Coupled Field Harmonic
The Coupled Field Harmonic system determines the steady-state response of a structure and the surrounding fluid medium to loads and excitations that vary sinusoidally (harmonically) with time. The system supports 2D coupled and structural electric physics.
This system is configured in ANSYS Mechanical, using the Mechanical APDL solver to compute the solution.
  该系统在ANSYS Mechanical中配置,使用Mechanical APDL求解器来计算解决方案。
Coupled Field Modal
The Coupled Field Modal system models a structure and the surrounding the fluid medium to determine frequencies and standing wave patterns within a structure. The system supports 2D coupled and structural electric physics.
This system is configured in ANSYS Mechanical, using the Mechanical APDL solver to compute the solution.
  该系统在ANSYS Mechanical中配置,使用Mechanical APDL求解器来计算解决方案。
Coupled Field Static
The Coupled Field Static system determines the displacements, stresses, strains, and forces caused by loads that do not induce significant inertia and damping effects. Steady loading and response conditions are assumed. The loads and the responses are assumed to vary slowly with respect to time. The system supports 2D coupled and structural thermal physics.
Coupled Field Transient
The Coupled Field Transient system determines the time-varying displacements, strains, stresses, and forces as they respond to any transient loads. The system supports 2D coupled and structural thermal physics.
Eigenvalue Buckling
The Eigenvalue Buckling system predicts the theoretical buckling strength of an ideal elastic structure. This method corresponds to the textbook approach of elastic buckling analysis; for instance, an Eigenvalue Buckling analysis of a column matches the classical Euler solution. However, imperfections and nonlinearities prevent most real-world structures from achieving their theoretical elastic buckling strength. The Eignevalue Buckling analysis often yields quick but non-conservative results.
An Eigenvalue Buckling analysis must follow a prestressed static structural analysis. Follow the instructions in Static Structural to build a prestressed Static Structural system, and then complete the following instructions to build and link an Eigenvalue Buckling system.
特征值屈曲系统预测了理想弹性结构的理论屈曲强度。这种方法相当于教科书上的弹性屈曲分析方法;例如,对一个柱子的特征值屈曲分析与经典的欧拉解决方案相匹配。然而,不完善和非线性因素使大多数现实世界的结构无法实现其理论上的弹性屈曲强度。Eignevalue Buckling分析通常会产生快速但不保守的结果。

Coupled Field HarmonicThe Coupled Field Harmonic system determines the steady-state response of a structure and the surrounding fluid medium to loads and excitations that vary sinusoidally (harmonically) with time. The system supports 2D coupled and structural electric physics.This system is configured in ANSYS Mechanical, using the Mechanical APDL solver to compute the solution.

  该系统在ANSYS Mechanical中配置,使用Mechanical APDL求解器来计算解决方案。

耦合场谐波  耦合场谐波系统确定结构和周围流体介质对随时间变化的正弦(和谐)负荷和激励的稳态响应。该系统支持二维耦合和结构电气物理学。  该系统在ANSYS Mechanical中配置,使用Mechanical APDL求解器来计算解决方案。

Coupled Field Modal
The Coupled Field Modal system models a structure and the surrounding the fluid medium to determine frequencies and standing wave patterns within a structure. The system supports 2D coupled and structural electric physics.

Coupled Field ModalThe Coupled Field Modal system models a structure and the surrounding the fluid medium to determine frequencies and standing wave patterns within a structure. The system supports 2D coupled and structural electric physics.This system is configured in ANSYS Mechanical, using the Mechanical APDL solver to compute the solution.

  该系统在ANSYS Mechanical中配置,使用Mechanical APDL求解器来计算解决方案。

耦合场模态  耦合场模态系统对结构和周围的流体介质进行建模,以确定结构中的频率和驻波模式。该系统支持二维耦合和结构电气物理学。  该系统在ANSYS Mechanical中配置,使用Mechanical APDL求解器来计算解决方案。

Coupled Field Static
The Coupled Field Static system determines the displacements, stresses, strains, and forces caused by loads that do not induce significant inertia and damping effects. Steady loading and response conditions are assumed. The loads and the responses are assumed to vary slowly with respect to time. The system supports 2D coupled and structural thermal physics.
Coupled Field Transient
The Coupled Field Transient system determines the time-varying displacements, strains, stresses, and forces as they respond to any transient loads. The system supports 2D coupled and structural thermal physics.

Coupled Field StaticThe Coupled Field Static system determines the displacements, stresses, strains, and forces caused by loads that do not induce significant inertia and damping effects. Steady loading and response conditions are assumed. The loads and the responses are assumed to vary slowly with respect to time. The system supports 2D coupled and structural thermal physics.耦合场静力学耦合场静力系统确定由不引起显著惯性和阻尼效应的载荷引起的位移、应力、应变和力。假设有稳定的加载和响应条件。假设载荷和响应相对于时间缓慢变化。该系统支持二维耦合和结构热物理学。Coupled Field TransientThe Coupled Field Transient system determines the time-varying displacements, strains, stresses, and forces as they respond to any transient loads. The system supports 2D coupled and structural thermal physics.耦合场瞬态耦合场瞬态系统确定了时间变化的位移、应变、应力和力,因为它们对任何瞬态负载都有反应。该系统支持二维耦合和结构热物理学。

Eigenvalue Buckling
The Eigenvalue Buckling system predicts the theoretical buckling strength of an ideal elastic structure. This method corresponds to the textbook approach of elastic buckling analysis; for instance, an Eigenvalue Buckling analysis of a column matches the classical Euler solution. However, imperfections and nonlinearities prevent most real-world structures from achieving their theoretical elastic buckling strength. The Eignevalue Buckling analysis often yields quick but non-conservative results.
An Eigenvalue Buckling analysis must follow a prestressed static structural analysis. Follow the instructions in Static Structural to build a prestressed Static Structural system, and then complete the following instructions to build and link an Eigenvalue Buckling system.

Eigenvalue BucklingThe Eigenvalue Buckling system predicts the theoretical buckling strength of an ideal elastic structure. This method corresponds to the textbook approach of elastic buckling analysis; for instance, an Eigenvalue Buckling analysis of a column matches the classical Euler solution. However, imperfections and nonlinearities prevent most real-world structures from achieving their theoretical elastic buckling strength. The Eignevalue Buckling analysis often yields quick but non-conservative results.An Eigenvalue Buckling analysis must follow a prestressed static structural analysis. Follow the instructions in Static Structural to build a prestressed Static Structural system, and then complete the following instructions to build and link an Eigenvalue Buckling system.

特征值屈曲系统预测了理想弹性结构的理论屈曲强度。这种方法相当于教科书上的弹性屈曲分析方法;例如,对一个柱子的特征值屈曲分析与经典的欧拉解决方案相匹配。然而,不完善和非线性因素使大多数现实世界的结构无法实现其理论上的弹性屈曲强度。Eignevalue Buckling分析通常会产生快速但不保守的结果。

特征值屈曲特征值屈曲系统预测了理想弹性结构的理论屈曲强度。这种方法相当于教科书上的弹性屈曲分析方法;例如,对一个柱子的特征值屈曲分析与经典的欧拉解决方案相匹配。然而,不完善和非线性因素使大多数现实世界的结构无法实现其理论上的弹性屈曲强度。Eignevalue Buckling分析通常会产生快速但不保守的结果。特征值屈曲分析必须在预应力静态结构分析之后进行。按照静态结构中的说明建立一个预应力静态结构系统,然后完成以下说明来建立和连接一个特征值屈曲系统。
