On the 26th day when I was brought here because of debts. I couldn’t communicate with the outside world and could only sleep all day. From time to time there will be strange roars outside. I need to get out of here! Otherwise I will be starved to death.
I was accidentally caught here and imprisoned. They wanted to conduct human experiments on me. But now there are monsters they made out. I would rather commit suicide than be eaten by these monsters.
The R&D team developed a toxic green gas to test the object. This gas is flammable and can cause biological mutations. Nowadays, this kind of gas is stored in large amounts in gas storage tanks, and we think this constitutes a big safety hazard.
研发团队(Research and development,缩写成R&D。)制造了一种绿色毒气来测试实验对象。这种气体具有可燃性,并会导致生物变异。现在,气体被大量存储在储气罐中,我们认为这会造成很大的安全隐患。
Researchers have developed a flammable and toxic gas, which has a stimulating effects on living things.