



ABSTRACT:This player transfer management system is for the current players transfer management of the actual demand, from the actual work, the past players transfer management system problems are analyzed, improve the user experience. The use of computer system to manage information, instead of manual management mode, convenient inquiry, high accuracy of information, saving expenses, improve the efficiency of work.

This system combines the structure, concept, model, principle, method of the computer system, in the case of various advantages of the computer, using JAVA language, combined with the SpringBoot framework and Vue framework and MYSQL database design and implementation. This player transfer management system mainly includes individual center, user management, team management, team profile management, tournament highlights management, football tournament management, CSL tournament management and other modules. It helps players transfer management to achieve information, network, through the test, to achieve the system design objectives, compared with the traditional management mode, the system reasonable use of players transfer management data resources, effectively reduce the players transfer management economic input, greatly improve the efficiency of the players transfer management.

Key words: JAVA language; SpringBoot framework; Vue framework; Player transfer management


第1章 引言 1

1.1开发背景与意义 1

1.2研究目的 1

1.3国内外研究现状 2

1.4论文结构 2

第2章 主要技术 3

2.1 Java语言 3

2.2 SpringBoot框架 4

2.3  Vue框架 4

2.4  MySQL数据库 4

第3章 系统分析 5

3.1可行性分析 5

3.2业务流程分析 6

3.3需求分析 6

第4章 系统设计 8

4.1系统总体功能设计 8

4.1.1管理员模块 8

4.2数据库设计 10

4.2.1数据库设计概述 10

4.3.2概念设计 10

4.3.3表设计 11

第5章   系统实现 14

5.1登录模块的实现 14

5.2个人中心模块 14

5.3商品信息管理模块 15

5.4入库管理模块 16

5.5球队管理模块 17

5.6入库管理模块 18

5.7足球赛事管理理模块 19

第6章 程序测试 21

6.1测试的目的 21

6.2测试方法 21

6.3测试用例 21

6.3.1界面测试 21

6.3.2管理员登录测试 22

6.3.3球队添加测试 24

6.4测试结果 24

结论 26

致谢 27

参考文献 28





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