【文献翻译】Hybrid A*路径规划:Analytic Expansions

        本文为经典文献《Path Planning for Autonomous Vehicles in Unknown Semi-structured Environments》第二章节中“2.2. Analytic Expansions”内容的中文译文,并附有英文原文。所翻译内容结合了本人见解,欢迎指正。

2.2. 分步扩展

        前文所述的前向搜索方法使用了控制变量(前轮转角)的离散空间。这意味着该搜索方法不能搜索到目标状态的具体连续坐标值(搜索精度取决于A*栅格的分辨率)。为了解决搜索精度问题并进一步提高搜索速度,我们使用基于Reeds–Shepp模型(Reeds and Shepp 1990 [1])的分步扩展方法来加速搜索。在该方法中,通过使用车辆运动学模型(使用某一特定的控制变量)来扩展得到搜索树中的节点,每间隔一小段时间(取决于栅格精度)进行一次扩展。

        The forward search described above uses a discretized space of control actions (steering). This means that the search will never reach the exact continuous-coordinate goal state (the accuracy depends on the resolution of the grid in A*). To address this precision issue, and to further improve search speed, we augment the search with Analytic expansions based on the Reed–Shepp model (Reeds and Shepp 1990). In the search described above, a node in the tree is expanded by simulating a kinematic model of the car (using a particular control action) for a small period of time (corresponding to the resolution of the grid).


        In addition to children generated in such a way, for some nodes an additional child is generated by computing an optimal Reed–Shepp path from the current state to the goal (assuming an obstacle-free environment). The Reed–Shepp path is then checked for collisions against the current obstacle map, and the child node is only added to the tree if the path is collision-free. Despite the fact that Reed–Shepp expansions are done Analytically (i.e. in constant time), in our implementation they are slightly more expensive than the regular forward node expansions. Therefore, it might not be desirable to apply the Reed–Shepp expansion to every node (especially far from the goal, where most such paths are likely to go through obstacles). In our implementation we used a simple selection rule where the Reed–Shepp expansion is applied to one of every N nodes, where N decreases as a function of the cost-to-goal heuristic (leading to more frequent Analytic expansions as we get closer to the goal).


        A search tree with the Reed–Shepp expansion is shown in Figure 4. The search tree generated by the short incremental expansion of nodes is shown in the yellow-green color range, and the Reed–Shepp expansions is shown as the single purple line leading to the goal. We found that this Analytic extension of the search tree leads to significant benefits in both accuracy and planning time.


        The computational benefits of using the Reed–Shepp Analytic expansions highly depend on the density of obstacles in the environment. On one side of the spectrum are large obstacle-free environments, where Reed–Shepp expansions will find a solution in one step, whereas a forward search will scale with the size of the environment. On the other side of the spectrum are environments with high density of obstacles, where most Reed–Shepp expansions will result in collisions and will have to be pruned. However, we found that in typical driving scenarios this technique leads to noticeable gains in replanning speed. We discuss empirical results of the benefits in Section 5.


[1] Reeds, J. A. and Shepp, L. A. (1990). Optimal paths for a car that goes both forwards and backwards. Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 145(2): 367–393.
