
1.    严谨性

1. Rigor needs more in the presentation of language and language-related information, pay attention to reflect the rigor of EAP, not only the use of words, grammar, but also in the format as much as possible to meet the requirements of academic language, please read more task descriptions, understand the purpose of each task, and reflect on what academic abilities you have improved from it;


2. 归纳与抽象


2. Induction and abstraction

This is for the English language. In fact, if it is generalized to all language-related information, then induction generalization is undoubtedly of great help in condensing the expression of various academic languages, pointing directly to the central topic, and obtaining purpose information. In short, summarizing a topic in one word and making your intention clear to the person you’re communicating with is in most cases much harder than a hundred words. Regardless of the accuracy of the expression, the rigor involved in 1 should also be reflected in the induction. What is more challenging is to extract and present the original complex meanings, concepts, and topics in an easy-to-understand form after summarizing. The word abstract itself as a noun means abstract, not only the abstract of written articles (abstracts, papers, briefs, etc.), in daily communication, where language and thinking processes are involved, we are always completing the process of generalization, extraction, reorganization, abstraction. Inductive and abstract training is of great significance for cultivating EAP’s language ability.
3. 信息的筛选与提取)
要实现2中过程的目的,我们必须对繁杂的信息,通常是自己不熟悉的信息进行筛选、提取,目的是为了提纯,要能够从初级的信息原料中,萃取Extract出更精华的要素Essential Facts. 这些Facts既表示许多的事实Fact,也代表影响本人思维及判断的因素Factor. 本课重要的目的之一,就是要用EAP的训练,完成对初级信息的提取,并在筛选后完成2的过程。

3. Screening and extraction of information)
 To achieve the purpose of the process in 2, we must screen and extract complex information, usually unfamiliar information, in order to purify, to be able to extract more essential facts from primary information raw materials. These facts represent both many facts and factors that affect one’s thinking and judgment. One of the important purposes of this lesson is to use EAP training to complete the extraction of primary information and complete the process of screening 2.

4. 描述的客观性
注意,到今天上课的这个阶段,我们还不讨论“讨论”这个词,因为在讨论之前,我们先要为讨论寻找站得住脚的事实、依据、说法、佐证等。 之所以要先培养“客观”的意识,是为了在EAP的训练与提高中尽量减少主观的偏见的影响,做到对事、物、话题本身等对象尽量“公允”的描述。然而,我们必须承认,所谓的“议论”或“讨论”,是无法做到绝对客观的,因此“公允”也并非绝对客观的用词。只要是“人”与“人”的交流,就必定存在主观的感受与判断;哪怕交流者不想说服彼此,或不袒露自己的观点,将之埋藏于内心,也无法完全杜绝本人的“看法”对于彼此的影响。

4. Objectivity of description Note that at this stage of today’s class, we will not discuss the word “discussion”, because before discussion, we must first find tenable facts, evidence, statements, supporting evidence, etc. for the discussion. The reason why we must first cultivate the awareness of “objectivity” is to minimize the influence of subjective bias in the training and improvement of EAP, and to achieve as “fair” a “fair” description of objects, such as things, objects, and topics themselves. However, we must admit that the so-called “discussion” or “discussion” cannot be absolutely objective, so “fair” is not an absolutely objective word. As long as it is the communication between “people” and “people”, there must be subjective feelings and judgments; Even if the communicator does not want to convince each other, or does not reveal his or her own opinions, burying them in their hearts, they cannot completely eliminate the influence of their own “opinions” on each other.


我们应该尽量放下自己心中的立场,不带偏见的去看待事物或者问题,就可以做到客观We should try to put aside the position in our hearts and look at things or problems without prejudice, so that we can be objective

