
Part  01  概述









 Part  02  金属材料领域英语文献



How hair deforms steel


Razors eventually become dull after shaving even though the blade is about 50 times harder than the hair. Whereas edge rounding and brittle cracking of a blade’s hard coating were thought to be responsible, a detailed microstructural investigation by Roscioli et al. shows a different mechanism. A combination of out-of-plane bending, microstructural heterogeneity, and asperities—microscopic chips along the smooth edge—sometimes caused fracture to occur if the conditions lined up. This fracture originated at the hair-edge asperity interface and created chipping that dulled a blade faster than other processes.

Steels for sharp edges or tools typically have martensitic microstructures, high carbide contents, and various coatings to exhibit high hardness and wear resistance. Yet they become practically unusable upon cutting much softer materials such as human hair, cheese, or potatoes. Despite this being an everyday observation, the underlying physical micromechanisms are poorly understood because of the structural complexity of the interacting materials and the complex boundary conditions of their co-deformation. To unravel this complexity, we carried out interrupted tests and in situ electron microscopy cutting experiments with two micromechanical testing setups. We investigated the findings analytically and numerically, revealing that the spatial variation of lath martensite structure plays the key role leading to a mixed-mode II-III cracking phenomenon before appreciable wear.








Part  03  高分子材料领域英语文献


Hierarchically engineered nanostructures from compositionally anisotropic molecular building blocks


The inability to synthesize hierarchical structures with independently tailored nanoscale and mesoscale features limits the discovery of next-generation multifunctional materials. Here we present a predictable molecular self-assembly strategy to craft nanostructured materials with a variety of phase-in-phase hierarchical morphologies. The compositionally anisotropic building blocks employed in the assembly process are formed by multicomponent graft block copolymers containing sequence-defined side chains. The judicious design of various structural parameters in the graft block copolymers enables broadly tunable compositions, morphologies and lattice parameters across the nanoscale and mesoscale in the assembled structures. Our strategy introduces advanced design principles for the efficient creation of complex hierarchical structures and provides a facile synthetic platform to access nanomaterials with multiple precisely integrated functionalities.





 Part  04  无机非金属材料领域英语文献


Low thermal conductivity in a modular inorganic material with bonding anisotropy and mismatch


The thermal conductivity of crystalline materials cannot be arbitrarily low, as the intrinsic limit depends on the phonon dispersion. We used complementary strategies to suppress the contribution of the longitudinal and transverse phonons to heat transport in layered materials that contain different types of intrinsic chemical interfaces. BiOCl and Bi2O2Se encapsulate these design principles for longitudinal and transverse modes, respectively, and the bulk superlattice material Bi4O4SeCl2 combines these effects by ordering both interface types within its unit cell to reach an extremely low thermal conductivity of 0.1 watts per kelvin per meter at room temperature along its stacking direction. This value comes within a factor of four of the thermal conductivity of air. We demonstrated that chemical control of the spatial arrangement of distinct interfaces can synergically modify vibrational modes to minimize thermal conductivity.


晶体材料的热导率不能任意低,因为固有极限取决于声子色散。我们使用互补策略来抑制纵向和横向声子对包含不同类型的内在化学界面的层状材料中的热传输的贡献。BiOCl 和 Bi2O2Se 分别封装了纵向和横向模式的这些设计原则,块状超晶格材料 Bi4O4SeCl2 通过在其晶胞内对两种界面类型进行排序以在室温下达到 0.1 瓦/开尔文/米的极低热导率,从而结合了这些效应沿其堆叠方向。该值是空气导热系数的四分之一。我们证明了不同界面空间排列的化学控制可以协同改变振动模式以最小化热导率。

 Part  05  新能源材料领域英语文献


Surface reaction for efficient and stable inverted perovskite solar cells


Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) with an inverted structure (often referred to as the p–i–n architecture) are attractive for future commercialization owing to their easily scalable fabrication, reliable operation and compatibility with a wide range of perovskite-based tandem device architectures1,2. However, the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of p–i–n PSCs falls behind that of n–i–p (or normal) structure counterparts3,4,5,6. This large performance gap could undermine efforts to adopt p–i–n architectures, despite their other advantages. Given the remarkable advances in perovskite bulk materials optimization over the past decade, interface engineering has become the most important strategy to push PSC performance to its limit7,8. Here we report a reactive surface engineering approach based on a simple post-growth treatment of 3-(aminomethyl) pyridine (3-APy) on top of a perovskite thin film. First, the 3-APy molecule selectively reacts with surface formamidinium ions, reducing perovskite surface roughness and surface potential fluctuations associated with surface steps and terraces. Second, the reaction product on the perovskite surface decreases the formation energy of charged iodine vacancies, leading to effective n-type doping with a reduced work function in the surface region. With this reactive surface engineering, the resulting p–i–n PSCs obtained a PCE of over 25 per cent, along with retaining 87 per cent of the initial PCE after over 2,400 hours of 1-sun operation at about 55 degrees Celsius in air.


具有倒置结构(通常称为p-i-n结构)的过氧化物太阳能电池(PSCs)由于其易于扩展的制造、可靠的操作以及与广泛的过氧化物串联器件结构的兼容性,对未来的商业化具有吸引力。然而,p-i-n PSCs的功率转换效率(PCE)落后于n-i-p(或正常)结构的同类产品。尽管p-i-n架构具有其他优势,但这种巨大的性能差距可能会破坏采用这种架构的努力。鉴于过去十年中过氧化物块状材料优化的显著进展,界面工程已成为将PSC性能推向极限的最重要战略。在这里,我们报告了一种基于3-(氨基甲基)吡啶(3-APy)在过氧化物薄膜顶部的简单生长后处理的反应性表面工程方法。首先,3-APy分子选择性地与表面的甲酰胺离子反应,减少了包晶石的表面粗糙度和与表面台阶和梯田有关的表面电位波动。其次,过氧化物表面的反应产物降低了带电碘空位的形成能量,导致有效的n型掺杂,表面区域的功函数降低。通过这种反应性的表面工程,所产生的p-i-n PSCs获得了超过25%的PCE,同时在空气中约55摄氏度的条件下,经过2400小时的1次日照操作,保留了87%的初始PCE。



 Part  06  生物医用材料领域英语文献


Intracellular action potential recordings from cardiomyocytes by ultrafast pulsed laser irradiation of fuzzy graphene microelectrodes


Graphene with its unique electrical properties is a promising candidate for carbon-based biosensors such as microelectrodes and field effect transistors. Recently, graphene biosensors were successfully used for extracellular recording of action potentials in electrogenic cells; however, intracellular recordings remain beyond their current capabilities because of the lack of an efficient cell poration method. Here, we present a microelectrode platform consisting of out-of-plane grown three-dimensional fuzzy graphene (3DFG) that enables recording of intracellular cardiac action potentials with high signal-to-noise ratio. We exploit the generation of hot carriers by ultrafast pulsed laser for porating the cell membrane and creating an intimate contact between the 3DFG electrodes and the intracellular domain. This approach enables us to detect the effects of drugs on the action potential shape of human-derived cardiomyocytes. The 3DFG electrodes combined with laser poration may be used for all-carbon intracellular microelectrode arrays to allow monitoring of the cellular electrophysiological state.



