
Introduction to the Special Issue Translation Technology Teaching: Views and Visions


Youlan Tao Huashu Wang


College of Foreign Languages and Literatures,

Fudan University


Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation, Beijing Foreign Studies University北京外国语大学高级翻译学院

文献标识码: 10.1080/1750399X.2022.2101851


ABSTRACT:Since translation technology is playing an indispensable role in translation practice, how to teach translation technology has become one of the key topics in translation studies. This special issue focuses on views and visions of translation technology teaching (TTT), an increasingly important aspect of translation pedagogy. The first contribution is a bibliometric study of TTT publications both in English and Chinese, revealing the state of the art of TTT by presenting different research methods and focuses in different academic communities. Next, Sánchez Ramos demonstrates how machine translation and post-editing have been taught to improve the efficiency of public service interpreting and translation. Kodura describes an online course in translation technology on the basis of action research methodology. Lu Sha et al. examine the positive effects of anonymous online peer feedback in a computer-assisted translation (CAT) course. Finally, the last two empirical studies construct a Knowing-Acting Translation Curriculum (KATC) and a competence framework for interpreting technology, highlighting trainees’ technological competence. These six articles not only present ways to teach translation technology, but also underline the need of developing higher-order technological competence in the process of educating human translators with a global vision.

摘要:翻译技术在翻译实践中起着不可或缺的作用,如何教授翻译技术已成为翻译研究的关键主题之一。本期专栏主要关注翻译技术教学的观点和展望,共收录6篇文章。第一篇文章是针对国内外翻译技术教学研究成果进行的文献计量学对比分析,介绍了国内外学界不同的研究方法和研究重点,揭示出翻译技术教学的发展现状。接下来, Sánchez Ramos 展示了如何教授机器翻译译后编辑,以期提高公共服务口译和笔译的效率。Kodura介绍了一门基于行动研究法的在线翻译技术课程。沙璐等人考察了在线匿名同伴反馈在计算机辅助翻译课程中的积极作用。最后两项实证研究构建了“知行合一翻译课程”(KATC)和“口译技术能力框架”,突出了学生的技术能力。上述六篇文章不仅介绍了翻译技术的教学方法,而且强调了在培养具有全球视野的翻译人才过程中培养高层次技术能力的必要性。

KEY WORDS: Translation technology teaching; machine translation; interpreting technology; KATC; technological competence


Thanks to artificial intelligence (AI), translation technology has developed rapidly and exerted a significant impact on translator education and the translation industry. Translation technology has thus been included in university curricula, and some researchers have made valuable recommendations about teaching this subject (O’Brien 2002; Qian 2009; Bowker and Marshman 2010; Xu 2010; Cui 2012; Austermühl 2013; Pym 2013; Wang 2013; Wang and Liu 2022). However, teachers are increasingly faced with the challenge of teaching translation technology more effectively and integrating it into other translation courses.

在人工智能的推动下,翻译技术得到了迅速发展,并对译者教育和翻译行业产生了重大影响。因此,翻译技术被列入高校的课程之中,已有学者对这门学科的教学提出了宝贵建议(O’Brien 2002;Qian 2009;Bowker 和 Marshman 2010;徐彬 2010;崔启亮 2012;Austermühl 2013;Pym 2013;王华树 2013;王华树、刘世界 2022)。然而,如何能够更有效地教授翻译技术并将其融入其他翻译课程中,成为教师所面临的严峻挑战。

In order to address these issues, we have presented this special issue, focusing on views and visions of translation technology teaching (TTT). Scholars from China, Spain and Poland have conducted the six studies included in the special issue, illustrating the state of the art of TTT, effective teaching methodology, and the development of technological competence of student translators and interpreters.


