
在我写这篇文章的时候,大型强子对撞机,日内瓦CERN的世界上最大的原子加速器,已经开启了几乎史无前例的媒体狂欢。当被问及这一切的实际价值时,斯蒂芬·霍金(Stephen Hawking)说,“现代社会是建立在纯科学进步的基础上的,而这些进步是无法预见的。这是一个普遍的说法,它微妙地强化了梅达瓦所认定的等级制度:技术和工程是纯科学的卑微后代,这是一种更高尚的追求。

I don’t believe that such pronouncements are intended to denigrate applied science as an intellectual activity; they merely speak into a culture in which that has already happened. Pure science undoubtedly does lead to applied spin-oils, but this is not the norm. Rather, most of our technology has come from explicit and painstaking efforts to develop it. And this is simply a part of the scientific enterprise. A dividing line between pure and applied science makes no sense at all. running as it docs in a convoluted path through disciplines, departments, even individual scientific papers and careers. Research aimed at applications fills the pages of the leading journals in physics, chemistry, and the life and Earth sciences; curiosity-driven research with no real practical value is abundant in the “applied” literature of the materials, biotechnological, and engineering sciences. The fact that “pure” and “applied” science arc useful and meaningful terms seduces us sometimes into thinking that they are real, absolute, and distinct categories.


1.The primary purpose of the passage is to

A. present a new approach to a problem

B. criticize the attention paid to science

C. point out a useful distinction

D. outline disputing positions

E. challenge a prevailing attitude


2.In the context of the passage, the mention of the Large Hadron Collider primarily serves to

A. demonstrate the attention that is paid to what some consider pure science

B. introduce a change in the prevailing attitude toward science

C. call into question the currently existing priorities for scientific research

D. illustrate the contributions that applied science has made to pure science

E. cast doubt on the hierarchy identified by Mcdawar


3.According to the passage, the “explicit and painstaking efforts’* are

A. part of the same overall endeavor as pure science research

B. the foundation of the techniques that allow advances in pure science

C. needed before the findings of pure science have practical benefit

D. in danger of dying out because of the attractions of pure science

E. ultimately of greater importance than the great majority of work in pure science


4.The passage implies that the statement made by Stephen Hawking has which shortcoming?

A. It overstates the importance of technology for modern society.

B. It fails to recognize the distinct goals of pure and applied science.

C. It ignores the work involved in turning initial insights into useful technology.

D. It treats somewhat unusual cases as if they were the general rule.

E. It inappropriately understates the value of pure science.




答案:1.E 2.A 3.A 4.D 








S2:本句为作者观点引用了一个事实,因为我们看到了【has said that】,在时态上表示过去,因此确定为事实。

【当问询其实际应用价值时,霍金说过:现代的社会是基于(前提)pure science 且在实际应用中看不到前景】

由此,我们知道,S1的原子对撞机实际上完全是一个pure science的体现,而不是应用科学的代表。



【S2的看法完全是当时社会主流的观点,轻微的加强了M所确定的等级制度:建筑和科技完全是pure science的产物】







让步为肯定对方的观点【毫无疑问,pure science确实应用到了纺织】

转折为作者继续展开自己观点,展开排除逻辑,排除了pure science在应用领域毫无未来的观点【但是,这种说法并不是整个行业的标准】

作者认为确实有少数的行业体现了pure science,但是从整个行业角度看,这种说法过于的绝对了。



出现标志词【most】表示大多数是艰苦努力和发展,同时作者还是肯定了少数部分的行业体现了pure science。同时,这种艰苦奋斗和发展指代是application。



S8:作者观点展开自己,并再一次的排除了前文的观点认为的科学等级秩序和pure science的说法,同时作者给出了自己的看法,作者认为pure 和应用实际上是交叉互相作用的。因此,我们确定S7剩下的一部分是pure和science共同体现的作用。

S9:继续展开作者观点,同时信息上,作者通过举例再一次体现了pure和 science是相互作用的。



1.文章主线:S2 S3 S4 S9


霍金:pure science很高贵,application你不配


作者:少给我整些花花肠子,老子认为pure 和application一样重要





A, 错误,文中未提及问题,也未给出一个解决问题的方法

B, 错误,无中生有属于,作者criticize的是把pure和application界定的态度,因此和题干不符

C, 错误,作者明确的反对了这种将pure和application的界定的说法

D, 错误,文中未出现引用观点

E, 正确,作者排除了事实的说法和我们的选项在逻辑方向上一致


第二题,功能题,问:结合文本,作者提及了Large Hadron Collider的主要目的是什么?




第三题,信息题,问:根据文章,explicit and painstaking efforts代表什么?

首先,according to the passage = the author,文中出现了作者观点,因此我们的入手点就是作者观点的态度。explicit and painstaking efforts,作者认为体现了部分上艰苦的发展和抱负,其次也是pure和science的共同体现的作用。

A, 正确

B, 错误,逻辑相反,作者认为是pure 和application共同作用

C,  错误,作者并未提及艰苦奋斗和发展是否早于pure,无关的逻辑


E, 错误,无关的比较,作者认为是两者相互作用



直接在文中找很难找到,但是我们可以通过关系指代来入手,霍金坚持pure science高于application,且在实际应用看不到前景,作者坚持两者相互结合,因此带着这种逻辑入手分析,我们发现在第二段的第二句,第三句,第四句以及最后一句体现了作者对于霍金的评价。

本题参考的句子:第一段S2 S3,第二段,S2 S3 S4 S6 S9

A, 错误,作者未提及霍金是否夸大了科技对于现代社会的重要性

B, 错误,与文中的信息和逻辑相反,实际上把application 和pure分类就是霍金那一拨人,因此霍金间接上是承认的这种分类。

C, 错误,首先,霍金在第一段未提及科学的最初目标,作者在第二段中也未提及此事

D, 正确,逻辑方向对应

E, 错误,与A一样

作者:alchemist97/ alchemsit·(都是我)
