
文献翻译带练23 tumor microenvironment (TME)&Metabolic competition

       The tumor microenvironment (TME) is a complex biological structure surrounding tumor cells and includes blood vessels, immune cells, fibroblasts(成纤维细胞), adipocytes(脂肪细胞), and extracellular matrix (ECM). These heterogeneous surrounding structures provide nutrients, metabolites, and signaling molecules to provide a cancer-friendly environment. The metabolic interplay between immune cells and cancer cells in the TME is a key feature not only for understanding tumor biology but also for discovering cancer cells’ vulnerability. As cancer immunotherapy to treat cancer patients and the use of metabolomics technologies become more and more common, the importance of the interplay between cancer cells and immune cells in the TME is emerging with respect to not only cell-to-cell interactions but also metabolic pathways. 


       In addition to nutrients and waste, insufficient tissue coverage and abnormal characteristics of tumor vasculature(血管系统) limit gas exchange and create regions of hypoxia. The hypoxic response leads to enhanced glycolytic activity of the tumor and additional lactate deposition. The buildup of lactate acidifies the tumor microenvironment, which influences how the immune system recognizes and responds to the tumor. Furthermore,nutrient limitation in the tumor microenvironment provides a context in which immune, stromal(基质), and cancer cells must compete for nutrients to carry out biosynthesis, bioenergetic, and effector activities. Immune cells tend to be less adapted for nutrient competition, and this is a principle mechanism regulating antitumor immunity. 


文献翻译带练24 Pyroptosis & anticancer therapy

       Chemotherapy drugs usually inhibit tumor cell growth through the apoptosis pathway. However, tumor cells become resistant to chemotherapy drugs by evading apoptosis. It is necessary to find new ways to inhibit tumor growth through other types of death. Pyroptosis is a recently identified inflammatory cell death that plays an important role in a variety of diseases, including cancer.Apoptosis is usually accompanied by cytoplasmic(胞浆) condensation,nuclear shrinkage, along with the formation of apoptotic bodies.The main feature of pyroptosis in eukaryotic(真核的) cells is rapid formation of 10~20 nm pores in the cell membrane. Subsequently, the cytoplasmic components are released into the extracellular environment, accompanied by nuclear condensation and cell swelling. The formation of these pores promotes the release of the inflammatory cytokines IL-1b and IL-18.

参考答案:化疗药物通常通过凋亡途径抑制肿瘤细胞生长。然而,肿瘤细胞通过逃避凋亡而对化疗药物产生耐药性。我们有必要找到通过其他细胞死亡(注:因为凋亡是细胞死亡的方式之一,这里虽然没写Cell death,但可以意译出来)方式抑制肿瘤生长的新方法。焦亡是一种新近发现的炎性细胞死亡,在包括癌症在内的多种疾病中起着重要作用。细胞凋亡通常伴有胞浆凝结、核收缩,并形成凋亡小体。真核细胞焦亡的主要特征是细胞膜上迅速形成10~20 nm的孔。随后,细胞质成分被释放到细胞外环境,伴随着核凝结和细胞肿胀。这些孔道的形成促进了炎症细胞因子白细胞介素-1b(IL-1b)和白细胞介素-18(IL-18)的释放。

       Recently,pyroptosis has gained a lot of attention, because it may provide possible beneficial effects on anticancer therapies. The process of pyroptosis activation involves the release of cellular contents inducting an inflammatory response and causing toxicity to adjacent healthy cells leading to further cell death. This cell death mechanism may not be the best for cancer treatment, once that inflammation may contribute to the development and progression of malignancies. However, perhaps the amount of inflammation causes by pyroptosis activation is not great enough to induce cancer progression.Remarkably, in terms of inflammation, the effect of pyroptosis is more influential than on cancer treatment, and the intrinsic link between pyroptosis and cancer has large space for exploration.

