DellEMC VPLEX Loca 初始化文档







service@Management:Server:~>sudo /opt/emc/VPlex/tools/ipconfig/ -n hostname



service@vplex01:~> vplexcli

Connected to 0.
Escape character is ‘^]’.
username: service password:




VPlexcli:/> management-server set-ip -i IP_address/netmask -g gateway eth3


VPlexcli:/> management-server set-ip -i IP_address/netmask -g gateway eth3 –-peer


VPlexcli:/> ll /management-server/ports/eth3

Name Value
——– ————-




VPlexcli:/> configuration connect-local-directors -f                                                                                   

Connected to Plex firmware director-1-1-A.

Connected to Plex firmware director-1-1-B.


VPlexcli:/> ll /engines/*/directors                                                                                                     



Name            Director   Cluster   Commissioned  Operational   Communication

————–  ID         ID        ————  Status        Status

————–  ———  ——–  ————  ————  ————–

director-1-1-A  -1         -1        false         ok            ok

director-1-1-B  -1         -1        false         ok            ok



VPlexcli:/> version –a

What Version
Product Version
SMSv2 D40.0.0.395.0
Mgmt Server Base D40.0.0.165
Mgmt Server Software D40.0.0.428
/engines/engine-1-1/directors/director-1-1-B 7.1.409.0.0
/engines/engine-1-1/directors/director-1-1-A 7.1.409.0.0
/engines/engine-1-2/directors/director-1-2-A 7.1.409.0.0
/engines/engine-1-2/directors/director-1-2-B 7.1.409.0.0





service@vplex01:~> VPlexPlatformHealthCheck

System Information


single engine(small config)system detected

Management Server IP Connectivity Check


IP interfaces : OK

IP Connectivity to Directors Check : OK

Local-com IB Connectivity Check


IB Director Connectivity Check : OK

Engine configuration Check


TLA property Check : OK

Management Server System Check


Process Check : OK

Check Partitions : OK

CPU Check : OK

Configuration Files Presence Check : OK

Director (engine-1-1 director 1A Health Check


running on a unconfigured system

Process Check: OK

CPU Check: OK

SSD /dev/sda Check: OK

RPM Check: OK

flashDir Check: OK

WWN Seed Check: OK

Health Check: OK

Hardware Module Check: OK

Director (engine-1-1 director 1B Health Check


running on a unconfigured system

Process Check: OK

CPU Check: OK

SSD /dev/sda Check: OK

RPM Check: OK

flashDir Check: OK

WWN Seed Check: OK

Health Check: OK

Hardware Module Check: OK

Platform Health Check Passed



configuration sync-time -f -i IP_address_of_remote_NTP_server


VPlexcli:/> configuration sync-time -f -i                                                                                 

Synchronize Time task completed.



VPlexcli:/> configuration system-setup


Verifying the pre-requisites for EZ-Setup…

Info: Able to contact director-1-1-A at

Info: Able to contact director-1-1-B at

Verification of the pre-requisites for EZ-Setup successful

Initializing CST…

CST initialization complete

  Welcome to the VPLEX EZ-Setup Wizard

  The Setup Wizard collects information about your configuration and uses it to set up

  your VPLEX implementation. Type exit at any prompt to stop. Your answers

  will be saved so you can restart the process if needed.

  Before starting, please read the VPLEX Installation and Setup Guide and the Release


  Continue? (yes/no) [yes]:        //输入yes或直接回车默认yes


Select a Configuration Option

  What would you like to configure?

  1.    Configure a VPLEX Local (single cluster).

  2.    Configure a VPLEX Metro (synchronous, 2 clusters).

  Select your configuration choice. (1-2): 1   //选择2,配置Local                                                                                  


  You have selected to configure the only cluster of a VPLEX Local. If you want to

  configure a VPLEX Metro, please select option 2

  Are you sure you want to configure a VPLEX Local? (yes/no): yes    //确定 配置LOCAL模式


  Customize Login Banner (Optional)

  This VPLEX cluster can be configured to display a customized login banner. To

  configure this, you need to provide the login banner text file.

  Or, you may choose not to configure the login banner at this time. You may configure

  it at any time, using ‘security set-login-banner’ VPLEX CLI command.

