DDLC心跳文学部dlc(Fan Park)中PDF文档Disc 2 Song Info歌曲信息的中文翻译




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原文位置:Doki Doki Literature Club\DDLC Fan Pack\Doki Doki Literature Club OST

此文档为文件夹Disc 2中音乐的信息

DDLC Disc 2 Song Info  翻译 by晓空empty

 DDLC Disc 2 歌曲信息剧透警告

01. Trailer! 预告!

This is the track composed for the DDLC trailer. I created a rough sketch of how I felt it was sound, then commissioned composer Simon Felix to mix the final version. He’s much more musically knowledgeable and creative than I am!

 这是DDLC预告片的曲目。 我按着我的感觉创作了一个粗略的草稿,然后委托作曲家西蒙·菲利克斯(Simon Felix)混合了最终版本。 他比我更具音乐知识和创造力!

02. Okay, Everyone! (Sayori) 好了,各位!(纱世里)

注:游戏里在交换诗歌前莫妮卡都会说:“Okay everyone(好了,各位)!”

The version of the song you hear while reading Sayori’s poems in-game.


03. Okay, Everyone! (Natsuki) 好了,各位!(夏树)

The version of the song you hear while reading Natsuki’s poems in-game.


04. Okay, Everyone! (Yuri) 好了,各位!(尤里)

The version of the song you hear while reading Yuri’s poems in-game.


05. Okay, Everyone! (Monika) 好了,各位!(莫妮卡)

The version of the song you hear while reading Monika’s poems in-game.


06. Dreams Of Love and Literature (Early Sketch) 


This track is an early version of the poem minigame song. Doesn’t it sound pretty different from the final version? The main melody is more of an 8-bit sounding sample to match the percussion. That, plus the pizzicato strings, makes the song feel a little more gentle and whimsical. But after I decided to change the main melody sample, it inspired me to take off in a whole new direction with the song. Afterward, Dreams Of Love and Literature ended up becoming my favorite song on the OST – but this version has its own charm, too!

 这首歌是迷你诗歌游戏歌曲的早期版本。 是不是听起来与最终版本有很大的不同? 主旋律主要是一个8-bit的声音样本,以配合打击乐。 在此基础上再加入拨奏的弦乐,使这首歌更轻柔和而又有些怪诞。 但是当我决定更改主旋律样本后,这启发了我以这首歌为基础迈向一个全新的方向。 此后,《爱与文学之梦》最终成为我在OST(游戏原声音乐)上最喜欢的歌曲-但这个版本(应该是指这个早期版本)也有它独特的魅力!

07. Daijoubu! (Early Sketch) 没关系!(早期草稿)

This sketch is pretty close in composition to the final track, with just a few changed notes and added instruments in the final version. However, hearing this sketch gives you an idea of how important it is to balance and master tracks. Does the whole track sound kind of muddy and washed out? That’s what all the instruments sound like before you put them through an EQ and figure out which frequency bands to boost and lower. To make each instrument really stand out, you need to try to emphasize a different frequency range with each one – if they’re all in the midrange, then the track ends up sounding like this.

 该草稿的结构与最终曲目非常接近,最终版本仅是更改了一些音符并添加了些乐器。 但是,听完这个曲子可以让你认识到均衡和掌握曲目有多么重要。 整个曲子是否是否听起来有些浑并且声音像被水冲洗过? 这就是在将它们通过均衡器,找出要增强和降低的频段前所有乐器听起来的声音。 为了使每种乐器的声音真正出色,你需要尝试调节每种乐器各自不同的频率范围-如果它们都在中频范围内,则音轨最终听起来像这样。

08. Ohayou Sayori! (2010 ver.) 早上好 纱世里!(2010年版)

Surprise! I actually composed this song a whole 7-8 years ago. This is what the original track sounded like! Back then, I was really amateur in my production knowledge and even used some really bad software that was lacking in features (Dance eJay 7 – look it up, I dare you). Still, I had spent many hours on this composition, and I thought it would be fun to adapt it for use in DDLC. Just for kicks, I even reused one of the old samples from the original song (can you figure out which one it is?). The voice clips you hear are sampled from a YouTube video that went viral back in the day.

 惊喜! 实际上,我7-8年前就创作了这首歌。 这就是原始曲目的音色! 那时,我的作曲知识真的很业余,甚至使用了一些非常差并且功能极少的软件(Dance eJay 7一款制作音乐的软件-look it up,I dare you)。 尽管如此,我还是花了很多时间在这种合成上,并且我认为将其修改后用在DDLC中会很有趣。 只是为了好玩,我甚至重复使用了原始歌曲中的一个旧样本(你能找出是哪一个吗?)。 你听到的声音片段是从那时很流行的一个YouTube视频中采集的。

09. Dreams Of Love and Literature (8-bit ver.)


This version of the song was composed on a Game Boy using chiptune software LSDJ. I was having a ton of fun messing around with the software, and I decided to try designing this track! On Game Boy, all you have to work with is two “pulse” channels (square waves), an 8-bit waveform channel, and a white noise channel. So, it was a real challenge trying to get in all the instruments with reasonable accuracy. In the end, it was a lot of fun to make, and I figured it would be a waste not to include it in this album.

这个版本的音乐是使用Game Boy上的软件LSDJ创作的。 我在使用该软件的过程中获得了很多乐趣,并且我决定尝试设计该曲目! 在Game Boy上,您需要使用的只是两个“脉冲”通道(#方波),一个8位波形通道和一个白噪声通道。 因此,合理精确地使用所有工具是一个真正的挑战。 最后,创作的过程很有趣,而且我认为不将其加入到这张专辑中是一种浪费。 


10. Your Reality (No Vocals) 你的现实(无歌声只有伴奏)

注:以下中文歌词来自网易云音乐 Your Reality 中歌词 由liollzl翻译

Every day I imagine a future where I can be with you

每一天 我都想象着能和你在一起的未来

In my hand is a pen that will write a poem of me and you


The ink flows down into a dark puddle

墨泗流 汇作漆黑的深潭

Just move your hand  write the way into his heart!

尽挥洒 直到刻进他的心中!

But in this world of infinite choices

怎奈何 在这无限选择的世界上

What will it take just to find that special day?

应怎样 才能寻到那特殊的一天?

What will it take just to find that special day?

 应怎样 才能寻到那特殊的一天?

Have I found everybody a fun assignment to do today?


When you’re here, everything that we do is fun for them anyway


When I can’t even read my own feelings


What good are words when a smile says it all?

微笑足矣 又何必言语?

And if this world won’t write me an ending


What will it take just for me to have it all?


Does my pen only write bitter words for those who are dear to me?


Is it love if I take you, or is it love if I set you free?


The ink flows down into a dark puddle

墨滴落 如同黑色的泪水

How can I write love into reality?


If I can’t hear the sound of your heartbeat


What do you call love in your reality?


And in your reality, if I don’t know how to love you


I’ll leave you be


以上就是 Disc 2 Song Info 中的文本翻译内容,这大概花了我几个小时来做这件事,校对文本、改正语法错误这类事真的很麻烦,也很费时间和精力。从事翻译工作的人应该很辛苦吧。

另外,粉丝包中还包含了一个DDLC Concept Art Booklet(DDLC艺术概念设定集)内容是真的多,也很精彩,可能已经有人翻译过了,不过我想自己翻译一遍,这真的是一款非常好的游戏。


