NO.1 文博复试练习——英文文献翻译


Ceramic vessel technology had two independent origins in the Old World: East Asia and subSaharan Africa. The earliest ceramics from Africa were probably used for boiling wild millet and sorghum, and a long tradition of ceramics used for cooking porridge and brewing millet/sorghum beer was developed. A typical ceramic form for beer brewing is the globular pot. In East Asia, the earliest ceramic vessels in the late Pleistocene and the early Holocene may have been used for cooking fish, shellfish, and wild plants, such as making porridge. In China, during the early Neolithic, globular pots (hu) became widely distributed, and some of them were used for making fermented beverages; therefore, making alcoholic beverages may have been a widespread practice then. During the middle Neolithic, two broadly defined regional ceramic traditions are observable. In the east, ceramic vessels show great varieties in form, represented by drinking vessels (e.g., gaobingbei goblets and gui pitchers). In the west, the Yangshao culture pottery vessels are rather simple in form, represented by jiandiping amphora. Some jiandiping were used for fermentation of beer, and served as drinking vessels for communal siphoning. The western- style communal drinking tradition, which emphasized group solidarity and alliance forming, disappeared after the Yangshao culture. On the other hand, the eastern-style individualized drinking tradition, which helped to elaborate personal status and establish social hierarchy, became a crucial part of the ritual tradition in China.


在旧大陆,陶器的起源独立发生在两个地区:非洲撒哈拉沙漠南部和东亚地区。非洲最早的陶器与利 用野生粟和高粱煮粥的生计方式有关。这种炊煮方式发展为酿造谷芽酒的传统,典型的酿酒器是鼓腹陶罐。在东亚地区,更新世晚期和全新世早期的陶器与利用水生动物和用野生植物煮粥有关。在中国,新石器早期小口鼓腹壶成为常见的器型,有些用来酿酒,说明此时利用谷物酿酒可能已是黄河及长江流域的普遍现象。新石器中期陶器分布可划为两大地区类型:东部地区器型复杂,以酒器居多,如鬶和高柄杯。西部地区的仰韶文化器型简单,代表性器物为尖底瓶。有些尖底瓶用来酿造谷芽酒,也是集体饮酒(咂酒)的容器。西部地区咂酒群饮代表了以集体为本位的文化传统,在仰韶文化之后消失。相反,东部地区使用高柄杯为饮器的 饮酒方式强调以个人为本位的社会关系,后来成为注重社会等级关系的中国礼制传统的重要组成部分。
