
摘  要

网络的广泛应用给生活带来了十分的便利。所以把“课堂管理助手”移动应用开发与现在网络相结合,利用java技术建设“课堂管理助手”移动应用开发app,实现“课堂管理助手”移动应用开发的信息化。则对于进一步提高“课堂管理助手”移动应用开发管理发展, “课堂管理助手”移动应用开发经验能起到不少的促进作用。



关键字:“课堂管理助手”移动应用开发app  java  MySQL数据库


The wide application of network has brought great convenience to life. Therefore, the “classroom management assistant” mobile application development is combined with the current network, using Java technology to build the “Classroom management assistant” mobile application development app, to achieve the “classroom management assistant” mobile application development information. Therefore, it can further improve the development and management of “Classroom Management Assistant” mobile application, and the development experience of “Classroom Management Assistant” mobile application can play a lot of promoting role.

“Classroom Management Assistant” mobile application development app can be widely and comprehensively publicized through the Internet, so that as many users as possible understand and know “classroom management Assistant” mobile application development app is convenient and efficient, not only to provide services for the masses, but also to promote themselves, so that more people understand themselves. For the mobile application development of “Classroom Management Assistant”, if you have your own app, you can get better management through the system and improve the image.

The status and trend of the app design, from the requirements, structure, database and other aspects of the design to the implementation of the app, respectively for the front and back end implementation. The content of the paper shows the development process from the aspects of system design, description, implementation, analysis and testing. This app selects a feasible development scheme according to the actual situation, realizes all functions of the app with the help of Java programming language and MySQL database, and then tests the system to test whether there are loopholes in the system and test user permissions to improve the app, and finally the app meets relevant standards.

Keywords: classroom management assistant mobile application development app Java MySQL database

目  录

目  录 IV

第一章 概述 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2开发意义 1

1.3 研究现状 1

1.4 研究内容 2

第二章 开发技术介绍 1

2.1 系统开发平台 1

2.2 平台开发相关技术 1

2.2.1  Android技术 1

2.2.2  mysql数据库介绍 1

2.2.3  MySQL环境配置 2

2.2.4  B/S架构 3

2.2.5  SSM框架 3

第三章 系统分析 1

3.1 可行性分析 1

3.1.1 技术可行性 1

3.1.2 操作可行性 1

3.1.3经济可行性 1

3.2性能需求分析 1

3.3功能分析 2

第四章 系统设计 4

4.1功能结构 4

4.2 数据库设计 4

4.2.1 数据库E/R图 4

4.2.2 数据库表 5

第五章 系统功能实现 15

5.1  app端 15

5.2 后台 18

5.2.1 管理员 18

5.2.2 教师 24

第六章 系统测试 25

7总结与心得体会 26

7.1 总结 26

7.2 心得体会 26

致  谢 1

参考文献 2

















