

arXiv:1409.1231 Jerusalem Lectures on Black Holes and Quantum Information

Lectures on Quantum Gravity and Black Holes by Thomas Hartman

arXiv:1609.04036 The Black Hole Information Problem

arXiv:1703.02143 The Black Hole information problem: past, present, and future

arXiv:1703.02140 Information Loss

arXiv:0909.1038 The information paradox: A pedagogical introduction

arXiv:gr-qc/9705006 The Statistical Mechanics of Black Hole Thermodynamics

arXiv:hep-th/9412131 Lectures On Black Hole Evaporation and Information Loss

arXiv:hep-th/9305040 Black Hole Information

arXiv:1307.0378 Pure state quantum statistical mechanics and black holes

Black holes: Thermodynamics, Information, and Firewalls by Robert B. Mann


Quantum information and quantum computation by Nielsen & Chuang

arXiv:1607.05256 The Complexity of Quantum States and Transformations: From Quantum Money to Black Holes

后island rule时代的综述与讲义

arXiv:2006.06872 The entropy of Hawking radiation

arXiv:2111.11945 Quantum Information Scrambling: From Holography to Quantum Simulators

arXiv:2110.14672 Quantum Computational Complexity — From Quantum Information to Black Holes and Back

arXiv:2110.14669 Holographic spacetime, black holes and quantum error correcting codes: A review

Lectures on black hole information and spacetime wormholes by Henry Maxfield

arXiv:2201.03096 Snowmass White Paper: Quantum Aspects of Black Holes and the Emergence of Spacetime

arXiv:2203.07117 Snowmass white paper: Quantum information in quantum field theory and quantum gravity

arXiv:2108.09188 Quantum Information in Holographic Duality

arXiv: 2012.05770 Lessons from the Information Paradox


S. Hawking, Breakdown of predictability in gravitational collapse, Phys. Rev. D 14 (1976) 2460 (霍金预言黑洞信息丢失)

arXiv:gr-qc/9305007 Average Entropy of a Subsystem

arXiv:hep-th/9306083 Information in Black Hole Radiation (著名的Page curve)

arXiv:1301.4995 Time Dependence of Hawking Radiation Entropy

arXiv:0708.4025 Black holes as mirrors: quantum information in random subsystems (著名的Hayden-Preskill protocol)

arXiv:0808.2096 Fast Scramblers

arXiv:hep-th/9308100 Gedanken Experiments involving Black Holes (黑洞互补性原理)

arXiv:hep-th/9306069 The Stretched Horizon and Black Hole Complementarity


arXiv:1207.3123 Black Holes: Complementarity or Firewalls?

arXiv:1304.6483 An Apologia for Firewalls

arXiv:1301.4504 Quantum Computation vs. Firewalls

arXiv:1005.3035 Building up spacetime with quantum entanglement (纠缠等于几何)

arXiv:1306.0533 Cool horizons for entangled black holes (ER=EPR)

arXiv:1307.1796 Evaporating Firewalls

arXiv:1310.6334 The Black Hole Interior in AdS/CFT and the Information Paradox

arXiv:1310.6335 State-Dependent Bulk-Boundary Maps and Black Hole Complementarity

island rule

arXiv:1905.08255 Entanglement Wedge Reconstruction and the Information Paradox

arXiv:1905.08762 The entropy of bulk quantum fields and the entanglement wedge of an evaporating black hole

arXiv:1908.10996 The Page curve of Hawking radiation from semiclassical geometry

arXiv:1911.12333 Replica Wormholes and the Entropy of Hawking Radiation

arXiv:1911.11977 Replica wormholes and the black hole interior
