[史料]异戊硫巴比妥钠(硫戊巴比妥钠)原始文献(翻译:陈柏延)PMCID: PMC2208704

“Sodium thioethamyl”

sodium isoamylethylthiobarbiturate

The basal narcotic known as sodium thioethamyl was submitted by manufacturers(Messrs.Parke,Davis and Co.)to the joint Anaesthetics Section of the Research Council and the Anaethetics Section of the Royal Society of Medicine,through the Therapeutic Trials Committee of the Medical Research Council.

异戊硫巴比妥钠作为常用麻醉剂由派克戴維斯公司(Messrs.Parke,Davis and Co.)研发生产。英国医学研究学会治疗试验委员会(Therapeutic Trials Committee of the Medical Research Council)批准作为麻醉科研究委员会(Anaesthetics Section of the Research Council)和英国皇家医学会麻醉科(Anaethetics Section of the Royal Society of Medicine)的交接项目。

Composition and Prooerties 构成及药用价值

Sodium thioethamyl is the trade name for sodium isoamylethylthiobarbiturate.This preparation is therefore the sulphur homologue of sodium isoamylethylbarbiturate(sodium amytal).It is supplied as a yellow powder in 1.5 gramme glass capsules.

异戊硫巴比妥钠是异戊基-乙硫基-巴比妥类-钠的商品名。因而该制剂是异戊硫巴比妥钠(异戊巴比妥钠)的硫同系物。 一般制成黄色粉剂装在1.5克玻璃胶囊里。

The powder is readily soluble in water,giving off a gas smelling of sulphuretted hydrogen and yielding a clear straw-coloured solutions.


The recommended concentration is a 10 percent.solution,so that  15 c.cm. of distilled water are required for each ampoule of powder.


I found it better,however,to dissolve the contents of each ampoule in 20 c.cm.of distilled water:not only is this more convenient,but the resulting 7.5 persent.solution appeared to cause less depression of the respiratory and circulatory system.


Pharmacology 药理学

The pharmacology and toxicity of sodium thioethamyl have been investigated in America by Gruber(1937a,1937b),Gruhzit et al.(1937),and Burstein and Rovenstine(1938).It is concluded that the substance behaves in a very similar manner to the other well-known short-acting barbiturates,and that in cats the safety factor(ratio of minimal lethal dose to minimal anaesthetic dose)is 3.75 to 1.

对异戊硫巴比妥钠的药理及毒理学研究已由Gruber(1937a,1937b),Gruhzit研究组(1937),Burstein,Rovenstine(1938).完成。结论为该制剂的作用方式与其他同类常用短效巴比妥制剂非常类似,进行动物实验时,安全系数(最小致死剂量与最小麻醉剂量之比)为 3.75 比 1。

Administration in Man 禁忌事项

A freshly prepared 7.5 per cent.solution is injected intravenously in exactly the same way,and observing the same precautions,as in the case of evipan sodium and pentothal sodium.


About 100 administrations were given(by Dr.J.Hunter,Dr.C.Langton Hewer,and Dr.E.Landau),and it would appear that the effects are almost indistinguishable from those obtained with sodium ethyl[1-methylbutyl] thiobarbiturate(pentothal sodium).

(Dr.J.Hunter,Dr.C.Langton Hewer,and Dr.E.Landau)给出了100个禁忌事项,几乎完全与乙基钠[1-甲基丁酯]硫巴比妥〔酸〕盐(硫喷妥钠)一致。

in a view of the fact that similar results with sodium thioethamyl have already been recorded in America(by Cullen and Rovenstine,1938),it seemed unecessary to make a more extensive investigation or to prepare a more detailed report.


The conclusion was reached that,so far as our present knowledge extends,sodium thioethamyl is a useful drug,and can satisfactorily be used as a short-acting barbiturate by intravenous injection.Its greatest use is for basal narcosis immediately preceding general anaesthesia or as repeated doses.


Since the drug contains a sulphur atom in its molecule it should not be used on patient receving sulphanilamide preparations.This contraindication should be added to those already well known as applying to the short-acting barbiturates generally.


