生物学复试文献: A phospho-switch constrains BTL2-mediated phytocytokine

A phospho-switch constrains BTL2-mediated phytocytokine signaling in plant immunity


背景回顾:Enabling and constraining immune activation is of fundamental importance in maintaining cellular homeostasis. 


提出问题:Depleting BAK1 and SERK4, the co-receptors of multiple pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), abolishes pattern-triggered immunity but triggers intracellular NOD-like receptor (NLR)-mediated autoimmunity with an elusive mechanism.


主要发现: By deploying RNAi-based genetic screens in Arabidopsis, we identified BAK-TO-LIFE 2 (BTL2), an uncharacterized receptor kinase, sensing BAK1/SERK4 integrity. 

通过在拟南芥中进行RNA干扰基因筛选,我们发现了一个未知的受体激酶,BAK-TO-LIFE 2(BTL2),它感知BAK1/SERK4的完整性。

作用机制:BTL2 induces autoimmunity through activating Ca2+ channel CNGC20 in a kinase-dependent manner when BAK1/SERK4 are perturbed. 


To compensate for BAK1 deficiency, BTL2 complexes with multiple phytocytokine receptors, leading to potent phytocytokine responses mediated by helper NLR ADR1 family immune receptors, suggesting phytocytokine signaling as a molecular link connecting PRR- and NLR-mediated immunity. 

为了弥补BAK1的缺失,BTL2与多种植物细胞因子受体形成复合物,导致由助手NLR ADR1家族免疫受体介导的强效植物细胞因子反应,表明植物细胞因子信号作为连接PRR-和NLR介导的免疫的分子联系。

结论:Remarkably, BAK1 constrains BTL2 activation via specific phosphorylation to maintain cellular integrity. Thus, BTL2 serves as a surveillance rheostat sensing the perturbation of BAK1/SERK4 immune co-receptors in promoting NLR-mediated phytocytokine signaling to ensure plant immunity.


补充:”RNAi-based genetic screens” 指的是利用RNA干扰(RNA interference,RNAi)技术进行的基因筛选。在这种筛选中,通过设计RNA分子干扰靶标基因的表达,以研究这些基因在特定生物学过程中的功能。这种方法可以用来识别特定基因对某种生物学过程的调控作用,或者识别新的基因参与的信号通路。RNAi技术是一种常用的分子生物学工具,被广泛用于研究基因功能和基因调控机制。