Since translation technology was first introduced into the translation classroom in Dublin City University in 1996/1997 (Kenny 1999; O’Brien and Kenny 2001), it has received widespread attention from scholars and various aspects have been studied by researchers. Shaobin He, et al. conducted a bibliometric study of TTT-related papers published from 1999 to 2020, which were collected from two influential citation databases: Web of Science (WoS) and China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI). With the help of CiteSpace and VOSviewer, it is found that English-language publica- tions pay more attention to the teaching of MTPE and tend to use empirical methods; Chinese-language publications focus more on corpus-based TTT and tend to adopt non- empirical methods. Differences in research method and focus between the two publication communities call for more dialogue and cooperation.

自1996/1997年翻译技术首次被引入到都柏林城市大学的翻译课堂以来(Kenny 1999;O’Brien 和 Kenny 2001),翻译技术受到了学者们的普遍关注,研究者们对其进行了多方面的研究。何绍斌等人对国内外学界在1999至2020年间发表的翻译技术教学相关论文进行了文献计量学分对比析研究,囊括的论文分别来自Web of Science和中国知网两个重要的引文数据库。他们借助CiteSpace和VOSviewer研究发现,英文发表的研究更注重译后编辑(MTPE)的教学,倾向于使用实证性方法,而中文发表的研究更注重基于语料库的翻译技术教学,倾向于采用非实证性方法。两个出版体系在研究方法和研究重点上存在差异,有必要进行更多的对话和合作。

Translation technology is more about know-how than know-what. For this reason, how to teach translation technology is emphasised in different contexts across countries. María del Mar Sánchez Ramos finds that, in the migratory context, machine translation (MT) and post-editing (PE) have the potential to greatly increase the efficiency of public service interpreting and translation (PSIT). Her article describes and evaluates the implementation of a module on MT and PE within a postgraduate PSIT programme at a Spanish university utilising a mixed-methods methodology. The results show that students were generally satisfied with both the module’s content and its implementation although the author suggested the module should be better integrated into the programme in order to fully prepare students for their professional careers.

翻译技术学习不仅是“知其然”,更应该“知其所以然”。因此,如何在不同国家背景下教授翻译技术成为了重点研究话题。Sánchez Ramos通过研究发现,在移民场景中,机器翻译和译后编辑具有极大提高公共服务口笔译(PSIT)效率的潜力。Ramos运用混合研究的方法,描述和评价了西班牙某所大学的研究生公共服务口笔译项目中的机器翻译和译后编辑课程模块。结果表明,学生总体上对该模块的内容和实施过程感到满意,但作者建议该模块应更好地融入到研究生课程之中,以便让学生为其职业生涯做好充分的准备。

When classroom instruction is not available during crises, such as was the case during the Covid-19 pandemic, conducting an online course becomes a necessary alternative. Małgorzata Kodura describes her teaching experience of conducting an online course on translation technology, originally designed for classroom environment. Based on action research methodology, her paper examines the effectiveness of such a course offered in Poland and discusses the strengths and weaknesses of the course design. It finds that, although translation technology teaching calls for face-to-face presence and one-to-one guidance, it is also possible to teach via online technologies and equipment to meet the challenges of teaching without classrooms. The findings are applicable in other similar teaching contexts.

在新冠肺炎疫情期间,线下课堂指导不能正常实施,在线课程的开设就成为必要的替代选择。Małgorzata Kodura描述了她开设翻译技术线上课程的经历。Kodura以行动研究法为基础,考察了波兰开设这一课程的有效性,讨论了课程设计的优势和不足。研究发现,尽管翻译技术教学需要面对面和一对一的指导,但通过在线技术和设备进行相关教学也是可行的。该研究结果也适用于其他类似的教学情景。

In the process of teaching technology, how do we conduct peer evaluation? Lu Sha, et al. examine the effects of anonymous online peer feedback on students’ translation performance, feedback quality, and self-efficacy by studying a computer-assisted translation (CAT) course. The study indicates that anonymous online peer feedback is a practical way to improve translation performance as the anonymous group provides more cognitive and metacognitive feedback. In addition, students in the anonymous group feel more comfortable giving in-depth suggestions, and anonymity may improve students’ self-efficacy and learning satisfaction. The findings provide a reference for trainers in peer evaluation in translation technology teaching and training.


