
摘  要





After the implementation of the “Internet +” strategy, the level of informatization in many industries has been greatly improved. However, the management of many industries is still carried out by manual management, which requires a lot of manpower in various positions to carry out a lot of repetitive work. , resulting in a lot of waste of human and material resources and low work efficiency; at the same time, it brings hidden dangers to the follow-up work. In addition, the existing movie recommendation system has a poor user experience and imperfect system flow, resulting in a relatively high utilization rate of the system. Low. The deployment and application of this collaborative filtering algorithm-based movie recommendation system will help the home page, personal center, user management, movie classification management, free movie management, paid movie management, movie order management, my movie management, movie forum, System management and other functions for management, which can simplify management procedures, reduce labor costs, improve business efficiency and work efficiency. In order to effectively promote the rational allocation and use of personalized intelligent movie recommendation resources, adapt to the management of modern personalized intelligent movie recommendation agencies It is urgent to develop a more comprehensive movie recommendation system based on collaborative filtering algorithm.

On the basis of fully studying the ssm framework, this topic adopts the B/S mode, uses Java as the development language, MyEclipse as the development tool, and MySQL as the data management platform. , Free Movie Management, Paid Movie Management, Movie Order Management, My Movie Management, Movie Forum, System Management and other functions.

Key words: collaborative filtering algorithm;Movie recommendation;Java;Internet +

目 录

1绪论 4

1.1课题背景 4

1.2系统实现的功能 4

1.3课题研究的意义 4

2系统相关技术介绍 5

2.1 Java介绍 5

2.2 SSM框架 6

2.3 Mysql数据库 6

2.4MySQL环境配置 6

2.5协同过滤算法简介 7

2.6B/S架构 7

3系统分析与设计 8

3.1可行性分析 8

3.2性能需求分析 9

3.3功能分析 9

4系统设计 11

4.1系统结构设计 11

4.2数据库设计 12

5系统实现 20

5.1系统功能模块 20

5.2管理员功能模块 22

6系统的调试和测试 26

7结论 27

参 考 文 献 28

致谢 28









  因此可以得出常用的协同过滤算法分为两种,基于用户的协同过滤算法(user-based collaboratIve filtering),以及基于物品的协同过滤算法(item-based collaborative filtering)。特点可以概括为“人以类聚,物以群分”,并据此进行预测和推荐。
