里雾里并不是什么了不起的事情。


Foggy writing often stems from “writing to impress rather than express”.


Perhaps some authors think that the use of more “esoteric” words makes their manuscript seem more “theoretical” or “deep”.

还有的作者想让自己的文字显得更有思想性、理论性,他们认为复杂的表达等于高深的思想。But complexity is not the badge of wisdom.


Wisdom goes arm in arm with simplicity.The keen mind is one that can absorb a complicated problem, then state it in simple direct terms that will transfer the idea quickly and accurately to the minds of others. To put complicated ideas in simple language is not child’s work. It calls for sophistication (Gunning, 1968: 9). Take the time to really think through your ideas before you start to write. Your manuscript is peer reviewed before submitting it to AMR.

除了以上,我倒是还有一个建议,就是把自己的手稿给自己的妈妈或者爸爸读或者讲出来,如果他们都能够明白你在说什么事情,并且对此感到有趣,就说明文章的思想已经达到深入浅出了。这个方法还有个学名,叫做老妈测试(The Mom Test)。

问题二:看透我心(Read My Mind)

Authors assume that the “reader is inside their mind.”



Authors may be too close to the material.  “They ‘know’ the topic so well that they assume others will.” Lack of empathy and perspective

注:perspective=客观判断力;权衡轻重的能力:the ability to think about problems and decisions in a reasonable way without exaggerating their importance。



Never lose sight of your reader. Each and every sentence has to be constructed with the reader in mind. “In good papers, the sentences and paragraphs flow naturally from one to the next without the reader having to pause to consider how points are connected.” My advice to authors is to use their imaginations to take the perspective of an intelligent but naïve reader who has limited time and resources in reading their own manuscripts. Make their papers worth the reader’s effort and don’t make the reader work harder than necessary to get the point. You can enlist friends and family as non-specialist reviewers who read your paper for clarity.

我觉得最棒的建议莫过于,把你的读者当作一个有智慧的外行人(intelligent layman),并且他/她还没多少时间看你的手稿。这就要求你用最精炼的语言把专业知识用外行人都明白的语言表达出来。我觉得这一点对于当下的管理学者尤为重要。现实中的企业家、管理者几乎不会有时间、有心情看什么专业学术著作,毕竟这些著作大多艰涩难懂,但管理学者有责任将有价值的思想传递给业界。

问题三:故事,故事,但什么是故事?(Story, Story, What’s the Story?)

Papers should offer a clear, direct and compelling story that first hooks the reader, and then carries the reader on a straightforward journey from the beginning to the very end of the manuscript.



“Many of the AMR submissions I read are mystery novels, where even the author isn’t sure where the paper is going to end up.”

Many papers are fragmented, have no thread, and tell no story. Authors have to understand that it is not my responsibility as a reviewer to search for the thread but their responsibility to make it as easy as possible for me to follow their story.


The introduction should also provide a clear and compelling justification for the manuscript.

“Many authors fail to effectively problematize the literature and articulate a compelling theoretical contribution.”

完成一篇好的学术文章,需要很多要素,但在文章的最初,最能够抓住人心的其实是你所做的justification。一个好的justification意味着,让读者相信,不读你这篇文章,他就会错过一些重要的东西,或者,通过你的文章,他可以纠正过去错误的认知。当然很多学术文章在justification部分做的不好。他们常采用的策略叫做 “fill in the gap” approach。他们为自己文章辩护的理由是,我填补了一块学术空白。但是这块空白真的重要吗?不填补这块空白,学术界会不会塌?如果会塌,说明填补空白是有意义的;否则,填补就是无意义的。


Authors try to do too much in one manuscript.







以上就是Regins总结出了有关clear writing最常见的三个问题以及相应的解决办法,也包括一些我自己的胡扯。希望对各种有帮助!
