
ANSYS Workbench is a workflow analysis platform, combining the strength of our core simulation tools with the tools necessary to manage your projects. To build an analysis, you add building blocks called systems to the main project workspace. These systems make up a flowchart-like diagram that represent the data flow through your project. Each system is a block of one or more components called cells, which represent the sequential steps necessary for the specific type of analysis. Once added, you can link them together to share or transfer data between systems.
From the cells, you can work with various ANSYS applications and analysis tasks; some of these open in tabs within the Workbench environment, while others open independently in their own windows.
ANSYS applications enable you to define analysis characteristics such as geometry dimensions, material properties, and boundary conditions as parameters. You can manage parameters at the project-level in the Workbench environment. To perform your analysis, work through the cells of each system in order—typically from top to bottom—defining inputs, specifying project parameters, running your simulation, and investigating the results.
Workbench enables you to easily investigate design alternatives. You can modify any part of an analysis or vary one or more parameters, and then automatically update the project to see the effect of the change on the simulation result.
    ANSYS Workbench是一个工作流分析平台,结合了我们的核心仿真工具和管理项目的必要工具。为了建立一个分析,你在主项目工作区添加称为系统的项目块。这些系统构成了一个类似于流程图的图表,代表了通过你的项目的数据流。每个系统都是由一个或多个称为单元格的组件组成的,这些单元格代表了特定类型的分析所需的顺序步骤。一旦加入,你可以把它们连接起来,在系统之间共享或传输数据。


ANSYS Workbench is a workflow analysis platform, combining the strength of our core simulation tools with the tools necessary to manage your projects. To build an analysis, you add building blocks called systems to the main project workspace. These systems make up a flowchart-like diagram that represent the data flow through your project. Each system is a block of one or more components called cells, which represent the sequential steps necessary for the specific type of analysis. Once added, you can link them together to share or transfer data between systems.
From the cells, you can work with various ANSYS applications and analysis tasks; some of these open in tabs within the Workbench environment, while others open independently in their own windows.
ANSYS applications enable you to define analysis characteristics such as geometry dimensions, material properties, and boundary conditions as parameters. You can manage parameters at the project-level in the Workbench environment. To perform your analysis, work through the cells of each system in order—typically from top to bottom—defining inputs, specifying project parameters, running your simulation, and investigating the results.
Workbench enables you to easily investigate design alternatives. You can modify any part of an analysis or vary one or more parameters, and then automatically update the project to see the effect of the change on the simulation result.

OverviewANSYS Workbench is a workflow analysis platform, combining the strength of our core simulation tools with the tools necessary to manage your projects. To build an analysis, you add building blocks called systems to the main project workspace. These systems make up a flowchart-like diagram that represent the data flow through your project. Each system is a block of one or more components called cells, which represent the sequential steps necessary for the specific type of analysis. Once added, you can link them together to share or transfer data between systems.From the cells, you can work with various ANSYS applications and analysis tasks; some of these open in tabs within the Workbench environment, while others open independently in their own windows.ANSYS applications enable you to define analysis characteristics such as geometry dimensions, material properties, and boundary conditions as parameters. You can manage parameters at the project-level in the Workbench environment. To perform your analysis, work through the cells of each system in order—typically from top to bottom—defining inputs, specifying project parameters, running your simulation, and investigating the results.Workbench enables you to easily investigate design alternatives. You can modify any part of an analysis or vary one or more parameters, and then automatically update the project to see the effect of the change on the simulation result.

    ANSYS Workbench是一个工作流分析平台,结合了我们的核心仿真工具和管理项目的必要工具。为了建立一个分析,你在主项目工作区添加称为系统的项目块。这些系统构成了一个类似于流程图的图表,代表了通过你的项目的数据流。每个系统都是由一个或多个称为单元格的组件组成的,这些单元格代表了特定类型的分析所需的顺序步骤。一旦加入,你可以把它们连接起来,在系统之间共享或传输数据。

概述    ANSYS Workbench是一个工作流分析平台,结合了我们的核心仿真工具和管理项目的必要工具。为了建立一个分析,你在主项目工作区添加称为系统的项目块。这些系统构成了一个类似于流程图的图表,代表了通过你的项目的数据流。每个系统都是由一个或多个称为单元格的组件组成的,这些单元格代表了特定类型的分析所需的顺序步骤。一旦加入,你可以把它们连接起来,在系统之间共享或传输数据。    从单元中,你可以使用各种ANSYS应用程序和分析任务;其中一些在Workbench环境中的标签中打开,而其他的则在它们自己的窗口中独立打开。    ANSYS应用程序使你能够定义分析特征,如几何尺寸、材料属性和边界条件等参数。你可以在Workbench环境中的项目层面上管理参数。为了执行你的分析,按顺序在每个系统的单元中工作–通常是从上到下–定义输入,指定项目参数,运行你的模拟,并调查结果。    Workbench使你能够轻松地研究设计方案。你可以修改分析的任何部分或改变一个或多个参数,然后自动更新项目,查看变化对仿真结果的影响。
