
                      Successful Animator Traits 







































           After observing the most successful people on our crews and the people who’ve struggled the most we’ve noticed there were common traits shared within both groups. Listed below are the approaches of both successful and struggling animators. Hopefully, they help guide you to greater success and steer you away from some mistakes. 


Successful Animator Traits 


  • Understanding that critique of their work is not a critique of them as a person
  • Take ownership of the work they are creating and realize their work has to serve the best interest of the film.
  • Always bring the best performance they can regardless of shot content. When given a lower level shot, they often plus and promote it to a higher level by bringing a unique take or idea to the performance.
  • View their Lead and Animation Supervisor as resources who can help improve their work and expedite approval.
  • When new to the production they tend to gather information through attending rounds/director review for their first week or referencing approved shots so they can quickly pick up the style. 
  • Attend the sequence launch / watch the launch video, check storyboards and always start with a clear idea of a shot’s purpose.
  • Generate ideas with their lead and others to add to their own ideas and realize the best idea wins. They know that whether it has been generated by themself or others, they get to take credit for executing the idea in shot.
  • Verbalizing or showing their intended ideas before working in Maya. They thumbnail, draw, annotate, or vid reference to share their ideas as it is often quicker than blocking it.
  • Check their work in context to avoid continuity errors as well allowing context to inform their ideas and choices. 
  • Create clean blocking with the least information needed to show their ideas and get performance buy off from the director.
  • Show early and show often. They don’t work long on a shot without knowing they are going in the right direction.
  • Move ahead with the director’s ideas as if they were their own when given changes.
  • Ask questions if they are unclear while in rounds/director review rather than waiting to ask the lead for his/her interpretation.
  • Remember and address all notes and annotations. apply that knowledge to future shots.
  • Check due dates and are mindful of bid days and the time they’ve spent on a shot.
  • Always stay busy while waiting for feedback or answers to questions.
  • Communicate concerns/problems rather than suffering silently or hoping someone finds a solution.
  • Maintains open communication with their Lead, Supervisor and coworkers.

Struggling Animator Traits


  • Fail to have clear ideas or purpose before starting shots.
  • Wait too long to show their ideas.
  • Become/stay angry or defensive when given a direction change rather than moving on and executing the new direction.
  • Hang on to and refuse to change their ideas when directed to do so.
  • Inch toward a note rather than addressing it fully.
  • Ask for better shots rather than proving themselves capable of doing shots requiring a higher level of performance.
  • View a shot’s quality level as fixed rather than attempting to elevate it through their animation.
  • View their Lead and Animation Supervisor impediments to their work and the director approving it.