

  For foreign student Paper,logical structure is very important at this time if the article is to be in order!But why do you say that?First of all,we should realize that Paper must be unified in content and form.The content is the theme and material of the article,while the form refers to the logical structure and language expression;Although the content is important,the form is not passive.As the basic material for constructing Paper,students should pay attention to the basic laws of logic when writing,which run through all aspects of writing and the whole Paper.The small editor of this article will give you an in-depth analysis of how to write the paper for studying abroad.


  How to write a good academic paper


  In other words,academic paper is a typical dance with an iron chain.You can’t throw away the iron chain.Instead,learn to find the boundary of the iron chain,adapt to the constraints of the rules,and understand why there are such constraints.


  For example,no matter what specific topic is discussed in an academic article,you should follow the structure of abstract,text and reference;You can’t put the reference on the first page or the abstract on the last page,which is not in line with the rules.For another example,when writing research hypotheses,your hypotheses must be falsifiable,two or more variables must be discussed,and the relationship between variables must be described in accurate and standardized language.Therefore,students should pay attention to the following aspects in the writing process:the paper content should conform to the objective presentation,be analyzed with critical thinking,and be convincing;The argument is clear and the argumentation process is coherent and effective;The contents of the paper should be closely related,and the whole paper should form a unified whole.


  When many students first came into contact with academic paper,they followed the idea of Chinese writing,which may lead to some unsatisfactory writing results.


  The differences between English and Chinese thinking modes are mainly reflected in that the western traditional thinking emphasizes logical analysis,while the Chinese traditional thinking emphasizes intuitive understanding.The western thinking tradition pays attention to science,rationality,analysis and demonstration,so it is necessary to use logic to understand the essence and law of things in demonstration and deduction.


  At the same time,English emphasizes the exposure of forms and the integrity of forms.The greatest characteristics of English writing are the use of formality,the emphasis on the coordination of formal structures,the strict morphological changes in the choice of words and sentences,and the emphasis on the consistency of personal numerals in the use of words.Frequently used conjunctions in sentences,pay attention to form response.


  In addition,the Western way of thinking is usually linear.Therefore,writing articles is also used to getting straight to the point,starting with the theme sentence,and expanding the theme layer by layer to discuss.Therefore,most English paragraphs have topic sentences at the beginning of the paragraph.The topic sentence indicates the central meaning of the paragraph,and the rest of the paragraph is the supporting material for demonstrating the topic sentence.This paragraph arrangement can enable the teacher to grasp the central meaning of the paragraph in the shortest time,and can easily master the whole argument process.


  In addition,English texts often use conjunctions to achieve cohesion within paragraphs.Some students rarely use conjunctions in the process of English academic writing due to the influence of Chinese thinking,which leads to such problems as unnatural cohesion within the text and strong jumping thinking.We must work hard on the length and cohesion of sentences,and learn to use connectors to connect sentences reasonably.

  比如:however,furthermore,moreover,in addition to,also,similarly,as a result,for example,excluding,that is,incidentally,等等。同时,还要学会使用段落之间的关系衔接去分析段论关系,整体提升学术Paper篇章的连贯性。

  For example:hower,futhermore,more,in addition to,also,similarly,as a result,for example,excluding,that is,incidentally,etc.At the same time,we should also learn to use the relationship between paragraphs to analyze the relationship between paragraphs,so as to improve the coherence of academic Paper texts as a whole.



  第一步,Decoding the assignment task分析作业要求。通过分析作业要求尤其是题目,我们可以把回答问题的关键点找到。



  第四步是Drafting,前面一个阶段可被视为thinking writing阶段,接下来则是doing writing阶段。


  第五步是Critical thinking。在批判阶段,要开始审阅、编辑前面写好的文章内容。假设在没有过度思考的前提下写出了大量文字,现在该做的便是提出问题,并依答案精简写好的文章,使其更具条理及连贯性。此阶段可以尽可能的挑剔,大胆删去不相干的内容,使段落与段落间更加紧密。

  最后一步是Editing and proofreading,将考虑拿掉的文字先划上删除线,然后重新阅读不含删除线的文章内容,随后再确认是否正式删除划线部分文字.同时,还可以将删除的文字另存至一个新的档案中,开一个新的文件夹来保存在此次写作中没派上用场的文字和数据。在每次写作过程中,都会有许多未使用但却很重要的数据,当中甚至包含在文章撰写初期出现的、有价值的想法。在处理这些文字时请保持谨慎,写作学术Paper是为了清楚传达论点,而为了达成此目的,必须尽可能排除任何可能模糊文章焦点的内容。