  Would you like to configure the login banner? (yes/no)  [no]:           //no,不配置横幅                                                             


  Configure Authentication Service Provider (Optional)

  You may select to use your existing LDAP or Active Directory as a directory service to

  authenticate VPLEX users. To configure this, you will need the authentication service

  provider server information, and the security information to map the users.

  Or, you may choose not to configure an authentication service provider at this time.

  You may configure an authentication service provider for authentication at any time,

  using VPLEX CLI commands.

  users? (yes/no) [no]:                     //no,不配置认证服务提供商                                                                                   

  Would you like to configure an authentication service provider to authenticate VPLEX

  Select EMC Notification Options

  By configuring EMC Event Notifications, EMC will be able to better serve you.

  [yes]: no               //no,不配置身份验证服务提供商


  Would you like to configure this cluster to send event notifications to EMC? (yes/no)  //事件通知发送给EMC


  Configure SNMP to Collect Performance Statistics

  The system can be configured to collect VPLEX performance statistics via the SNMP

  protocol. Statistics such as I/O operations and latencies as well as director memory

  statistics can be collected by issuing SNMP GET, GET-NEXT or GET-BULK messages to the

  SNMP agent. Additional details on the values collected can be found in the VPLEX

  Installation and Setup Guide.

  Before you get started you will need the community string for SNMP GET,GET-NEXT and

  GET-BULK messages. The default authorization level is read-only.

  Would you like to configure the cluster to run the SNMP Agent Service? (yes/no) [no]:         //no,不配置SNMP                                       


  Specify Certificate Configuration

  A Certificate Authority is needed to create a digital Host Certificate for the

  management server. For security reasons, this certificate must expire in 5 years or

  less. For more information, see the VPLEX Security Configuration Guide.

  A Host Certificate will be created to configure the web server. It also secures

  communication between management servers for VPLEX Geo configurations. For security

  reasons, this certificate must expire in 2 years or less. For more information, see

  the VPLEX Security configuration Guide.

  In addition to specifying certificate expirations, you will need to create certificate

  passphrases. These passphrases will be needed later in the setup process, so please

  make a note of it.


  Do you want to import host certificates? (yes/no). [no]:         //no,不导入证书,生成证书                                                            


  5 years (maximum is 5 years). [5]: 5           //5,确定CA证书最长年限                                                                                      

  How many years should the CA certificate remain valid before expiring? EMC recommends

  recommends 2 years (maximum is 2 years). [2]:       //2,确定主机证书最长年限,                                                                                 

  How many years should the host certificate remain valid before expiring? EMC


  Do you want to import web certificates? (yes/no). [no]:      //no,不导入web认证                                                                        


Certificates configuration information is saved.

  Review and Finish

  Review the configuration information below. If correct, enter yes (or simply

  accept the default and press Enter) to start the setup process. If the

  values are not correct, enter no to go back and make changes or to exit the


    Cluster Information

      This is the only cluster in a VPLEX Local.

    Login Banner Information

      The Login Banner will not be configured.

    Authentication Service Provider Information

      An Authentication Service Provider will not be configured on this cluster.

    Performance Statistics

      The performance statistics will not be configured.

    Security Certificate Information

      The Certificate Authority will expire in 5 years.

      The Host Certificate will expire in 2 years.

  Would you like to run the setup process now? (yes/no): yes                  //输入yes,确认配置                                                          


Checking if the default password is in use…

Changing password for user admin     //修改admin用户密码

Please enter the old password:      //输入admin用户旧密码:teS6nAX2                                                                                        

Please enter the new password:      //输入admin用户新密码                                                                                          

Please reenter the new password:     //再次输入admin用户新密码                                                                                            

Successfully completed password                  change for admin.     //成功修改admin用户密码

Changing password for user service    //修改service用户密码

Please enter the old password:         //输入service用户旧密码:Mi@Dim7T                                                                                       

Please enter the new password:         //输入service用户新密码                                                                                         

Please reenter the new password:       //再次输入service用户新密码                                                                                         

Successfully completed password                  change for service.    //成功修改service密码



     To ensure the highest levels of support, notify EMC support of any service password changes.


Setting up environment for certificate creation…

Certificate creation started

Directors are connected…        //开始创建证书


host cert and key certificate import paths were not provided.// 主机证书和密钥证书导入路径没有提供。

Default self-signed host certificates will be generated.// 将生成默认的自签名主机证书。

web cert and key certificate import paths were not provided.// 网站的证书和密钥证书导入路径没有提供。

Default self-signed web certificates will be generated.// 将生成默认的自签名Web证书。


 to configure a second cluster of a VPLEX Metro or Geo.

