China’s Hydropower Industry Development Status

Industry Overview

The hydropower industry is an important part of the energy sector, which generates electricity by using water resources. The core of this industry is to generate electricity by building hydropower plants, which use the potential and kinetic energy of water to drive turbines. Hydropower technology is a clean and renewable way of generating energy, which is of great significance for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and achieving energy security.


The hydropower industry includes a variety of hydropower projects of different sizes and types. According to the size, it mainly includes large, medium and small hydropower projects. Large hydropower projects usually have large reservoirs and dams, capable of generating large amounts of electricity, while small hydropower projects usually have smaller reservoirs and low installed capacity. In addition, there are special types of hydropower projects represented by pump storage plants, which can store electricity when demand is low and then release it when demand is high.


The operation of the hydropower industry is not limited to power generation. It also covers multiple fields related to water resources management, irrigation, water transportation, and ecological protection. Through rational planning and management, hydropower projects can effectively support the sustainable use of water resources and provide necessary hydropower services for agriculture, industry, and residential life.


In China, the development of the hydropower industry has a long history and rich experience and technology accumulation. The development and utilization of major rivers such as the Yangtze River and the Yellow River have laid a solid foundation for China’s hydropower development. The Chinese government also attaches great importance to the development of the hydropower industry as an important way to achieve energy structure optimization and low-carbon development.


The development of the hydropower industry also faces some challenges, including environmental impact, community relations and capital investment. In order to achieve sustainable development of the hydropower industry, continuous efforts and investments must be made in technological innovation, environmental protection and social responsibility.

Development History

The development of China’s hydropower industry shows the important transformation of China from initial exploration to technological maturity to international leadership. This journey can be divided into the following stages:


Before the founding of New China, China’s hydropower construction was in its infancy. The construction of the first hydropower station, Shilongba Hydropower Station, marked the beginning of China’s hydropower construction. This was not only a process of technology introduction and self-exploration, but also gave birth to China’s first team of hydropower workers, laying a talent foundation for subsequent hydropower development.


In the early days of the founding of New China, China’s hydropower builders gradually mastered the core technologies of high-concrete dams and large-scale power station construction. The successful construction of Xin’an River Hydropower Station and Liujiaxia Hydropower Station marks that China’s hydropower construction has entered a new stage, with independent design, self-made equipment and independent construction becoming possible, which lays the foundation for subsequent large-scale hydropower development.


After the reform and opening up, China’s hydropower industry began to explore new investment and construction models. The implementation of the reform of “allocating and changing loans” has gradually solved the bottleneck problem of construction funds. At the same time, the implementation of the company system has been promoted, the market pricing mechanism has been cultivated, and the hydropower development policy of “basin, cascade, rolling and comprehensive” has been proposed. Through foreign investment and the introduction of international advanced management experience and technology, the hydropower construction technology and equipment manufacturing capacity have been significantly improved, and the development of large pumped storage power stations has gradually started.


In the early 21st century, China formed a comprehensive blueprint for the development of hydropower bases in the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Through the power system reform of the State Council, the diversification of hydropower development market players was promoted, and the pace of hydropower construction was significantly accelerated. During this period, the construction of several hydropower bases such as the Jinsha River and the Lancang River made important contributions to the balanced development of the eastern and western regions of China.

Since 2013, China’s hydropower construction has entered a new stage of development. The construction of the “West-East Power Transmission” energy base in southeastern Tibet and the start of construction of hydropower stations such as Suwalong have provided strong support for the economic and social development of Tibet and other ethnic minority areas. At the same time, the reform of the institutional mechanism and electricity price formation mechanism of pumped storage power stations has triggered a new round of construction climax. On the international stage, the deepening of the “Belt and Road Initiative” hydropower international cooperation has gradually made China Hydropower a major force in promoting the development of hydropower in the world, demonstrating the international influence of China’s hydropower industry.

Development Status

China’s hydropower industry has maintained a steady development momentum in recent years and has become an important pillar of domestic power production. According to the statistics of China Electricity Union, as of the end of 2022, China’s total installed power generation capacity reached 2.564 billion kilowatts, of which hydropower installed capacity accounted for a large proportion, reaching 414 million kilowatts, an increase of 5.80% compared with the previous year. This shows the important position of hydropower in China’s energy structure. Its installed capacity is second only to thermal power and has become the second largest installed power type.


In the past ten years, the utilization hours of hydropower equipment in China have increased significantly, and the market consumption situation has also been continuously improved. With the steady growth of hydropower installed capacity and the continuous improvement of the utilization hours of hydropower equipment, hydropower generation has basically maintained a growth trend. Specifically, from 855.552 billion kWh of hydropower generation in 2012 to 1,202.0 billion kWh in 2022, showing an average annual compound growth rate of 3.14%. This growth rate shows that while maintaining stable development, China’s hydropower industry has also made positive contributions to meeting the growing domestic power demand and promoting the optimization and transformation of the energy structure.


At the same time, hydropower, as a clean and renewable energy source, is of great significance for China to achieve its goal of carbon neutrality. Its development not only helps to reduce dependence on traditional energy sources such as coal and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but also provides strong support for ensuring energy security, optimizing energy structure, and improving energy efficiency.


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Overview n.综述 概况 sector n.部分 (扇形) core n,核心 energy n.能量,能源   reservoir n.水库

significance n.重要性,意义  emissions n.排放物(尤指气)sustainable adj.可持续 dam 水坝

demand n.需求  agriculture n.农业 technology n.技术 optimization n.优化 innovation n.创新

多义词:plant n 植物,工厂,发电厂 Industry n.工业,行业产业  structure n.结构 capital资金/本


发电 generate electricity  水力发电厂Hydropower plant  势能 potencial energy 

动能 kinetic energy  温室气体 greenhouse gas  水资源管理 water resources management

经验丰富 rich experience  技术积累technology accumulation 长江Yangtze River

资金投入capital investment 国际领先 international leadership 起初探索 initial exploration

自主设计 independent design 改革开放 the reform and opening up

中国共产党第十三次全国代表大会 the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

implementation n.落实

pump storage plants n.抽水蓄能电站 irrigation n.灌溉 ecological protection n.生态保护

water transportation n.水上运输   low-carbon development低碳发展 turbin n.涡轮机


According to 根据  In addition 此外 In order 为了



Hydropower technology is a clean and renewable way of generating energy, which is of great significance for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and achieving energy security.


In order to achieve sustainable development of the hydropower industry, continuous efforts and investments must be made in technological innovation, environmental protection and social responsibility.


The hydropower industry includes a variety of hydropower projects of different sizes and types.


In China, the development of the hydropower industry has a long history and rich experience and technology accumulation.



