In recent years, questions of identity, individuality, and subject formation have been at the forefront of Byzantine studies. Scholarship on autobiographical writings, for instance, has demonstrated that the adoption of exemplary voices and roles can enable self-expression, and therefore that the individual and the normative are not necessarily opposite. Similarly, students of Byzantine theology have drawn attention to the discourse on personhood that developed in the course of the trinitarian and iconoclastic controversies, and allowed Byzantine thinkers to conceive of the human subject both in its autonomy and in its relation to others. The cumulative effect of these studies is to undermine the strict dichotomy between individual and type. Subject formation in Byzantium is no longer negatively defined by the absence of Renaissance individualism. It is understood instead as a process of self-definition through engagement with multiple, sometimes widely varying, models.
These advances urge a reconsideration of the category of portraiture in Byzantine culture. How did individual and type play out in the visual realm? What was the human face ontologically and epistemologically, and how did it disclose identity? How did various conceptual frameworks and contexts of use—theological, legal, or ritual—enable portraits to stand in for, rather than merely represent, their human referents? And how did other media of representation, including inscriptions, monograms, and seals, relate to physiognomic likenesses? In pursuing these questions, we hope to formulate a new model of the Byzantine portrait. Such a model will necessarily be dynamic, changing over time as artistic media and conceptions of the self change. By bringing together art historians and scholars of Byzantine literature and theology, we seek to foster dialogue across disciplinary boundaries. Furthermore, we hope to place Byzantine images and texts in relation to recent historical and theoretical work on portraiture, personhood, and representation in the wider premodern world.
本杰明·安德森(Benjamin Anderson)(康奈尔大学)
伊万·德尔皮奇(Ivan Drpić)(宾夕法尼亚大学)
康奈尔大学:本杰明·安德森(Benjamin Anderson),“The Empire’s Three Persons”《帝国三人》(君士坦丁九世、佐伊和狄奥多拉)
宾夕法尼亚大学:伊万·德尔皮奇(Ivan Drpić),“How to Portray a Serbian King”《如何塑造塞尔维亚国王的形象》
明斯特大学:迈克尔·格伦巴特(Michael Grünbart),“Physical Appearance and Literary Production as Aspects of Personal Identity in Byzantine Hagiography”《凝聚人格:字母组合作为个人表征的非模仿形式》
麦吉尔大学:塞西莉·J·希尔斯代尔(Cecily Hilsdale),“Imperial Donors: Portraiture and Gift-Giving”《帝国捐赠者:肖像画与赠礼》
塞浦路斯大学:马丁·希特伯格 (Martin Hinterberger),“Physical Appearance and Literary Production as Aspects of Personal Identity in Byzantine Hagiography”“拜占庭圣徒传记中作为个人身份方面的外貌和文学创作”
芝加哥大学:卡琳·克劳斯(Karin Krause),“Author Portraits in Byzantine Manuscripts”《拜占庭手稿中的作者肖像》
巴塞尔大学:阿登·库姆勒(Aden Kumler),《总结发言》
法国国家科学研究中心:斯塔夫罗斯·拉扎里斯(Stavros Lazaris),“Principles of Differentiation and Identity in Greek Scientific Manuscripts”《希腊科学手稿中的差异化和同一性原则》
希腊国家研究基金会:斯特拉蒂斯·帕帕约安努(Stratis Papaioannou),“The Literature of the Self in Byzantium”《拜占庭的自我文学》
爱丁堡大学:福泰尼·斯平古(Foteini Spingou),“Between Stone and Soul: Shaping Byzantine Personhood through Tomb Epigrams”《在石头与灵魂之间:通过墓志铭塑造拜占庭人格》
纽约大学:塞尔玛·K·托马斯(Thelma Thomas),“Book-men: Symbolic Portraits of Ascetics’ Lives in Late Antique Egypt”《书像:晚期古代埃及苦行僧生活的符号肖像》
圣母大学:亚亚历克西斯·托兰斯(Alexis Torrance),“The Ever-Depictable Individual, the Ever-Relative Image: Navigating Permanence and Transience in Byzantine Iconophile Thought”《 永远可鄙的个人,永远相对的形象:探索拜占庭偶像崇拜者思想中的永恒性与短暂性》
布林莫尔学院:艾丽西娅·M·沃克(Alicia Walker),“Distributed Personhood and the Byzantine Lead Seal”《分散的人格与拜占庭铅印》
可供目前在读的本科生和研究生参加的敦巴顿橡树园座谈会。申请截止日期为 2024 年 3 月 15 日。(有的翻译可能不到位,望海涵指正!)