 Certificate Authority passphrase:             //为配置Metro预留的第二个集群配置认证权威秘钥    Mi@Dim7TD                                                                    

Re-enter the passphrase for the Certificate Authority Key:                                                                             

New CA certificate /etc/ipsec.d/cacerts/strongswanCert.pem created

New CA key /etc/ipsec.d/private/strongswanKey.pem created


his passphrase as you will need it later.

Host Certificate passphrase:                    //主机认证秘钥   Mi@Dim7TD                                           


New Host certificate request /etc/ipsec.d/reqs/hostCertReq.pem created

New Host certificate /etc/ipsec.d/certs/hostCert.pem created and signed by the CA Certificate /etc/ipsec.d/cacerts/strongswanCert.pem


 of this passphrase as you will need it later.

Web Host Certificate passphrase:               //web主机认证秘钥 Mi@Dim7TD                                         


New Host certificate request /etc/ipsec.d/reqs/webServerHostCertReq.pem created







SSL protocols enabled for Server: TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2,SSLv2Hello

SSL protocols enabled for Client: TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2

https keystore: /var/log/VPlex/cli/.keystore

started web server on ports {‘http’: 49880, ‘https’: 49881}


Local Configuration of certificates completed successfully  //已成功完成证书的本地配置

Validating that the Certificate Authority and the Host Certificates have been created… //验证已创建证书颁发机构和主机证书…

Certificate creation is completed successfully  //证书创建成功完成。


Setting up environment for EMA Adaptor Configuration…

Directors are connected

EMA adaptor configuration started…

Verifying that all the pre-conditions for configuring the EMA adaptor are satisfied…

Verifying that the EMA adaptor file is present.

Verifying that the Cluster TLA is set.

Verification of the pre-conditions for the run complete.

Configuring EMA adaptor…

EMA adaptor configuration is completed successfully


Setting up environment for Call Home Connection Configuration…

Notification configuration started.

Verifying that all the pre-conditions for configuring the notification connection(s) are satisfied.

Verifying that the Call Home configuration file is present.

Verification of the pre-conditions for the run complete.

Configuring notification connection records.

SYR data collection job scheduled

Configuring notification connection records is completed successfully.


setup : disconnecting from all directors

Disconnected from remote systems director-1-1-A, director-1-1-B.

Running the basic setup task

Verifying that the system is configured properly…

Connecting to all the directors and validating them…

Connected to Plex firmware director-1-1-A.

Connected to Plex firmware director-1-1-B.


Setting the cluster id on the directors and validating them…

Successfully updated ‘cluster-id’ for Director: director-1-1-A.

Successfully updated ‘cluster-id’ for Director: director-1-1-B.

Setting the director count and validating it…

Successfully updated ‘director-count’ for Director: director-1-1-A.

Successfully updated ‘director-count’ for Director: director-1-1-B.

Restarting GeoSynchrony software on all directors…

This may take a few moments…


For /engines/engine-1-1/directors/director-1-1-B:

Status    Description

——–  ———–


For /engines/engine-1-1/directors/director-1-1-A:

Status    Description

——–  ———–


Waiting for firmware to start…


Waiting for firmware run level to initialize…

Commissioning all the directors…

This may take a few moments…

Enabling COM and back-end ports…

Validating the health status of the directors…

This may take a few moments…

Setting the director product revision.

Basic setup task is completed successfully.


Running the UpdateCallHomePropertiesTask setup task

    Configuration Complete!


  The Setup Wizard has completed the automated portion of configuring your cluster. From

  this point, please follow the manual procedures defined in the Installation and Setup





