








无需sv_cheats 1也能使用无限金钱、noclip穿墙等指令




保存你在当前地图中的使用过的投掷物记录,可使用.back forward这两个指令来复习





General commands


.setup 在屏幕上显示插件菜单

.prac 直接进入跑图模式并显示插件菜单

.help 显示帮助页面(实际要输入!help才有用)

.settings 打开客户端设置菜单

.exitprac 退出跑图模式

Saving grenade positions


.nades [filter] 显示已保存投掷物的菜单,如果filter为空则显示所有投掷物,filter可以是投掷物的ID、目录名称、玩家名字或投掷物的部分名称

.cats 按目录顺序显示所有的投掷物

.save <name> 将你目前的位置记录为投掷物点并命名

.goto <grenade id> 将你传送到某一玩家的已保存投掷物点(不指定玩家则到你自己的投掷物点)

.delete 删除你上一个用.goto .nades到达的投掷物点位

.find <text> ????在所有投掷物中根据关键词搜索特定投掷物

Modifying a saved grenade



以下指令只对你自己的投掷物有效,对你上一个保存的投掷物有效(包括这三个指令.save、 .nades、 .goto

.desc <description>为上一个投掷物添加描述

.rename <new name>为上一个投掷物重新命名

.addcat <category>为上一个投掷物添加目录

.removecat <category> 移除上一个投掷物的目录

.clearcats 移除上一个投掷物的所有目录

.copy <玩家名称> <投掷物id> 保存其他玩家的投掷物

.setdelay <延时时间> 为上一个投掷物设置延时触发,此命令仅在对目录使用.throw的场合生效

Testing grenades


.last 将你传送到上一个投掷物的点位

.back 根据投掷物历史记录把你传送到上一个点位,在这条指令后可加数字

.forward 根据投掷物历史记录把你传送到下一个点位

.flash 保存当前位置用于测试闪光弹效果。在待测试点使用此指令,然后去扔闪,你就会被立即传送到待测试点。用.stop指令可以取消此指令

.throw [关键词] 自动扔出所有符合关键词的投掷物,如果不填关键词默认扔出你上一个投掷物

.noflash 只有你不受闪光弹影响

Spawn commands


.respawn 让你在当前位置重生,用.stop指令取消

.spawn <number>将你传送到同阵营的指定出生点,此条指令后可指定位置序号,不指定位置的话默认最近的位置

.ctspawn <number> 同上,无视阵营将你传送到指定CT出生点,不指定位置的话默认最近的位置

.tspawn <number> 同上,无视阵营将你传送到指定T出生点,不指定位置的话默认最近的位置

.namespawn <name>命名并保存离你最近的出生点,此位置可以通过.spawn <name>传送使用

.bestspawn 将你传送至同阵营最近出生点

.worstspawn 将你传送至同阵营最远出生点

Bot commands


.bots      打开bot菜单

.bot 在你当前位置生成一个姿势一模一样的BOT.crouchbot 生成下蹲BOT

.ctbot, .tbot 同上,选择放置CT/T模型的BOT

.botplace    在准心位置生成BOT

.boost  直接在脚下生成一个BOT,将你抬高,即双架效果 .crouchboost生成的是下蹲的BOT

.swapbot    与最近的一个bot互换位置,被换的BOT复活时仍会回到原位

.movebot    将你上一个放置的BOT移动到你当前的位置

.nobot   移除准心上的BOT(.removebot .kickbot指令同效果)

.nobots 移除所有BOT(.clearbots  .removebots  .kickbots指令同效果)

.savebots    将当前所有BOT保存为文件

.loadbots     从文件中加载BOT

Miscellaneous commands


.timer    ⏲第一种计时器,输入指令后,在玩家开始移动时开始计时,玩家不动后停止计时

.timer2  ⏲第二种计时器,输入指令后马上开始计时,再次输入.timer2才停止计时

.countdown <duration>倒计时,在括号中输入时间,不输入的话默认用回合时间mp_roundtime的参数

.fastfoward ( .ff) 加速服务器时间一小会儿后恢复正常,在此期间人动不了,可用于烟雾的快速消失(使用前提:volume要小于0.01

.repeat <间隔> <命令使用例:.repeat 3 .throw 每三秒执行一次 .throw命令

.delay <延迟时间> <命令> 类似上条指令,在延迟时间过后才执行命令

.map 换地图,使用例:.map de_dust2,单用.map会列出可使用的地图名称

.dryrun .dry)测试运行 禁止大部分练习模式的设定,只保留无限金钱,会重启本回合并将冻结时间设为sm_practicemode_dry_run_freeze_time 的值(默认是 6 )