When teaching translation technology, we usually confront a ‘knowledge versus skills’ debate (O’Brien and Kenny 2001). How can we teach students to use translation technology flexibly and properly? He and Tao highlight the concept of translation technological thinking competence (TTTC) and propose the corresponding Knowing-Acting Translation Curriculum (KATC), which integrates knowledge-based design, problem-oriented learning, in-class interaction, and near-authentic translation projects. Their empirical study shows that the ultimate goal of translation technology teaching is to help students unify knowing and doing and become technological thinkers who can maximise the power of technology to act responsibly, professionally and technologically in translation contexts.

在翻译技术教学中,我们经常会遇到“知识与技能”的争论(O’Brien 和Kenny 2001)。怎样才能教会学生灵活恰当地运用翻译技术呢?何妍和陶友兰强调了翻译技术思维能力的概念,并提出知行合一理念的翻译课程(KATC)。该课程集基于知识的教学设计、以问题为导向的学习、课堂互动和模拟真实的翻译项目于一体。两位作者开展的实证研究表明,翻译技术教学的最终目标是帮助学生实现知行合一,成为具备技术思维的人才,最大限度地发挥技术的力量,在翻译语境中以负责任、专业的方式行事。

Interpreting technology, such as machine interpreting, telephone interpreting, and remote interpreting is changing the landscape of the interpreting industry. Based on a large-scale survey including 647 questionnaires and 10 interviews in China, Wang and Li identify the main types of interpreting technology and factors. Based on this identification, they advance a three-dimensional competence framework for interpreting technology, comprising the outermost layer (the main types of interpreting technology), the middle layer (awareness, learning, skills and knowledge), and the inner layer (the competence of the first two). The framework may guide interpreting teaching and training to enhance interpreter education with technology.


These six articles have highlighted ways to teach translation technology and the need to investigate translation technology teaching more comprehensively. They are also intended to spark discussions of this increasingly important aspect of translation pedagogy. We hope that more research will be devoted to translation technology teaching to empower humans to translate faster and better in a digital world. More empirical studies on TTT assessment, teachers, learners, and competence models are expected in the future.


In the era of AI and big data, when translation tools are rapidly multiplying and translation technologies keep being updated, translation technology teaching, therefore, needs to keep pace with the times. According to Wang and Liu (2022), pedagogy-oriented translation technology research can be conducted from both the industry and universities. In the future, translation technology teachers need to know more about translation technologies that are applied in the industry and use modern technology to improve the efficiency of translation technology teaching; student translators need to raise their awareness of technology learning, strengthen technological thinking and critical thinking, and improve translation technology literacy. Language service providers may develop more relevant technologies that can be applied to improve translation quality and efficiency. Hopefully, translation technology teaching will impart more wisdom about knowing and doing to trainees – in addition to various technologies, including technical writing (Tao and Xie 2019) – and will trigger more interactions in the ecological chain of language services.

在人工智能和大数据时代,翻译工具种类迅速增加,翻译技术不断迭代更新,翻译技术教学也需要与时俱进。王华树、刘世界(2022)认为,以教育学为导向的翻译技术研究可以从业界和高校两个层面开展。未来,翻译技术教师需要了解更多在业界应用的翻译技术,利用现代技术提升翻译技术教学效率;学生译者需要提高技术学习意识,强化技术思维和批判性思维,综合提升翻译技术素养。语言服务提供商可以开发更多可应用于提高翻译质量和效率的技术。我们希望翻译技术教学能向学习者传授更多知行合一的智慧,不仅仅局限于各类技术本身,还能囊括技术写作(陶友兰, 谢敏, 2019)。我们希望翻译技术教学研究能够引发更多语言服务生态链条相关各方的互动。


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