VPlexcli:/> ll /engines/**/ports                                                                                                       



Name     Address             Role       Port Status

——-  ——————  ———  ———–

A-ETH02|            –          down

A0-FC00  0x0000000000000000  front-end  down

A0-FC01  0x0000000000000000  front-end  down

A0-FC02  0x0000000000000000  front-end  down

A0-FC03  0x0000000000000000  front-end  down

A1-FC00  0xc00144878fc70800  back-end   up

A1-FC01  0xc00144878fc70900  back-end   up

A1-FC02  0xc00144878fc70a00  back-end   up

A1-FC03  0xc00144878fc70b00  back-end   up

A3-IB00  0x604800000becb0    local-com  up

A3-IB01  0x604800000becb8    local-com  up


Name     Address             Role       Port Status

——-  ——————  ———  ———–

B-ETH02|            –          down

B0-FC00  0x0000000000000000  front-end  down

B0-FC01  0x0000000000000000  front-end  down

B0-FC02  0x0000000000000000  front-end  down

B0-FC03  0x0000000000000000  front-end  down

B1-FC00  0xc00144878fc78800  back-end   up

B1-FC01  0xc00144878fc78900  back-end   up

B1-FC02  0xc00144878fc78a00  back-end   up

B1-FC03  0xc00144878fc78b00  back-end   up

B3-IB00  0x604800000bf3d0    local-com  up

B3-IB01  0x604800000bf3d8    local-com  up










VPlexcli:/> configuration continue-system-setup


如果需要重置EZ安装程序,则通过执行configuration system-reset命令恢复它。


webserver stop
webserver start






VPlexcli:/> configuration show-meta-volume-candidates                                                                                   

Name                                      Capacity  Vendor    IO Status  Type         Array Name

—————————————-  ——–  ——–  ———  ———–  —————————

VPD83T3:600601606da038003409a6c74d27e811  100G      DGC       alive      traditional  EMC-CLARiiON-FCN00141100055

VPD83T3:600601606da03800b41233ed4d27e811  100G      DGC       alive      traditional  EMC-CLARiiON-FCN00141100055

VPD83T3:600601607c003500e008c9844e27e811  100G      DGC       alive      traditional  EMC-CLARiiON-CKM00132000216

VPD83T3:600601607c003500e6b3495d4e27e811  100G      DGC       alive      traditional  EMC-CLARiiON-CKM00132000216


VPlexcli:/> meta-volume create -n c1_MetaLUN -d VPD83T3:600601607c003500e6b3495d4e27e811,VPD83T3:600601606da038003409a6c74d27e811      

This may take a few minutes…

Meta-volume c1_MetaLUN is created at /clusters/cluster-1/system-volumes.  //元卷已创建



VPlexcli:/> ll /clusters/cluster-1/system-volumes/                                                                                      


Name        Volume Type  Operational  Health  Active  Ready  Geometry  Component  Block     Block  Capacity  Slots

———-  ———–  Status       State   ——  —–  ——–  Count      Count     Size   ——–  —–

———-  ———–  ———–  ——  ——  —–  ——–  ———  ——–  —–  ——–  —–

c1_MetaLUN  meta-volume  ok           ok      true    true   raid-1    2          26214144  4K     100G      64000


VPlexcli:/> cluster status                                                                                                      

Cluster cluster-1

          operational-status:            ok



          health-state:                    ok


          local-com:                        ok


VPlexcli:/> configuration metadata-backup

  Configuring Meta-data Backups

  To configure meta-data backups you will need to select two unclaimed volumes (78G or

  greater), preferably on two different arrays. Backups will occur automatically each

  day, at a time you specify. Please note: All times are UTC and are not based on the

  local time.

  Available Volumes for Meta-data Backup

Name                                      Capacity  Vendor    IO Status  Type         Array Name

—————————————-  ——–  ——–  ———  ———–  —————————

VPD83T3:600601600230410036b905632fe7e711  100G      DGC       alive      traditional  EMC-CLARiiON-CETV2162500035

VPD83T3:6006016038a03000449dda7630e7e711  100G      DGC       alive      traditional  EMC-CLARiiON-CKM00121200040


  What hour of the day (UTC) should the meta-data be backed up? (0..23): 23           //设置备份时间(小时)                                           

  What minute of the hour should the meta-data be backed up? (0..59): 30               //设置备份时间(分钟)                                          

  VPLEX is configured to back up meta-data every day at 23:30 (UTC).

  Would you like to change the time the meta-data is backed up? [no]:        //是否改变备份时间?                                                   

  You have chosen to configure the backup of the meta-data. Please note: All times are

  UTC and are not based on the local time.

  Review and Finish       //审核完成

  Review the configuration information below. If the values are correct, enter

  yes (or simply accept the default and press Enter) to start the

  setup process. If the values are not correct, enter no to go back and make

  changes or to exit the setup.

    Meta-data Backups

      Meta-data will be backed up every day at 23:30.

