
文献翻译带练25 Depressive disorder

       Depressive disorder is one of the major emerging psychiatric mood disorders, worldwide. It was reported that around 17% of people experience depression at least once in their lifetime.The symptoms and comorbidity of depression include social withdrawal, disturbed sleep, depressed mood (sadness), apathy, anxiety, changes in food consumption, psychomotor retardation, and memory deficits. Major depressive disorder is mainly characterized by consistently depressive mood, loss of pleasure, appetite pattern change, insomnia, behavior motor retardation, fatigue, and feelings of worthlessness for a minimum of 2‐week period.


       Experimental models for the study of depression. (A) Chronic mild stress. In this model, the mice are exposed to a series of low‐intensity stressors at unpredictable times for 9 weeks. (B) Chronic social stress. In this model, depression is induced over 10 days by directly exposing the experimental mouse to a larger and aggressive mouse for 5 minutes a day and then housing across a transparent barrier to sustain sensory contact. (C) Physical pain. A spared nerve injury is surgically inflicted, resulting in depressive behaviors due to persistent neuropathic pain. (D) Learned helplessness. The mouse is exposed to unpredictable and inescapable electric footshocks for two consecutive days, after which the mouse shows a defect in its escape behavior and depressive symptoms.


文献翻译带练26 Nonsteroid anti-inflammtory drugs(NSAIDs) 

       At present, NSAIDs are among the most popular over-the-counter drugs across the world, constituting 5% of all the prescribed medicines. Traditionally NSAIDs were classified on the basis of their chemical characteristics wherein most of the popular NSAIDs are categorized as major derivatives of salicylic acid, acetic acid, enolic acid, anthranilic acid or propionic acid. However, with the advancement of scientific knowledge the classification has also been shifted based on their selectivity for inhibiting cyclooxygenase/prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase (PGHS) enzymes which are the major targets of these drugs.


       Nonsteroid anti-inflammtory drugs(NSAIDs) such as aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen,and rofecoxib have,in one form or another, been used for many thousands of years for the reliefofinflammation and pain.However,NSAIDs can also produce a number of well-characterized side-effects.In particular, their use is linked to an increased risk of gastrointestinal adverse events, the most serious being obstructions, perforations, ulcers,and bleeds. NSAIDs owe their therapeutic benefits,as well as their side effects,to inhibition of the enzyme cyclooxygenase(COX).COX exists in two isoforms:COX-1and COX-2.In general terms,Cox-1 is the constitutive isoform present in many tissues associated with the production of prostanoids for physiological functions. whereasCOX-2 is the inducible isoform that appears at sites of inflammation and is associated with the production of prostanoids involved in inflammatory responses. 