.enable <arg>: 开启指令功能,可填指令的部分名称,不填的话默认开启全部功能

.disable <arg>: 禁止指令功能,可填指令的部分名称,不填的话默认禁止全部功能

.savepos 暂时保存你当前的位置,让你可以用.back返回,此位置会被当作投掷物点处理

.god 无敌模式,需要控制台sv_cheats 1

.endround 结束本回合,需要控制台sv_cheats 1

.break 打碎大部分可击破的地图实体(func_breakable entities),比如窗户

.stop 停止当前执行的命令,比如.flash, .repeat, .timer 等命令

.spec 加入观察者

.t 加入T阵营

.ct 加入CT阵营

Bot replay commands



注:此功能仍在开发中,未能应用于大部分场景,安装dhooks extension后用这些指令会更好。使用这些命令可能会使游戏崩溃

.replays 打开回放模式菜单

.replay 打开回放模式菜单,或是你上个打开的回放/角色菜单

.namereplay 为你当前的回放起名

.namerole 为你当前扮演的角色起名

.finish 完成并保存当前的录制内容

.cancel 取消当前的回放/录制

.play <编号> [角色]: 演示对应编号的回放(全角色), 或只演示回放中的某一个角色





·         sm_practicemode_alphabetize_nades: 按字母顺序排列所有投掷物,而非ID顺序

·         sm_practicemode_share_all_nades:让所有玩家都能编辑投掷物,并隐藏创建者

·         sm_practicemode_autostart: 是否自动开启跑图模式

·         sm_practicemode_max_grenades_saved: 玩家用 .save能保存的最大投掷物数量

·         sm_infinite_money: 是否无限金钱

·         sm_allow_noclip: 允许.noclip指令

·         sm_grenade_trajectory_use_player_color: 投掷物轨迹颜色是否与cl_color同步

·         sm_practicemode_can_be_started: 能否启用跑图模式



  • Draws working grenade trajectories if sv_grenade_trajectory is on (since it doesn’t work on dedicated servers)

  • Adds new cvars to give extra practice settings (infinite money, noclip without needing sv_cheats enabled)

  • Can save users’ grenade locations/eye-angles with a name and description for them (grenade data is saved to a file on the server in the addons/sourcemod/data/practicemode/grenades directory)

  • Users can goto any players’ saved grenades to learn or revisit them

  • Displays a menu with toggle settings to set practice cvars defined in addons/sourcemod/configs/practicemode.cfg

  • Maintains your grenade history on the current map so you can use .back and .forward to see all spots you threw grenades from in the current session

  • Can replay grenade throws for testing, either in isolation or in the context of a full timed-execute


General commands

  • .setup displays the practicemode menu

  • .prac launches practice mode and displays the .setup menu

  • .help: displays this page

  • .settings: opens the client settings menu

  • .exitprac: exits practicemode

Saving grenade positions

  • .nades [filter]: displays a menu to select saved grenade positions. .nades with no argument shows all nades. filter can be any of: nade ids, category name, player name, or part of a grenade name

  • .cats: displays a menu of all saved grenades by category

  • .save <name>: saves your current position as a grenade spot with the given name

  • .goto <grenadeid>: teleports you to a player’s saved grenade (or your own if no player is named)

  • .delete: deletes the last grenade of yours that you used .goto (or .nades) to teleport to

  • .find <text>: searches all grenade names for a text match

Modifying a saved grenade

All of the following commands can only be used on your grenades. They will apply to the last saved grenade you went to, whether by .save, .nades, or .goto.

  • .desc <description>: adds a grenade description to your last grenade

  • .rename <new name>: renames your last grenade

  • .addcat <category> ...: adds a category to your last grenade

  • .removecat <category>: removes a category from your last grenade

  • .clearcats: removes all categories on your last grenade

  • .deletecat <category>: removes a category from all of your saved grenades

  • .copy <username> <grenadeid>: copies another user’s grenade and saves it for you

  • .setdelay <delay>: sets a delay on your last grenade. This is only used when using .throw against a category

Testing grenades

  • .last: teleports you back to where you threw your last grenade from

  • .back: teleports you back a position in your grenade history (you can also do .back 5 to go to the 5th grenade you threw, for example)

  • .forward: teleports you forward a position in your grenade history

  • .flash:  saves you position to test flashbangs against it. Use this command in a spot you want to try to blind, then move and throw the flashbang; you will be teleported back to the position and see how effective the flashbang is. Use .stop to cancel.

  • .throw [filter]: automatically throws all grenades matching the filter. With no filter, throws the last grenade you threw.

