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A comparative study conducted by Bowman and Jenkins (2011), on properties built within the last twenty years and older houses, clearly illustrated the financial and environmental benefits of investing time and money in improving home insulation. A recent survey (Thermascan, 2012) and video (Norman, 2012) underlined that as much as a third of the heat generated in homes is lost through the walls or the roof as a result of poor insulation.

鲍曼和詹金斯(Bowman和Jenkins, 2011年)对过去20年的建筑和更老的房屋进行了一项比较研究,清楚地说明了投资时间和金钱来改善家庭绝缘的经济和环境效益。最近的一项调查(Thermascan, 2012年)和视频(Norman, 2012年)强调,由于保温不良,房屋中产生的热量有三分之一通过墙壁或屋顶流失。

An article by Hallwood (2016) was fulsome in its praise of the work of organisations such as Tadea and the Energy Saving Trust in producing public information packs providing guidance on cavity wall and loft insulation.  Further studies show that the amount of energy needed to heat our homes can have an ever-increasing impact on both the environment and family finances (BBC, 2017;  Hampson and Carr, 2017;  Department of the Environment, 2018).  However, Kirkwood, Harper and Jones (2011, pp. 49–58) criticised the conflicting information regarding installation costs and the subsequent savings to be made.

Hallwood(2016)的一篇文章对Tadea和Energy Saving Trust等组织的工作进行了充分的赞扬,这些组织制作了关于空腔墙和阁楼绝缘的公共信息包,提供指导。进一步的研究表明,家庭取暖所需的能源数量对环境和家庭财务的影响越来越大(BBC, 2017;汉普森和卡尔,2017;环境部,2018)。然而,Kirkwood、Harper和Jones(2011年,第49-58页)批评了关于安装成本和随后的节约的相互矛盾的信息。

Energy companies have emphasised the benefits for customers to ‘supply their own energy with technologies such as solar panels and ground source heat pumps’ (British Gas, 2012, p. 8). However, the conflict between expensive sustainable energy and family economic constraints has been examined by Young (2012). What remains clear is that by finding ways in which we can significantly reduce our home running costs, we can simultaneously substantially reduce our carbon footprint (Strathearn, 2013).

能源公司一直强调“通过太阳能电池板和地源热泵等技术为客户提供自己的能源”的好处(英国天然气公司,2012年,第8页)。然而,Young(2012年)研究了昂贵的可持续能源与家庭经济约束之间的冲突。仍然清楚的是,通过找到我们可以显著降低家庭运营成本的方法,我们可以同时大幅减少我们的碳足迹(Strathearn, 2013年)。

所使用的数据,模型,案例,现有的研究成果,名人名言,一张来自网上的插图,这些都算是引用,都需要写进reference list。不写的话,查重率就蹭蹭蹭地涨上去了。


(格式较为简单,我个人比较喜欢)BBC (2017) Energy use and the environment. Available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/energy (Accessed: 18 August 2018).

(这一格式十分复杂,不推荐新手使用)Bowman, R. and Jenkins, S. (2011) ‘Financial and environmental issues and comparisons in new and old build properties’, in P. Harris (ed.) Studies on property improvements and environmental concerns in modern Britain. London: Pinbury, pp. 124–145.

British Gas (2012) A green light to save you more. Eastbourne: British Gas.

Department of the Environment (2018) Energy and the environment in Britain today. Available at: http://www.doe.gov.uk (Accessed: 18 August 2018).

(时代杂志要用斜体,单引号中的内容是指时代杂志中的一篇文章,这篇文章的题目不需要使用斜体)Hallwood, L. (2016) ‘The good work of sustainable energy organisations continues’, The Times, 20 June, pp. 20–21.

(格式较为复杂,不推荐新手使用)Hampson, P. and Carr, L. (2017) ‘The impact of rising energy use on the environment: a five-year study’, Journal of Energy and Environmental Issues, 53(5), pp. 214–231.

Kirkwood, L., Harper, S. and Jones, T. (2011) The DIY culture in Britain: costs for homes and the nation. Available at: http://www.amazon.co.uk/kindle-ebooks (Accessed: 18 August 2018).

Norman, L. (2012) Heat loss in houses. Available at: http://www.youtube.com/watchheatlosshouseclm (Accessed: 18 August 2018).

(这个格式我个人比较喜欢)Strathearn, G. (2013) Energy and environmental issues for the 21st century. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Thermascan (2012) A report into costs and benefits relating to heat loss in homes. Birmingham: Thermascan.
