全境封锁2 TU14 更新 说明文档 12月14日更新

周二维护后 官方推出最新版本 TU14 容量为4G几PC版

老规矩 英文原版+中文版 论讨 

本次更新版本仍然与之前 TU13.2一样都是以修复 和平衡游戏为主

连续启动之前全域活动 本周是全域曝光

Patch Notes


Winter Rewards


The end of year themed Hoarder is back in the Summit and the Open World. Killing them will drop the “Sleigher” weapon as well as the new “Chill Out” gear mask.

The Santa Hunter is back on the prowl in the Summit penthouse, killing them will drop the “Santa Mask”!.

冬季限时武器雪橇枪再次上线,新手特工可以试试 白区带圣诞毛那个npc击杀掉落

仍然是冬季活动 圣诞帽子

加入一个新具名 Chill Out口罩 是毒蜥品牌 属性 有一个项目 自带2个孔改造模组



出现机制跟白区Boss相同,每30分钟出一次,去到万一没看到 就等30分钟后再来即可


Bug Fixes


Performance & Stability


Fixed an issue where the game will crash on a regular basis when DirectX 12 is enabled on PC.

  • 修复了在 PC 上启用 DirectX 12 时游戏会定期崩溃的问题。

Talents & Skills


(Gear set rework) The “Striker’s Battlegear” will no longer lose stacks for missed shots. Stack loss per second has been increased to 2.

绿装 突袭者改版 去掉空枪会丢失伤害叠层

终于让这件绿装活过来拉 2021年底奇迹(感谢育碧工作室如此大礼)

Fixed and issue where the Technician Specialization ammo would get refilled when equipping the 4th piece of the “Tip of the Spear” gear set.


Fixed an issue where the “Outsider” Talent duration did not match it’s description.The in-game duration has been reduced to 10s, compared to 20s previously.

修复具名武器 局外人 从20秒改为10秒

Fixed an issue where “Adrenaline Rush” would be triggered by enemy’s skills and traps.

修复肾上腺天赋 会判断敌方技能也触发过量问题

Summit Balancing


Fixed an issue where the top floor of The Summit provided significantly more XP than intended (previously awarding more than 10 times the expected amount).

100层通关经验过多问题 (大家都懂得针对是啥我不用说了吧)




Audio & Narrative


The missing Echo from Camp White Oak and the Fay Lau Manhunt mission is added to “Mission Rewards”.

Fixed an issue where the introduction music would not play.


Text & Localisation


Fixed an issue where the Dark Hours Raid portrait was not showing the player’s names correctly.


Fixed an issue where right stick description in the German mentions “left” instead of “right”.


Fixed an issue where the Ubisoft Connect reward condition for the “Impromptu Weapon Skin” was incorrect in Japanese.

修复武器皮肤在Ubisoft Connec奖励条件不正常问题 日语版

Visual Glitches


Fixed an issue where players could remain stuck on background “Inspect Menu” when inspecting Weapon/ skill from a group member while being in a downed state.


Fixed an issue where players would experience brightness changing from very dark to very bright at certain angles in the final garage door at Space Administration HQ.


Fixed a stuck NPC’s in a spawn room whilst players would attempt a resource convoy mission at Judiciary Square (Bakery & Cafe).

修复资源护送任务 大约司法广场时候刷生不正常问题

Fixed a bunch of “WEIRD textures” & floating objects.


Fixed some floating graffiti of the word “Checkpoint” at Washington Circle NW.


Fixed floating trash at East Executive Ave NW.

修复暗区 East Executive Ave NW 的漂浮垃圾

Fixed an issue with flickering posters in the Botanic Garden.


Fixed an issue with a missing wall texture next to stairs on the house of the corner H St NW and 16th ST NW.

修复了 H St NW 和 16th ST NW 拐角处的房子楼梯旁边缺少墙壁纹理的问题。

Fixed a floating plant in Downtown West. 


Fixed an issue with flickering texture on ramp east of L’Enfant Promenade.

修复了 L’Enfant Promenade 以东坡道上闪烁的纹理问题

Level Design gaps


Fixed a gap present between the building and the ground in Downtown West.


Fixed a gap between the wall and the ground on the corner East Executive Ave NW and H street NW.

修复了 East Executive Ave NW 和 H Street NW 拐角处墙壁和地面之间的间隙。

Fixed a gap between the door and the ground at a building located near “National Bond Armory”.


For the upcoming month, Global events will be returning on a weekly basis, starting today with SHD Exposed Global Event!

本季度开始 会论者启动全域活动,本周是全域曝光
