
文献翻译带练01 总论







文献翻译带练02 bioavailability & intestinal first pass effect

       Orally administered drugs are generally absorbed by the small intestine and transported either to the lymphatic system or to the hepatic portal system. In general, lipid soluble drugs and vitamins are transported by the small intestine to the lymphatics, and water-soluble drugs are transported to the hepatic portal system. By avoiding the early hepatic first pass effect, the lymphatic transport system may increase drug bioavailability. In addition to its transport systems, the small intestine may affect drug bioavailability through drug uptake, intestinal first pass effect, recruitment of drugs by chylomicrons, formation and secretion of chylomicrons, and enterohepatic circulation. 


       Oral administration of drugs is considered the most convenient route for drug administration that leads to better therapy compliance. drugs must have specified physicochemical properties to be successful candidates for oral administration. The intestinal absorption process is a combination of several events that are governed byvarious factors. Several transport mechanisms are involved in drug absorption through enterocytes via active and/or passive processes . The transported molecules then undergo intestinal metabolism, which together with intestinal transport may affect the systemic availability of drugs. The fraction of the administered dose reaching the blood circulation is called bioavailability (F).


文献翻译带练03 P-GP & Multidrug resistance (MDR)

        Multidrug resistance (MDR) remains one of the major impediments for efficacious cancer chemotherapy. Increased efflux of multiple chemotherapeutic drugs by transmembrane ATP‐binding cassette (ABC) transporter superfamily is considered one of the primary causes for cancer MDR, in which the role of P‐glycoprotein (P‐gp/ABCB1) has been most well‐established. The clinical co‐administration of P‐gp drug efflux inhibitors, in combination with anticancer drugs which are P‐gp transport substrates, was considered to be a treatment modality to surmount MDR in anticancer therapy by blocking P‐gp‐mediated multidrug efflux. Extensive attempts have been carried out to screen for sets of nontoxic, selective, and efficacious P‐gp efflux inhibitors.


        P-glycoprotein, encoded by ATP-binding cassette transporters B1 gene (ABCB1), renders multidrug resistance (MDR) during cancer chemotherapy. Several synthetic small molecule inhibitors affect P-glycoprotein (P-gp) transport function in MDR tumor cells. However, inhibition of P-gp transport function adversely accumulates chemotherapeutic drugs in non-target normal tissues. Moreover, most small-molecule P-gp inhibitors failed in the clinical trials due to the low therapeutic window at the maximum tolerated dose. Therefore, downregulation of ABCB1-gene expression (P-gp) in tumor tissues seems to be a novel approach rather than inhibiting its transport function for the reversal of multidrug resistance (MDR). 

参考答案:P-糖蛋白由ATP结合盒式转运体B1基因(ABCB1)编码,在癌症化疗过程中产生多药耐药。几种合成的小分子抑制剂影响多药耐药的肿瘤细胞p -糖蛋白(P-gp)的转运功能。然而,P-gp转运功能的抑制会使化疗药物在非靶向的正常组织中急剧积累。此外,大多数小分子P-gp抑制剂在临床试验中失败,原因是最大耐受剂量的治疗窗较低。因此,下调肿瘤组织中ABCB1基因(P-gp)的表达,而不是抑制其转运功能,可能是逆转多药耐药(MDR)的一种新途径。

文献翻译带练04 P-GP & drug-drug interactions(DDIs)

        P-glycoprotein (P-GP) is an efflux transporter that influences the pharmacokinetics (PK) of various compounds. Assessing transporter induction in vitro is challenging and is not always predictive of in vivo effects, and hence there is a need to consider clinical drug–drug interactions studies; P-GP and cytochrome P450 (CYP450) enzymes are co-regulated via the pregnane xenobiotic receptor (PXR) and the constitutive androstane receptor (CAR). The magnitude of the decrease in substrate drug exposure by P-GP induction is generally less than that of CYP3A. Most P-GP inducers reduced total bioavailability with a minor impact on renal clearance, despite known expression of P-GP at the apical membrane of the kidney proximal tubules. 


