NO.4 文博复试练习——英文文献翻译



Archeologically, compared to Europe, Africa, and the west Asian bridge that links them, eastern Asia is much more poorly known, but artifact types aside, the available information sugests no essential behavioral or ecological difference between contemporaneous east Asian and Acheulean populations. 

The famous “Peking Man” cave of Zhoukoudian Locality 1, northern China, dated to 600-400 ky ago,has provided numerous large mammal bones that were probably introduced by people, and they provide no reason to suppose the Locality 1 people hunted or scavenged less proficiently than their Acheulean contemporaries.

Locality 1 also contains what may be the oldest firm evidence for human mastery of fire.The claim is disputed, because chemical analysis has failed to identify mineral ash in the deposits,but burned bones are relatively common, and they cluster stratigraphically with quartzite artifacts。




①mammal bones:哺乳动物骨骼

②Peking Man:北京人

③scavenged:v.觅食 ; 捡破烂 ; 拾荒 ;

④quartzite n.石英岩

⑤artifacts n.工艺品,古器物。
