艾美捷PolySciTech mPEG-PLGA图例&文献参考


中文名称:mPEG-PDLLA / 甲氧基聚(乙二醇)-b-聚(D,L-丙交酯),(Mw ~5,000:16,000 Da)

英文名字:mPEG-PDLLA / Methoxy poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(D,L-lactide), (Mw ~5,000:16,000 Da)





图:H-NMR Spectrum of copolymers in CDCl3 (Varian Inova 500 MHz instrument) NMR of PLA-PEG-PLA repeat units: EG-LA =114-227(Mn EG-LA: 5022-16335)CDCl3(Varian Inova 500 MHz)中共聚物的H-NMR谱仪器)PLA-PEG-PLA重复单元的NMR:EG-LA=114-227(锰EG-LA:55022-16335)



Granot, Z., Völs, S., Kaisar-Iluz, N., Shaul, M.E., Ryvkin, A., Ashkenazy, H., Yehuda, A., Atamneh, R., Meital, B.D.N., Nadav, M. and Hirsch, S.. “Targeted Nanoparticles Modify Neutrophil Function In Vivo”. Frontiers in Immunology p.5679.

Product Used: , AI110

Product Usage: Decorated Nanoparticle Shell


Hirsch, S., Hinden, L., Naim, M.B.D., Baraghithy, S., Permyakova, A., Azar, S., Nasser, T., Portnoy, E., Agbaria, M., Nemirovski, A. and Golomb, G.. “Hepatic targeting of the centrally active cannabinoid 1 receptor (CB1R) blocker rimonabant via PLGA nanoparticles for treating fatty liver disease and diabetes”. Journal of Controlled Release 353, pp.254-269.

Product Used:

Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell


Lamson, Nicholas G., Andrew J. Pickering, Jeffrey Wyckoff, Priya Ganesh, Joelle P. Straehla, and Paula T. Hammond. “Core material and surface chemistry of Layer-by-Layer (LbL) nanoparticles independently direct uptake, transport, and trafficking in preclinical blood-brain barrier (BBB) models”. bioRxiv (2022)

Product Used:

Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell


Piotrowski-Daspit, A.S., Barone, C., Lin, C.Y., Deng, Y., Wu, D., Binns, T.C., Xu, E., Ricciardi, A.S., Putman, R., Garrison, A. and Nguyen, R.. “In vivo correction of cystic fibrosis mediated by PNA nanoparticles”. Science Advances 8(40), p.eabo0522.

Product Used:

Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell


Stigliano, Cinzia, Allison Frazier, and Philip J. Horner. “Modulation of Neuroinflammation Via Selective Nanoparticle‐Mediated Drug Delivery to Activated Microglia/Macrophages in Spinal Cord Injury”. Advanced Therapeutics 2200083

Product Used:

Product Usage: Nanoparticle Shell