        Recent US Food and drug Administration(FDA)draft guidance on pharmacokinetic drug-drug interactions(DDIs) has highlighted the clinical importance of ABC transporters B1 or P-glycoprotein (P-GP), hepatic organic anion-transporting polypeptide transporters and breast cancer resistant protein because of their broad substrate specificity and the potential to be involved in DDIs. This guidance has indicated that digoxin and fexofenadine are P-GP substrate drugs and has defined P-GP inhibitors as those that increase the AUC of digoxin by ≧1.25-fold in clinical DDI studies. However, when substrate drugs of both CYPs and P-GP are involved in DDIs, it remains that the mechanisms of DDIs will be quite ambiguous in assessing how much the CYPs and/or drug transporters partially contribute to DDIs.


文献翻译带练05 Plasma protein binding(PPB)

       Major drug-binding components in plasma are albumin (human serum albumin—HSA) , α-acid glycoprotein (AAG), lipoproteins (γ-globulin), and erythrocytes of which drug binding to albumin and AAG has been well studied and extensively published over the past several decades.Although HSA has eight binding sites, capable of binding to endogenous compounds as well as xenobiotics with varying affinities, two major sites of HSA are primarily involved in binding ligands and show a bias toward binding acidic drugs.AAG is an acute-phase protein, synthesized in the liver, shows preference to bind basic and neutral drugs, and whose levels could significantly change in disease/inflammation states. In certain disease states, although levels of AAG remained unchanged, yet its binding capacity was reduced.

参考答案:血浆中主要的药物结合成分是白蛋白(人血清白蛋白- hsa)、α-酸性糖蛋白(AAG)、脂蛋白(γ-球蛋白)和红细胞,在过去的几十年里,白蛋白和α-酸性糖蛋白与药物结合的研究已经广泛发表。虽然白蛋白有八个结合位点,能够结合内源性化合物和不同亲和力的外源性药物,但白蛋白的两个主要位点主要参与结合配体,并倾向于结合酸性药物。α-酸性糖蛋白是一种急性期蛋白,在肝脏中合成。

       A majority of drugs bind to certain sites on proteins in plasma at various extents to form drug–protein complex. only the unbound drug is able to distribute to the target site to elicit desired pharmacological effects, undesired adverse outcomes, and to be metabolized and eliminated.the unbound drug concentration in the plasma at steady state (Cup,ss) is considered a reasonable surrogate for the free concentration at target sites. It is known that DDIs associated with altered plasma protein binding because of displacement (dPB) can occur both in vitro and in vivo,with possible impacts on drug PK (unbound and/or total parameters) and intended pharmacodynamics (driven by changes in unbound drug concentrations).


文献翻译带练06 Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS)

       The Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS)  is not only a useful tool for obtaining waivers for in vivo bioequivalence studies but also for decision making in the discovery and early development of new drugs. It is because BCS is based on a scientific framework describing the three rate limiting steps in oral absorption. The three necessary steps for a drug to be absorbed are release of drug from dosage forms,maintenance of dissolved state throughout gastrointestinal(GI) track, and permeation of drug molecules through GI membrane into hepatic circulation. There is a fourth step, enterohepatic metabolism that influences the systemic availability as well as release of metabolites into the systemic circulation. 


       In December 2017, the U.S. Food and drug Administration (FDA) issued the Guidance for Industry; Waiver of In Vivo Bioavailability and Bioequivalence (BE) Studies for Immediate release Solid Oral Dosage Forms Based on a Biopharmaceutical Classification System(BCS). According to this guidance, to qualify for a BCS‐based biowaiver, the following criteria should be demonstrated for BCS Class III drug products:    a. The drug substance is highly soluble    b. The drug products (test and reference) are very rapidly dissolving (>85% in 15 min across a physiological pH range)    c. The test (T) product and reference listed drug (RLD) formulations are qualitatively the same and quantitatively very similar.