  • .noflash: makes it so no flashbangs will blind you (they still blind others)

Spawn commands

  • .respawn: makes you respawn at the spot you are standing (.stop to cancel)

  • .spawn <number>: teleports you to a spawn #, using your team’s spawns (CT or T). Closest spawn is used if no argument is given

  • .ctspawn <number>: same as .spawn, but using CT only regardless of what team you are on

  • .tspawn <number>: same as .spawn, but using T only regardless of what team you are on

  • .namespawn <name>: saves the closest spawn to you under a name, which can then be gone to via .spawn <name>

  • .bestspawn: teleports you to your team’s closest spawn from your current position

  • .worstspawn: teleports you to your team’s furthest spawn from your current position

Bot commands

  • .bots: opens the bot menu for easier access to most of the below commands

  • .bot: adds a bot where you’re standing (or crouching!); .crouchbot to force a crouching bot

  • .ctbot, .tbot: same as .bot, but forces the bot’s team to CT or T

  • .botplace: adds a bot at the point you’re looking at (similar to the bot_place command)

  • .boost: spawns a bot boosting you (crouch-boosting if you’re crouching); .crouchboost to force a crouching bot

  • .swapbot: swaps your position with the nearest bot (temporarily, the bot will respawn in the original spot still)

  • .movebot: moves the last bot you placed to your current position

  • .nobot: removes the bot you’re aiming at (can also use .kickbot or .removebot)

  • .nobots: clears all bots (.clearbots, .removebots, .kickbots also work)

  • .savebots: saves all current bots to a file

  • .loadbots: loads bots from the file (written by the last .savebots)

Miscellaneous commands

  • .timer: starts a timer when you start moving in any direction, and stops it when you stop moving, telling you the duration of time between starting/stopping

  • .timer2: starts a timer immediately and stops it when you type .timer2 again, telling you the duration of time

  • .countdown <duration>: starts a countdown timer for the duration specified (in seconds), defaulting to the round duration (the mp_roundtime cvar).

  • .fastfoward (or .ff): speeds up the server clock briefly so smokes dissipate quickly

  • .repeat <interval> <command>: give a number of seconds and a chat command, the command will automatically repeat at the given interval. For example: .repeat 3 .throw repeats .throw every 3 seconds

  • .delay <duration> <command>: runs the given chat command after a given duration (in seconds)

  • .map: changes map (you can use a map name like .map de_dust2 or just .map to get a menu)

  • .dryrun: disables most practicemode settings (leaving infinte money on), restarts the round, and sets freezetime to sm_practicemode_dry_run_freeze_time (default 6) – you can also use .dry

  • .enable <arg>: enables a partially-named setting, or “all” settings.

  • .disable <arg>: disables a partially-named setting, or “all” settings.

  • .savepos: temporarily saves a position so you can .back to it (this adds the position to the list of grenade positions you’ve thrown)

  • .god: toggles god mode (alias for the god command in console; requires sv_cheats to be on)

  • .endround: ends the round (alias for the endround command in console; requires sv_cheats to be on)

  • .break: breaks all func_breakable entities (most windows)

  • .stop: cancels a current action (this can stop many things: the .flash command, the .repeat command, and the .timer command)

  • .spec, .t, .ct: joins a team

Bot replay commands

Note: bot replay support is currently a work in progress. It’s not ready for general use yet. Installing the dhooks extension is also a good idea if you plan using these commands. Expect random crashes if you use these.

  • .replays: opens replay mode menu

  • .replay: opens the replay mode menu, or the last replay/role menu you had open

  • .namereplay: names the replay you’re currently working on

  • .namerole: names the role you’re currently working on

  • .finish: finishes and saves current recording

  • .cancel: cancels current replay/recording

  • .play <id> [role]: plays a replay id (all the roles), or a single role from a replay

Also see the notes for power users for more detail on using these commands effectively.


You can edit these in the file cfg/sourcemod/practicemode.cfg, which is autogenerated when the plugin first starts.

Note that this is not necessarily an exhaustive list; check cfg/sourcemod/practicemode.cfg for more cvars, or even consider checking the source code for a more up-to-date listing.

  • sm_practicemode_alphabetize_nades: displays grenades in alphabetical order instead of id order

  • sm_practicemode_share_all_nades: lets all users edit all nades, and hides who created them

  • sm_practicemode_autostart: whether to automatically start practicemode (NOTE: several users have reported FPS or crashing issues with this cvar, use with caution)

  • sm_practicemode_max_grenades_saved: max # of grenades a user can save via .save

  • sm_infinite_money: whether to give infinite money

  • sm_allow_noclip: whether the .noclip command is enabled

  • sm_grenade_trajectory_use_player_color: whether to use cl_color to get nade trajectory color

  • sm_practicemode_can_be_started: whether practicemode can be started