      The following volumes will be used for the backup


  Would you like to run the setup process now? [yes]: yes        //确定现在配置备份卷yes                                                               

Scheduling the backup of metadata…

Performing metadata backup (This will take a few minutes)

Successfully performed the initial backing up of metadata

Successfully scheduled the backing up of metadata

Successfully scheduled the metadata backup

The metadata backup has been successfully scheduled.      //配置完成


VPlexcli:/> configuration complete-system-setup

Initializing perpetual monitors on local directors.

This will take a few moments…



VPlexcli:/> configuration register-product

mail to send to EMC.

Attempting to determine the VPLEX Product Serial Number from the system.

Company Site ID Number (Optional) : 12345     //公司网站ID号(可选):                                                                                   

Company Name : TOYOTA       //公司名称                                                                                                    

Contact First Name : Zhang          //联系人名字                                                                                          

Contact Last Name : Yang         //联系人姓氏                                                                                               

Contact Email Address : [email protected]         //联系人电子邮箱                                                                       

Contact Phone Number : 888-555-1212                                                                                             

Company Street Address : Jintaixilu         //公司街道地址                                                                                    

Company City : Beijing               //公司城市                                                                                           

Company State or Province : Beijing           //公司省份                                                                                  

Company Zip or Postal Code : 01748            //公司邮编                                                                                   

Company Country : China           //公司国家                                                                                              

Which method will be used to send Event Notifications?

 Enter the number associated with your selection.

  1: ESRS

  2: Email

  3: None (Event Notifications are not configured)

Event Notifications using : 3      //选择哪种方式来发送通知                                           


Which method will be used for Remote Support?

 Enter the number associated with your selection.

  1: ESRS

  2: WebEx 

2      //选择哪种方式用来远程支持 


Please review your product registration information below.   //确认信息

VPLEX Product Serial Number : CKM00174001784

GeoSynchrony version :

Company Site ID # : 12345

Company Name : TOYOTA

First Name : Zhang

Last Name : Yang

Business Email Address : [email protected]

Business Phone Number : 888-555-1212

Business Address : Jintaixilu

City : Beijing

State/Province : Beijing

Zip/Postal Code : 01748

Country : China

Event Notifications Using : None (Event Notifications are not configured)

Remote Support Using : WebEx

Would you like to continue with these values? (Y/N): y          //确定以上信息                                                                


Attempting to call home the product registration

MC for you using an SMTP server of your choice.  Would you like to send this now?  (Y/N): n       //用SNMP吗?                               

To complete the registration process, this information must be sent to EMC.

om as soon as possible to complete your VPLEX registration.



VPlexcli:/> configuration enable-front-end-ports                                                                                 

Verifying if the FE Ports are enabled

Running the enableFEPortTask setup task

Verifying if the FE Ports are enabled

Enable FE Ports task completed.

The Front End Ports for this cluster are now enabled.   //前端端口已启用


VPlexcli:/> ll /engines/**/ports                                                                                                       



Name     Address             Role       Port Status

——-  ——————  ———  ———–

A-ETH02|            –          down

A0-FC00  0xc00144878fc70000  front-end  up

A0-FC01  0xc00144878fc70100  front-end  up

A0-FC02  0xc00144878fc70200  front-end  up

A0-FC03  0xc00144878fc70300  front-end  up

A1-FC00  0xc00144878fc70800  back-end   up

A1-FC01  0xc00144878fc70900  back-end   up

A1-FC02  0xc00144878fc70a00  back-end   up

A1-FC03  0xc00144878fc70b00  back-end   up

A3-IB00  0x604800000becb0    local-com  up

A3-IB01  0x604800000becb8    local-com  up




Name     Address             Role       Port Status

——-  ——————  ———  ———–

B-ETH02|            –          down

B0-FC00  0xc00144878fc78000  front-end  up

B0-FC01  0xc00144878fc78100  front-end  up

B0-FC02  0xc00144878fc78200  front-end  up

B0-FC03  0xc00144878fc78300  front-end  up

B1-FC00  0xc00144878fc78800  back-end   up

B1-FC01  0xc00144878fc78900  back-end   up

B1-FC02  0xc00144878fc78a00  back-end   up

B1-FC03  0xc00144878fc78b00  back-end   up

B3-IB00  0x604800000bf3d0    local-com  up

B3-IB01  0x604800000bf3d8    local-com  up