参考答案:2017年12月,美国食品药物管理局(FDA)发布了行业指南;放弃基于生物制药分类系统(BCS)的常释固体口服剂型的体内生物利用度和生物等效性研究。根据本指南,BCS III类药品应证明符合以下标准,才有资格获得基于BCS的生物豁免:a.原料药极易溶解;b.药品(受试品和参比品)溶解速度非常快(在生理pH范围内,15分钟内溶解超过85%);c.受试品和参比品的配方组成是质量相同,数量相似的。

文献翻译带练07 Cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes 

       Cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes are responsible for the biotransformation of drugs, xenobiotics, and endogenous substances. This enzymatic activity can be modulated by intrinsic and extrinsic factors, modifying the organism’s response to medications. Among the factors that are responsible for enzyme inhibition or induction is the release of proinflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin-1 (IL-1), IL-6, tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), and interferon-γ (IFN-γ), from macrophages, lymphocytes, and neutrophils. These cells are also present in the tumor microenvironment, participating in the development of cancer.Therefore, the inhibition or induction of CYP enzymes by proinflammatory cytokines in the tumor microenvironment can promote carcinogenesis and affect chemotherapy, resulting in adverse effects, toxicity, or therapeutic failure.

参考答案:细胞色素P450 (CYP)酶负责药物、外源性物质和内源性物质的生物转化(生物转化=代谢)。这类酶的活性可以被内在和外在因素调节,改变机体对药物的反应。从巨噬细胞,淋巴细胞和中性粒细胞中释放的促炎细胞因子,如白介素-1, 白介素-6,肿瘤坏死因子α 和干扰素-γ,是一种影响细胞色素P450 酶抑制或诱导的因素。癌症是一种以有利于细胞存活和增殖的细胞突变为特征的疾病,上述这些细胞也存在于肿瘤微环境中,参与了癌症的发展。因此,肿瘤微环境中促炎细胞因子对CYP酶的抑制或诱导可促进癌变并影响化疗,导致不良反应、毒性或治疗失败。

       Cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes inhibition, a principal mechanism for metabolism-based drug–drug interactions, usually involves competition with another drug for the same enzyme binding site. For example, desipramine metabolized by CYP2D6 is strongly inhibited by binding of fluoxetine to the same isoenzyme. Enzyme inhibition impairs the biotransformation or clearance of all clinically used drugs including several anticancer agents resulting in higher plasma levels of drugs that influence therapeutic outcome and increase the chances of ADRs. If the drug is a prodrug, then the effect is decreased. Thus, inhibition of CYPs may lead to the toxicity or lack of efficacy of a drug.

参考答案:细胞色素P450 (CYP)酶抑制是基于代谢的药物-药物相互作用的主要机制,通常涉及一种药与另一种药物竞争相同的酶结合位点。例如,去甲丙咪嗪由CYP2D6代谢,它的代谢可受到与同一同工酶结合的氟西汀的强烈抑制。酶抑制损害包括几种抗癌药物在内的所有临床使用药物的生物转化或清除,导致血浆药物水平升高,影响治疗结果并增加不良反应的机会。如果药物是前药,那么药效就会降低。因此,抑制CYPs可能会导致药物的毒性或疗效降低。

文献翻译带练08 bile acids metabolism & Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

       The synthesis of bile acids comprises the major part of cholesterol metabolism.  The insoluble cholesterol is converted to the water-soluble molecules-bile acids, which facilitate the dietary lipids and essential nutrients absorption in intestine in turn. In humans, the majority of cholesterol is hydroxylated by the rate-limiting enzyme cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase (CYP7A1), which is a microsomal oxidase and a member of the P450 enzyme family in liver.The intermediates are then converted to cholic acid (CA) by microsomal sterol 12α-hydroxylase (CYP8B1) and mitochondrial sterol 27-hydroxylase (CYP27A1). In the absence of CYP8B1, the intermediates are converted to chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA). 


       Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic, relapsing inflammatory disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, with increasing prevalence, and its pathogenesis remains unclear. Accumulating evidence suggested that gut microbiota and bile acids play pivotal roles in intestinal homeostasis and inflammation. Thus, the concentration of primary and conjugated bile acids is elevated in IBD. In turn, bile acids could modulate the microbial community. Gut dysbiosis and disturbed bile acids impair the gut barrier and immunity.Thus, the bile acid-gut microbiota axis is closely connected with IBD pathogenesis. Regulation of this axis may be a novel option for treating IBD.


