In Song Dynasty, the sources of porcelains used in the Court were diversified. As porcelains began to play an eversignificant role for the monarchs and officials, in late Northern Song, kilns were built in the capital and workshops directly administrated by the government began to produce porcelains for the royals.
Such a change was of great significance as to some extent the Jingdezhen imperial kiln, which appeared in Ming and Qing dynasties, was modeled on official kilns of Song Dynasty. A series of favorable conditions during Emperor Huizong’s reign brought about official kilns, which in turn reflected the emperor’s taste and preferences.
这一变化具有重要意义, 明清时期出现的景德镇御器(窑)厂在某种程度上可以算是宋官窑模式的进一步发展。宋官窑出现于宋徽宗时期,必然源于若干契机。而与之相对应地,宋官窑也同时映射出了帝王的审美偏好。
①official kilns 官窑